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Everything posted by h1tm4n32

  1. Hi cross, Firstly they do send your car (so they say) to auction, what they get and after they paid out what it has cost to take it to auction will be removed from what your finance agreement was, so say your car had outstanding financed for £4999, they would sell the car for what ever they can at auction so they get £1000 for your car, they then take their charges out for picking and dropping car of at auction, then they have the auctions fee to take out and what ever that may be. so by this time they have £250 credit left. take this from £4999 = £4749 this is what is outstanding. My credit report show settled and i checked mine myself, they have sold the debt on, send the debt company a letter asking for signed agreed form with your signature (think it called a cca or caa not sure) you will find they do not have it and will stop sending you mail, instead another sister company will start sending mail and phoning and so and so on, Myself as gone through this and i have had a few letters asking me to pay the debt in full, even though they have not proved to me that they own the debt, i will wait for the company itself to get in touch with a decent attitude towards me or i will just put the phone down. Do never phone or talk to the debt company as well do everything through writing, once you have got no word back from that form cca leave it at that and get on with your life good luck and hope this made sense lol
  2. i have just had my credit report and i also have arrow global and never heard of them, the amount looks like an old bill that i had paid more then twice the amount, this is why i never gave them any more money, i have never heard of this company till now as they have put me in defualt for it, by the way i get a different address on my credit report HERE YOU GO 3RD FLOOR, 15, OLD BAILEY, LONDON, EC4M 7EF
  3. Hi me again, just an update on how thing’s are going, well last month I was tracked down by cygnet finance and got a call from the manager of ACF and CYGNET, nice bloke and sorted thing’s out with me and I was happy. I told him that I was suffering depression and anxiety and tried to take my life 3 times in the past due to bills and threats made against me, told him about my problems at work and about my house being at risk of being taken off me as I have had no wages and not being able to pay my morg, he said sorry to here about that and you will not be getting this any more, HOPE YOU SORT THINGS OUT was the last words and can I put a message up in the forum explaining that things had been sorted. This I was happy to do, only with one thing and another I have not had the time to do this until now. until last week when I got a call from (name C****) asking me about payment I explained to him that I had made a payment this morning of what money I could raise as I have had NO wages for 4 weeks and that I had left the job due to this and I was on my way for a interview and to find out my shifts and would let him know when I can pay, as I did not get offered any work cause the fella dealing with me was rushed into hospital that morning at 4am no-one knew what was happening and what work I was doing so I a was still out of work. Today I got another call from (name C****) asking me about my payments I told him I can not make any payments till end of the month when the wife gets paid as I am still out of work, he told me that a letter went out on 2nd of Jan I have had no letter from them ( here is a trick of theirs by the look of things) he then told me that a letter would be coming out on the 16th Jan for seizer of the car as I can not pay the other half of last months bill, his tone of voice and demands was making me more annoyed as I was trying to explain thing’s to him, I asked for the manager and he said he is not in. This is now begin to make me ill even more with everything that as gone on in the past 2 weeks and we are only 2 weeks into the year. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- just received phone call from c****, i have just tried yet again to explain my problem and it is like you are talking to a robot cuase they do not listen, then he went on about his letter he sent me, i said you mean the threatening letter yea, he said it is not a threatening letter, i said if you are sending someone to come and pick the car up and take it away from me then this is a threat, No it is not a threat he said, I had had enough at this point as their is no way of talking to them.will keep informed ----------------------------------------------------------------- it's been over 2 years and i have read on here that is i have paid 1/3 (REPO) that they can not take my car without a court order made against me, i have treid to make a part payment and told them i will pay the rest at the end of the month,,,, can any1 helps please
  4. just received phone call from c****, i have just tried yet again to explain my problem and it is like you are talking to a robot cuase they do not listen, then he went on about his letter he sent me, i said you mean the threatening letter yea, he said it is not a threatening letter, i said if you are sending someone to come and pick the car up and take it away from me then this is a threat, No it is not a threat he said, I had had enough at this point as their is no way of talking to them.will keep informed
  5. on the 18th jan got a letter telling me they are coming to sieze the car, seen as i am still out of a job i have not been able to pay the other half of the bill and even though i have told them i am making a full payment (well the wife is) at the end of the month they still sending someone out.
