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Everything posted by Isiris

  1. Any other thoughts please/
  2. Yes this was from RBS. I think the original application was done online and then this was sent to sign. Thanks
  3. Sorry, attached them now as a PDF Thanks RBOS CCA.pdf
  4. Hi My partner is knee deep as they say. We applied for her CCA from RBS and received this. What I have noted is that there is no signature on behalf of RBS and the signature is on a piece of paper not connected with the first 2 (Is it 4 corners) Can anyone advise our next move
  5. Becky I have drafted a letter to the council that I would send, via email to the council and the bailiffs. YOUR NAME ADDRESS REFERNECE NUMBER (Both PCN and Baillifs) Dear Sirs I write in regards the above reference debt that is alleged to be owed by myself. You will note from your records that I did attempt to pay the debt by cheque but unfortunately the cheque arrived 3 days too late and was returned to me. My next communication was with a bailiff who upon me contacting, refused to enter into any repayment programme, insisting I had to pay the amount in full. In desperation, I have agreed to pay this sum in full by the end of the month but this is simply not possible. Following legal advice I have been advised that I should be classed as a vulnerable person in accordance with the National Standards of Enforcement Agents namely that I am 6 months pregnant. With this in mind, I respectfully request for the account to be taken back under the council control. If this does not happen, I will be forced to ask for adjudication by the Local Government Ombudsman. I would however like to also take this opportunity to offer again the full amount of the Penalty Charge Notice which is £80. If this is acceptable, please advise and I will forward payment within 7 days. Only put this in Becky if you can afford too, otherwise delete. Yours faithfully
  6. Absolutely agree. You MUST advise the council that you are pregnant. As you are such, they MUST take the account back under there control.
  7. Thanks all. I never ever paid a penny to the bailiffs. I refused on principal. I have never disputed the debt not their right to charge a first and second visit. I think its like what alot of people have said on here, if you cause them problems, the bailiffs dont want to know. Thanks to all who have helped
  8. Dear Mr ****** Further to your recent email I have contacted Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council who have instructed us return the cases. Please make all future payments direct to the Council. Yours sincerely, **** ********** Senior Complaints Officer Rossendales Ltd Wavell House Holcombe Road Helmshore Rossendale BB4 4NB TEL. 0845 FAX. 01706 think I will allow myself a BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM
  9. 29th January 2010 I write again in regards this matter after seeking further legal advice. Firstly, I have made an offer of 50 pounds per month and despite sending in a Income and Expenditure sheet you still maintain a figure of 200 pounds per month. This simply is unfeasible. I have however paid 50 pounds for January via my bank. You will see I have maintained payments of 50 pounds per month for the last 4 months (When the bailiffs first called). Following legal advice I have been advised that I should be classed as a vulnerable person in accordance with the National Standards of Enforcement Agents namely that I am unemployed and reliant on benefits. With this again in mind, I repeat my request for the account to be taken back under the council control. If this does not happen, I will be forced to ask for an adjudication my the Local Government Ombudsman. I also AGAIN refer to the visit charges levied on my accounts when one bailiff made one visit yet levied visit charges on 4 accounts. This is not allowed as I pointed out to you in my email of 12th January 2010 in which I stated "He called again and left 4 notices of attendance on the same visit. I would ask for your response to this (4 charges for the same visit) in light of Throssel Vs Leeds City Council." As yet I have received no reply to this. I therefore put you on notice that if I do not receive notification that these have been removed from all my accounts, I will file a Form 4 complaint with the County Court, I will also again make a complaint to the Local Government Ombudsman and I will file a complaint with the Police as you are now aware of the Throssel ruling and as such, maintaining the debt is an offence under the Fraud Act which is obviously a criminal offence. I now move onto the Van Fee. A van fee CAN ONLY be levied when a Levy already exists. On account number ****** the levy fee and the van fee are both entered on the same date. Without prejudice to the above, there was no levy made. No entry was obtained, no levy on any vehicle. So on this matter, I require the Levy and van fee to be removed. What I Require Knowing now that I am a vulnerable person with regards my employment status and my family being on benefits, the council to take back the account. First visit fees and Second visit fees to be removed from accounts ******,******,****** yet maintained on account ****** The Levy fee and the Van fee removed from account ****** I require the above to be completed by 12th February 2010. This allows you 14 days to fulfill my requests. These are not personal requests but ones I am entitled to by law. Failure to complete any of the requests will result in the appropriate action. Yours faithfully Right, I have sent the above today. I will do everything that it says in the email. I am completely &&&&&&&& *** with this now.
