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  1. This is the reply that I have sent;- I am writing in response to your letter dated 29th August 2006. The incident described occurred on 9th June 2006 and not 9th May 2006 as you have quoted. And yes I did telephone CIS in the 10th June 2006. I spoke to a very helpful lady who took all of the details, which were that on my return from Liverpool on the Friday teatime, I noticed a pool of water on the floor. I looked at the freezer and saw that there was no suction around the door seal and the sides and top of the freezer were warm. I checked the food, which was defrosting already, and then closed the door, put a chair against it to keep it in place and put it on fast-freeze. I then went out to my son’s presentation evening, (which is the only reason why we had returned from Liverpool) only to find when we returned that there was a serious problem. I was told to write a list of everything in the freezer and telephone her back with the list of food and the amount it had cost. This was done in the phone call on the 12th June 2006. It was in this telephone call that I asked what I should do with the food and I was told that I was not expected to keep it and it should be thrown away, especially as it was defrosting and we had no idea how long it had been like this, especially as we were at the time in the middle of a heat-wave and I had not been at the property for nearly a week. It was not at all by coincidence that Conversant’s report arrived in your office by email on the same day as my letter had arrived by post. I had spoken to Zaine Brookes the previous day to ask why it had taken 11 weeks since my original telephone call to your office and why had I not received anything in writing. I told Mr. Brookes that I did not appreciate the manner in which he was speaking to me and asked him to put everything in writing, as I would be making a formal complaint. And no, Mr. Brookes did not write to me as you have stated, and still I have not received a letter from him. As previously stated to Mr. Brookes I am paid my wages in cash and I pay cash for my purchases. Yes I do spend approximately £180 a week on shopping, I did not say that this was all frozen food and I did not state that I fill my freezer from empty each time I shop. If Mr. Brookes has filled in his report properly, he will have also stated that I was questioned as to why my freezer was still full a week after I had been shopping. I explained that I had been in Liverpool prior to this incident at a family funeral. I was noticeably upset at this stage but told that this questioning is normal procedure. I did tell Mr. Brookes that I have 2 other freezers, 1 which is in the top of my fridge and another that is a small chest freezer in my shed which contains large amounts of ice, ice-cream, boxes of lollies. The food in the damaged freezer was not moved as it had already started to de-frost. The freezer was not monitored whilst I was away as there was no one left in the house as I did also explain to Mr. Brookes. The freezer was moved from the house to the garden because I had a kitchen floor covered in water, a freezer with defrosting food in it is not hygienic at the best of times let alone 90 degrees in the heat. I telephoned CIS again to say that I had an impending inspection and was intending to move the freezer, as Ofsted would have made my garden out of bounds the governing body for childcare. It is classed as a dangerous item as a small child could get injured or maybe even shut in. I was told that it was all right to do this. I paid £40 for a van to take the freezer to my local dump, which does not give receipts. On further analysis I have been told that I would only get a receipt if I had taken it to a scrap dealer. I told Mr. Brookes that the freezer was over 3 years old and I did not have a receipt but I had contacted a repair center that had told me that it would not be worth my while to have the freezer repaired due to the cost of the repair and the age of the freezer. Mr. Brookes was told all of this information on two different occasions. I will be making a formal complaint to the Insurance Ombudsman.
  2. Thanks Bookworm, I will write back to them. There are a lot of discrepancies in their letter that I am not happy with either, so I will let you know how I get on.
  3. Hi all, Just to let you know that today I received a response from CIS as to the letter that was sent to them! It is 3 pages long and some of their facts are wrong (dates etc). The argument seems to be that as a childminder I should have receipts for all of my food and that I cannot supply bank statements/credit card vouchers or proof of cash withdrawles even though I explained that often I am paid cash. They have also stated that it is unusual for anyone to make cash purchases for food on this scale (£180 a wk). They have also stated that they estimate the contents of my freezer to be around £90, maybe 20% higher or lower but is far short of the £360 that I have claimed. They also said that making a reduced offer was based on a misunderstanding of procedure and this claim must be based on evidence. So my claim has been rejected. If they hear nothing from me within 8 weeks my complaint will be closed.
  4. Thanks Bookworm. They are quite intimidating but at least I got his name. Will keep you updated.
  5. I have just received a call fron Conversant Claims who are dealing with my claim before they pass their report back to CIS. The man told me that he does not believe the amount of food that was in my freezer and even if it was the largest freezer you can buy (8.5 cu ft) you would not even be able to get £400 worth of food in it! He said he believes CIS actually allow about £1000 for food in a freezer but this is totally out of the question for him. I had to give him the list of food again and said he does dispute my claim. I asked for him to put everything in writing that he has told me on the phone and he said he will be advising CIS to make a part payment offer.
  6. That is exactly how I feel and the longer it goes on the more angry im getting. And I still have to be polite if and when they ring me back. All I know is that they are certainly not rushing! I will be looking elsewhere after this.
  7. Thanks for all the info guys. The insurance company is CIS, I have since heard quite a lot of complaints about them. I will send the letter today and let you know how I get on. Thanks again.
  8. Hope this is the right place to post, please move around if its wrong. On 16th June my freezer decided to pack up and I made a claim with my home contents insurance for accidental damage. I gave all the details over the phone and was asked to add up all of the items and telephone them back with the info. I did this and was told that someone would contact me. They did, about 2 weeks later and I gave all the info again. The man asked loads of questions, including why do I pay for my food with cash, do I not think £300ish worth of food is a lot to have in a freezer, why do I not keep all of my receipts, why do I not have a receipt from the dump that the freezer was taken to and do I realise how much fraud goes on! He then told me he would get back to me. I have since heard nothing and phoned them last week and said I had no idea that it would take this long, he replied that he would get the info and call me back. He did, and said that my claim was being dealt with in date order and mine shoud come up in the next couple of weeks, at which point I would be given a list of options regarding my claim????????? He couldnt tell me what these option would be. Has anyone else had similar problems or have any advice as this seems a long drawn out process. Of course I am still paying my monthly insurance payment as I have done for the last 7 yrs and have only ever made one claim previously.
  9. Hi, can someone please help me!!! I have started the court process with the money claim site and now im getting stressed as I think ive made a cock up. On my statements I have been charged £30 for items that have been paid, even though not enough money was in the account. All of these items take me overdrawn by pence...............is it still ok to claim these charges back or is this considered ok by the banks as they have provided a service to me by paying it in the first place:confused: :confused:
  10. Thankyou. I will let you know how I get on!
  11. Hi, thanks for replying! On the Moneyclaim form I have to put in the amount that im claiming and a daily interest fee, but I dont know what that should be??? The daily fee, that is.
  12. Just wanted to say Hi as I havent posted for a while. I'm in the process of starting court action but having trouble filling in the claim form on the HMCS Money Claim website! If anyone can give me advice, it would be greatly appreciated. I sent the appropriate letters to Halifax who then offered me £120 in full and final settlement (charges were £923). So now i'm taking the next stage but im quite scared about making mistakes! Salixx38:-?
  13. HI, Ive just received my statements for the last 6 years and my charges amount to 923.00. My statements say "Charges as Notified" but they were all for going overdrawn. Am I right in thinking that I now send them the Request for Repayment of Charges, with no spreadsheet and await their reply? Sorry for sounding thick but im starting to get confused now! Thanks for any help.
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