  6. Hi me again, just an update on how thing’s are going, well last month I was tracked down by cygnet finance and got a call from the manager of ACF and CYGNET, nice bloke and sorted thing’s out with me and I was happy. I told him that I was suffering depression and anxiety and tried to take my life 3 times in the past due to bills and threats made against me, told him about my problems at work and about my house being at risk of being taken off me as I have had no wages and not being able to pay my morg, he said sorry to here about that and you will not be getting this any more, HOPE YOU SORT THINGS OUT was the last words and can I put a message up in the forum explaining that things had been sorted. This I was happy to do, only with one thing and another I have not had the time to do this until now. until last week when I got a call from (name C****) asking me about payment I explained to him that I had made a payment this morning of what money I could raise as I have had NO wages for 4 weeks and that I had left the job due to this and I was on my way for a interview and to find out my shifts and would let him know when I can pay, as I did not get offered any work cause the fella dealing with me was rushed into hospital that morning at 4am no-one knew what was happening and what work I was doing so I a was still out of work. Today I got another call from (name C****) asking me about my payments I told him I can not make any payments till end of the month when the wife gets paid as I am still out of work, he told me that a letter went out on 2nd of Jan I have had no letter from them ( here is a trick of theirs by the look of things) he then told me that a letter would be coming out on the 16th Jan for seizer of the car as I can not pay the other half of last months bill, his tone of voice and demands was making me more annoyed as I was trying to explain thing’s to him, I asked for the manager and he said he is not in. This is now begin to make me ill even more with everything that as gone on in the past 2 weeks and we are only 2 weeks into the year.
  7. I was not sure of the rights, but as postggi says you have got a strong case, they are quick to throw the agreement in your face and they have took the law into their own hands and helped them self, so yea see advice. Hope it goes well for you.
  8. I am not sure what rights you have to be honest, I would phone them in the morning as planned, get the persons name first, check you are speaking to the person who is dealing with your case, if not ask for them. Try to write down or record the conversation (this is just to remand you what as been said not advicable for anything else, i also believe you have to tell them you are recording the call) If they say they have made a mistake then ask when will your car be returned. If they refuse and say that they are going to take this matter further, then i would seek advice. I am not sure if they are in their rights to take the car if you have kept your payments up, I would check this as well, as to me they have broke their finance agreement.( very unlikely as they do a good job of covering up behind them) They came for my car a couple of weeks ago and could not get it of me as it was not on the front, I have changed jobs and my money is everywhere but were it should be, I phoned them and explained and they left it at that for know, still got a month's arrears to pay which i will do when i get myself sorted out. hope this as been some help and good luck
  9. as requested, it is a company called red rose recoveries, bailiff division - debt recovery & repossession, i do not know if i can put the address in the forum and number, so i will send you a msg with this info.
  10. Hi, i do not have it on me at the i will post it up here 2moz,
  11. Hi just to let you people know, they have been reading this and as now started to be funny with me, i have just changed jobs and not had my pay yet so i have missed a payment, yesterday i came home to a letter from a debt collector saying they have been to pick my car up today for none payment, so it just shows you they do what they want and how they want and get away with it.
  12. Hi all, Am looking for some help, my wife got a car on finance 15 months ago, the company she got it with is park finance (who do not do it anymore they just collecting) so out these 15 months we have had the car driving for about 3 months out the whole tie we have had it, 1st thing in a couple of weeks it kept stalling, they looked at that and said new plugs and leads, it went Ok for a week and then it came back, 2nd thing it kept coming up with battery light on dash, 3 rd thing the battery kept dieing, 4th thing it would just cut out when it wanted to, 5th thing lights would go dim and bright, anyhow their was loads wrong with it, so we had it back to the gorge we got it from they looked at it twice and could not find anything (while it was with them for a week it got a great big scratch on the bumper they argued about that but in the end they fixed it) so we brought the car home and still problems, we got AA out twice, could not find anything wrong with it, next day dead battery again, got an auto electrician out he said we need to change the battery and take it from their, next day dead battery, so I change the alternator and charged the battery 1 week later back to square 1, for 7 months the car was stuck on the front as a none starter, no matter what we done with it would not start, so 2nd alternator and a jump start and bang crunch smoke coming from the front drivers side, parked it up and got a different mobile mechanic out the drivers side spring had snapped in 3 places, got that done, we have been in touch with park and they was not happy about this so they said they would look into it, they came back with nothing we can do, ok I will stop payments, we r not paying for something we can not use, I told them to pick the car up and we will see them in court, nothing happened, the car is on the front yet again not working same fault, what I want to know is 1st what rights have we got 2nd we was told cause the car was so close to being 10yrs old it should not have been finance, 3 months from 10 years old. 3rd any help will be grateful thanks
  13. Hi, Just to let you know, i missed 1 payment and i had made arrangements for my payments to be moved to the end of the month, my point is after going through all of this with them i missed a payment a week later a bloke was at the door with a pick up truck, so yea they can do this after missing a payment. The man in the truck was not happy with them as i told him i had arranged payments with them.
