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  1. hi - so is it a case of just waiting a little longer??! (i.e. round 1 to us) or do people think there is anyway for those of us that had our cases stayed on the 4th october to push our respective banks??!
  2. see you tomorrow jenny - i'm 30, 6ft with a beard - say hello if you spot me....
  3. so i just read the 29th August post and it seems like stays will be granted to the banks in october too??! very frustrating and a real clogging up of the courts system... who else is attending? would be good to have some moral support on the day - i'm going to to start preparing so as not to trip myself up - i've filled in all the forms and am a fairly confident public speaker so should be ok. those of you from august - what kind of issues were you asked to address??
  4. very naughty - that would be ace....to see the judge come down on them...
  5. I got a letter a few days ago from HSBC representatives stating that the case had been stayed. On ringing the mercantile court I found out this just not true and the case will go ahead (the lady said hsbc had been trying this tactic to confuse people and i guess make people get thrown our of court for not attending) I'm just heading out to hand deliver my Case Management Information Sheet - do i need to take any other information??
  6. i can't seem to find a telephone number that works for the admin office of the Leeds Mercantile court??! Does anyone have it please??! thanks.
  7. I just read the thread in full that calculator pointed me to - seems like the judge in leeds came down hard on those in the april hearing that didn't turn up in court!! Q - If i can't make the date allocated to me (which i'm still waiting to hear) do the wise people here think it's better for me to try and get another date or to simply notify the courts that i can't attend!!?? ??
  8. thanks calculator I'll wait until i get my date at the court and then see if i can make it....if not i'll contact the court and let them know! thanks for easing my mind on the likelyhood of (not) having to pay costs if i were to lose.......i'll see this through. my claim is for 2k so hopefully they'll be paying up soon!!! should pay the stamp duty on my new house! so - when's that date!!!!!!!
  9. p.s. - If i were to lose the case - can anyone advise if i would have to pay any additional costs......so far I have paid 120 to money claim online and i'm happy (relatively) to write this off but would feel gutted if i needed to pay anymore......??!
  10. hello everyone.....been a reader of the site in the past (thanks it's helped me no end!!). Today (26th May) I received notification that my claim has been transfered to the mercantile court in Leeds. (Judge Kaye QC). It freaked me out a little to begin with as i didn't understand what this meant, i've since read the posts here and feel a lot calmer..... Q - I guess I just wait until they allocate me a date and then fill in the information as required?!! Q - Also, is it an issue if i cannott attend the hearing??, I'm out of the country on business for pretty much all of july so it could be a problem. I'll keep everyone posted on when i get my date as i'm sure there will be other cases as well - I read on this board that they did something similair in leeds on the 26th april but 94 out of 99 cases were settled before the day so i'm keeping my fingers crossed. thanks.
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