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  1. thanks for the help this is the first letter i have got from them but they say they bought the debt on the 17/08/2006. Does it usally take this long for them to get in contact with you? I did change my address but i had the suit delivered to the new address and i had to call them out due to damage on one of the legs so they did have my new address thanks again claire
  2. i have just received a letter from this company saying that i owe £1243.38:o and the clients HFC have sold the debt to them. I have no idea what this is for the only thing i can think that it is for is a bought a 3 piece suit for £700 with buy now pay next year ( left £100 deposit) from courts in 2004 and then a few weeks later it went bankrupt i had no idea i went to pay a year later and it was shut i phoned 118 to get a number for them and they informed me all had shut and they had no number so i just left it at that. I thought they would get in contact when they wanted the money. Nearly three years later i get this letter but surly they cannot demand this huge amount without even asking for the original amount of money back first. It is double what i bought the suit for (they must have put a load of charges on it). I'm a bit worried i am in the process of getting a mortgage i don't want it to affect my credit score CAN SOMEONE PLEASE ADVICE ME should i ring HFC/ write a letter the lowell letter says that all contact should be made though them?
  3. sent my lba letter just over two weeks ago received a letter to say give us four week to look into the complaint. So sat down over weekended to get my moneyclaim ready but i went to the bank yesterday to see that i had £1090 more in my account than what i should have. I went in to get a statement to find it was put down on my statement as charges adjustments iv had no letter informing me. Has anyone else had this? What should i do now.
  4. iv sent my lba letter off 13 days ago and received a letter from Yorkshire to say give them 4 weeks to look into this ( i dont think so ). So tonight iv sat down to start my money claim but i was just wondering what address should i put down for Yorkshire iv been sending my letters to my local branch should i put down Yorkshire address in Glasgow or carry on with my local branch thanks in advance for any replies
  5. i sent my prelim letter in on tuesday and have just got a letter through today (thursday) with by the looks of it the usally response giving t&c and its up to me to look after my money etc. Am I correct in thinking i just wait for 14 days to past and then send my LBA letter and wait for a response from that. (has anyone else noticed that yorkshire have put their charges up to £25.00 again)
  6. iv just handed in my prem letter into yorkshire to return home to my statement i have gone over drawn by £5.00 so they have charged me £8.00 a day (three days) plus £20.00 overdraft fee when asked why they didnt let me know they said that policy is not to inform customers for four days that they are overdrawn so in the mean time they are claiming £8.00 a day. Im fuming, i didnt notice because my wages had gone in on the fourth day and i just withdrew what i needed and didnt realise they had took another £44.00 from me for going £5.00 overdrawn can i put in another prem lettter for £44.00?
  7. im just about to send my first letter off to the yorkshire asking for my money back and was wonder can i claim from when i asked for my statements or do i have to date back from 6 years from todays date
  8. Added all the statments up last night and the GRAND total came to £2199 :o so on the site i came to prepare the first letter to yorkshire carnt wait for their reply. but just a quick question what are a schedule of charges looked all over faq but just carnt find what it means i dont want to send off the wrong thing to the bank feel really stupid for asking
  9. hi everyone i sent off my huddys Data Protection Act just two weeks ago to yorkshire bank i thought we would have to wait ages to recive the statments but today we recived them iv been up since five this mornging with my twins and just as i was considering putting matches in my eyes to stay awake :o the post came iv only looked at 5 months of charges its already at £200 these are better than any caffine intake to wake you up in the morning. Carn't wait to put the kids to bed tonight to start adding them all up. will keep you updated on progress8)
  10. thanks for that sending the letter tmoz just wanted to check good look with your claim:)
  11. hi iv had a good look around the site and think its great and really helpful but i have read a few comments on banks closing account on them this dosent worry me what does is i also have a loan with the same bank that im going to take action on can they ask for this back like the can take your overdraft back need some good advice, is anyone in the same position help:-|
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