  14. well not much news on this then, i had never heard about this before, but now i know what it is, it's an order put on my house and if i miss any payments they can try and make me sell my house if their is profit in it,
  15. HI just to let you know they will not take your car for missing 1 payment, i have missed 2 payment due to change of circumstances, the letters go out Automatically so i was told this morning, i am just sorting payments out with them now,
  16. Hi, I am in the same boat as some of you, I have had the calls and letters and threats, they even know when my wages get put in my account better then I know ( they think they do), I have tried all kinds with them and don’t get anywhere, right my question is if I have got warranty out on the car (which I did not ask for or want) and I want to cancel it after nearly 2 yrs and it is for the term of the agreement would I be entitled to have this took off and would my payments go down, HERE IS A WARNING FOR ANYONE LOOKING TO BUY A CAR OFF THEM, DO NOT TAKE THE WARRANTY OUT AS IT IS NOT WORTH THE 1,800 I HAVE HAD PUT ON MY BILL, AS EVERYTHING IS ALL DOWN TO WEAR AND TEAR EVEN IF YOU HAVE HAD THE JOB’S DONE THEY JUST TURN ROUND AND SAY TAKE IT TO WERE YOU HAD THE JOB DONE. DO NOT GIVE THEM FAMILY DETAILS SUCH AS NUMBERS AS IF U MISS ANY PAYMENTS OR YOU HAVE ANY TROUBLE WITH THEM THEY PHONE THEM UP AND ASK THEM QUESTION AND TELL THEM TO ASK FOR YOU TO GET IN TOUCH,
  17. HI, just an up-date that i have not heard from these for a long time now must be over 6 months, instead another company tried to get it back so i have done the same with them and not heard a thing from them yet but thier is still time will let you know.
  18. no this is a different thing nothing to do with that at all, yea CCJ, with this company now, who is taking interim charging against me,
  19. well we got this one sorted out now, we got a letter of them saying that they will no longer be tracking that bill they tried to get of us and we will not be hearing from them again thanks
  20. Hi all, i have to got this letter and i do not have a clue what it means and what i can do about it, i did not even get a warning about this and do not understand why this is happening could anyone help me please thanks
  21. hi people, I have only just heard of these as they have tried to get money of me, I told them that i am not paying nothing at this time as i am waiting to see what is happening bewteen the banks and courts over the charges, He then came back and said that what you have to do is pay the sum you owe and then you make a claim back from them, so i said why should i pay them the full sum when it's all charges that they have put on the bill you are trying to take back, he talked a lot more rubbish and i stopped him and said ok lets do this proper, i told him i cant do anything at the moment as i was not at home as i was on my honeymoon and if he phoned my phone and leave hisworks address i would send him a request for the CCA with a cheque of a pound, He then said we do not have to have the signed agreement of your debt, I replied ok so you have not got the signed agreemnet then i will not be dealing with you anymore as you do not have the right to this debt. He then tried again to say that they do not need this, So i just said ok i will report this to trading standards or the ombusman, he then said ok sir i will send the company address to your mobile today and that was 3 days ago and still not heard from them, i will keep you up-dated about this?
  22. hi, i have just received another letter saying,,,, You have disregarded numerous requests for settlement. Unless we receive a payment and repayment proposal at this office by noon 7th Dec 07, a claim will be prepared for issue in the AYLESBURY COUNTY COURT for the debt, interest and an application for cost. Any judgement given will be enforced by the court bailiff. my question is what do i do with this pls and thanks
  23. ok so all i do is sit and wait for a demand for payment from them, then they will be in breach by not sending me the CCA i have REQUESTED
  24. ok no problem thanks, i worte to them on the 29/10/07 so that makes it 17 days ago, so am i write now that they have got just under 30 days to send me the CCA even thou it is over 6yrs olds, also should i send the letter saying i do not acknowledge now or should i not bother till the 30 days are up, thanks and sorry to be a pain
  25. ODC thanks i have just done the letter to them thanks and i will keep this page updated of my response, thanks
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