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Everything posted by Ollyq

  1. Congratulations Mimi - thats fantastic news, and makes it all worthwhile and you so deserve it after all your hard work. Now you can relax and daydream about how you might spend all your lovely money.
  2. Just got back from the Court , was feeling V nervous as I didnt know what to expect. The Judge just heard the grounds for ammending my POC's, said that he had received a letter from Wragges stating they had no objection, and therefore granted permission to change them- phew. What he did say, which made me feel a whole lot better, was that he was re-serving the papers on Wragges, and they had to respond in 14 days, he was then recommending that the case is listed for a hearing at the next available date, and that I should prepare my docs so that I can serve to the court and to Wragges 14 days before that date - I took that to mean that my case wasnt being stayed!! Whoopee looks like judgement day is finally coming:grin:
  3. Hi Jan there were 2 letters,both arrived today - I think they have been caught up in the postal strike. The first reads " Your application to amend the claim has been referred to the judge who has said it is to be listed for a hearing. Your application will be given a hearing date and you will receive a copy hearing notice in due course". The 2nd is attached to the front of my amended POC's and is headed Notice of Hearing of Application. It reads" The hearing of the claimant's application for (see attached copy) will take place at xx on the 8th August 2007 at xxx." I rang the court this morning and they said the judge will decide at the hearing whether to accept my ammended POC's.
  4. :oHave just heard that a hearing has been arranged for 10 Aug, by the District Judge, to decide whether he will accept my ammended POC's. Any one else been in this situation? I'm wondering what the chances are of him rejecting it.
  5. Looking at the most recent threads, there seems to be a bit more movement on the settlement front from A&L, following the Hull decision. Lets hope you get yours soon - good luck!
  6. Mimi, sounds as though you can expect an offer very soon, if your case goes the same way as recent settlements. Good luck
  7. Had a wicked but funny idea trauling through A&L corporate responsibility site I notice that they donate to organisations and charities, which include quote "Supporting organisations who help those who are experiencing financial difficulties". Do you think they would make a donation to CAG??
  8. Thanks again, for really helpful info - feeling a lot more confident now, I think your POC's just about covered every point in Wragges defence - will be interesting to see what they come back with after I submit new POC's tomorow!!!!
  9. Wow!!!- yours are certainly a lot fatter than mine!! Thanks for the advice and the link, I am going to re-submit the claim for peace of mind. Olly
  10. Rang local county court today, as have still not received official notice that my case has transferred to York county Court- York County court advised me I am not too late to put in an ammendment to my claim (form N244) if I want to ammend my POC's. Reading through all the info on CAG, I know I missed off a lot of the recommended POC's on the template, so I really think I should stick in an ammendment. I have listed the POC's that I originally sent. 1. Between the 10th May 2004 and the 9th February 2007, the defendant debited numerous charges from the claimants account. 2. The charges are an unfair penalty under the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999, because they are a disproportionately high sum in compensation compared to the cost of the purported breach. 3. Under the law of penalties, the charges are an unlawful extravagent penalty. 4. The claimant claims interest under section 69 of the County Courts Act 1984 from 10.05.04. This totals 187.48 accruing at the daily rate of 0.021 percent until judgement or payment. 5. The claimant asks the court to enter judgement in their favour for 1,582.00 plus interest, totalling 1,769.42. I know I may sound paranoid:shock: - because I am ( Just a little), but if another £35 and a short delay ensures sucess I think its worth it - Hey I've waited 3 years after all... As always grateful for any advice anyone can give me, and thanks for all the support so far Olly
  11. Tks for the advice, I'll sit tight and wait for the transfer papers, seems there are quite a few at the same stage, just waiting for a date.
  12. Tks for advice MimiJane,I found this info in the templates section which made me think I should ammend the claim, as the banks are now defending most cases claimed via MCOL due to shortend particulars of claim, there is a list of essential info to be included and I know my claim didnt include all of this. I've sent off my schedule of charges this afternoon to Wragges, will wait for transfer papers from local court before doing anything else http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bank-templates-library/34887-5-money-claim-line.html
  13. Hi everyone, I'm a newby & this is my first thread in the right place - I hope! I have been following the advice on money saving expert and found the link to CAG, after I have sent off my claim via MCOL, from the info I've found it looks as though I have missed some vital bits, so fingers crossed I am not too late to salvage my claim!! Actions so far: Jan requested bank charges over past 3 years, A&L supplied no problem 27 Feb letter to A&L requesting refund of 1,582 (excluding interest) received response 2 days later, usual blurb.. charges not unfair etc. 12 Mar sent further letter advising legal action if refund not given - response 2 days later, same tac, charges not unfair. 26 Apr filed MCOL for 1,889 including interest & court costs - used template on money saving expert- slightly different to CAG template and doesnt include all legal refs. - ( also didnt realise I needed to follow this up with schedule in hardcopy until now.) 3 May received letter & cheque for £255 in full & final (without predjudice), sent this back cancelled with letter explaining I wanted the full amount. 4 May received acknowledgement of service from Wragge, and copy from MCOL 21 May received defence from Wragge- the 23 points look similar to many off those listed on CAG, including insufficient particulars of claim and a request for the case to be "struck out pursuant to the Civil Procedure rules part 24.2 as the claimant has no real prospect of suceeding,... and no other compelling reason why the case/ issue ought to be disposed of at trial"- no copy of defence from MCOL yet Rang MCOL this morning - my case has been transferred to my local court, and I should receive the transfer papers with instructions shortly. The lady I spoke to was really helpful- she told me to send the schedule to the banks solicitor ASAP, and wait until I get the transfer papers before sending to local court. She did not know if I would be able to ammend the claim via my local court at this stage though - has anyone else found themselves in a similar situation? Its all a bit scary at this stage!
  14. Hi I'm a new bod on the site - I've been using the docs and templates on money saving expert for my claim via MCOL agianst A&L for £1,889 including court costs and interest. received a defence stating insufficient POC's amongst other things (23 points in total), and a request to the court to strike out my claim. Being new to CAG, I have just read through your templates and have a horrible feeling that my case may be jeopardised because of insufficient POC's, there are a number of points and legal references in your template which I have not included in my claim, I also didnt send a schedule of charges. I have logged on to MCOL and my case update shows there is no further action I can take on line as A&L have dispuited all points of my claim. Can anyone offer me any advice?
  15. Hi - the CAG site is new to me, I've spent the day reading all this help & advice - fantastic!! I have previously used docs and templates from money saving expert and didnt realise all this was here too. Blue- we seem to be at similar stages, I received a defence from the trainee at Wragge - sounds v.Similar to yours. I registered my claim on line with MCOL, and have just logged on to see that they can no longer deal with it as A&L have discputed all aspects of my claim- not really sure what happens now can anyone help? Also the defence talked about insufficient POC's, I submitted these with original 2 letters to A&L, but not with the claim. Should I send to MCOL or await further instructions? tks for any help you can give me
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