  10. No we werent though plus surely with the liability orders only in my name as well?
  11. Ill be sending another email off so any points/advice/(Posh Swear Words) will be greatfully accepted
  12. This is driving me up the f&&&&ng wall but I dont mind a battle. In a nutshell I complained about the fees, they knocked some off but then said I had to pay 200 a month. I DONT WORK, only my wife and we are on tax credits to support us. I sent the following email to the Bailiffs and the council man who manages the bailiffs. Firstly, I respond to your letter dated 6th January 2010 in respect to Barnsley Council. You say in your letter Mr Massey heard nothing from me? I telephoned Mr Massey on the 9th of Novemeber 2009 at 10.22am and said I had spoken to the council and that they were going to look into the account and sending me a claim form to backdate the benefit. He said am I paying anything and I said no so he said he would be calling again. He called again and left 4 notices of attendance on the same visit. I would ask for your response to this (4 charges for the same visit) in light of Throssel Vs Leeds City Council. We will now deal with the Van Bailiff. How can you charge a van fee when there is no walking possesion agreement. There was none in place. He had already added the 60 pound waiting fee before he had arrived. He even said he did the totals at home before he set off. When I challenged the legality of this HE THEN REMOVED IT, not because he had made a mistake. He left no paperwork at all. he went to his van, sat there for 37 minutes because I timed him and never came back to my door. He never levied on anything. There levy fees on the account? What Levy. You have admitted I refused entry so how can you have a levy and if there is no levy there is no van fee? With regards you offer of accepting 200 a month, that is impossible. I am unemployed and the only income in is my wifes. My wife is not liable for this debt and as such, she has refused to supple any wage slips. HOWEVER, I have supplied a screen shot of our bank statement which shows my wifes wages for the month and also the WFTC and CTC we have paid. I again, offer only the amount of 50 pounds per month. It should be noted that I am not at any point refusing to pay this debt but only asking for a fair payment period considering my circumstances. And if you are unable to accept my offer I will place the money aside each month until such a time the council take the account back into their management, when I will make payment of the set aside money to the council. | have attached a spread sheet of our expenditure. Now they have sent a letter for one of the accounts saying that they are sending a van round. Im not 2 bothered as like i said,my wife is the only person who earns and as such, everything is hers so to speak.
  13. I have made a SAR on an organisation following a complaint. I have received this from them in part of the text. I have debited the £10 that you?ve deposited to your account as per your subject action request however as you?ve requested all information including recordings of phone calls between you and us, we will be required to download these calls into CDR format and therefore we can impose a fee up to a maximum £50 for a request of this type. Can you please confirm whether you still require this information from us so that I can consult with our legal team as to the correct fee we will be imposing. Im 99% sure I know the answer but can they do this. Thanks
  14. There was ppi at the begining yes, which I never asked for. (as far as i can remember). This is on a credit card
  15. whoops, buried my head in the sand a little with this one. Egg obtained a Judgement by default against me. I have never CCAd them. I have today received Interim Charging Order. I have had depression for 2 years but am now ready for the fight (if there is one I can have) Thanks for any advice
  16. Can I just point out that this loan is a SECURED loan. I am not sure BUT I BELIEVE this may be slightly different from an unsecured loan
  17. I have the dates of the liability orders. Can you show me where in law it says one charge irrelevant of number of orders. Not doubting you but will help with my letter
  18. Im more confused now because I telephoned debtline and he said they could charge as it was for each seperate liabiltiy order.
  19. PERSONALLY I would go and see a solicitor. it is free for an hour appointment though most of that is spent filling in legal aid forms
  20. A bailiff came to my house and I wouldnt let him in. I said I was speaking to the council. I telpephoned him yesterday to say im waiting for an appeals form to come re backdating, he said well he will still need to call and visit me. This is for 4 lots of council tax totalling 2500. Today I have come home and he has been again and this time he has split all the orders into 4 and charged me 24.50 1st visit and 18.00 second visit on every single one, so 170 in total. I am about to write to the council anyway to ask them to take them back as I have already paid them 50 this morning at the offices. My questions are 1. Can I insist they take it back and even if they wont, just pay them what I can afford over a 2 year period? 2. Can he charge me for a first visit fee on every account? ALSO as a creme de la creme, in the paper work he has left me, he has also left a sheet for one of my neighbours with her name, address, reference number and balance outstanding. Could I use this to assit me?
  21. Delayed update Pointed out to the council that:- 1. the bailiff wasnt on the bailiffs register 2. that the goods were not mine 3. that the attendance van was not needed as their was no WP in place. Amzingly, they have called off the bailiff, cancelled any fees and accepted 25 a month
  22. Thanks for your reply. Am I write in thinking though that he cant levy on anything if I am not there to sign the walking possesion? I have done as you advised by PM too.
  23. Will be on the phone tomorrow Just a sub note though, is my wife responsible for the debt or just me, as that is all the council tax has ever been in, my name Thanks for the response as well
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