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  1. Hi everyone Have just received a letter from the court, telling me that my case is cancelled or as they put it the court is vacated on the 31st August 2007, but have informed me that the test case in supposed to be Jan or Feb 2008/:mad: I somehow new this was going to happen, and am so annoyed at all the work that we have put ourselves through, but at least it is in the court line, so everyone keep going;) If they lose in court we are quids in. I was just about to alter my figures on a N244 form and pay the court another £35.00 for the privilege, so I will hang fire on that one. I think that they will do this as a matter of course now, but keep putting those papers through so that you are in the system and don't be down hearted we could come out smiling Ta Ta for now Jay Gneilikins@aol.com
  2. Hi everyone:) Have today posted off my court bundles and copy bundle to Barckays as my case is being heard 31/8/07. When I got home 1/2 hour later on my doormat was a letter from the Bank informing me that they had put a stay on all hearings, just another stat letter really from them. My court has told me that everything is going ahead as normal, but can someone please help me with regards to preparing a case where a stay has been imposed, but that is only the Bank stating that, not the court. Is there a thread that will help me with this as I am now in the oh my god what have I got to do now stage. As before if the Bank did not appear I would have won, but now this is not the case is it:confused: I will obviously upset the Bank again as I have just submitted to the court a N244 altering all my original figures as I had worked out the Stat Interest incorrectly so my £2900.00 claim has just shot up to £3765.00. Any one that can help me out there with regards to this Stay thing would be greatly appreciated. I purchased from the CAG the small claims kit and Book and found this brilliant and would suggest anybody to purchase it as it is spoken in english and not law jargon. Look forward to hearing from someone soon who may be able to help me, I have two weeks to prepare now and thank god that all the photo copying has been, I was just about losing the will to live Thanks Jay Gneilikins@aol.com
  3. Hi everyone, I have my court case here in Trowbridge, Wilts. I phoned them on Friday 10/8/2007 as my court case is 31/8/07. Asked what I should do, whether they require me to send in the Court bundle and also whether to send the copy bundle to Barclays, and they told me that unless I hear anything from them, the court case is going ahead as per instructions. I have not heard anything from them, so it is obviously going ahead. So I have been doing rather a lot of photocopying as you can imagine? My query is will Barclays show up on the 31st August 2007 If they don't have I won:???: , as before if the other party don't turn up we win by default and Judgement. On the other hand . I expect that I shall get there and be told this that and the other and told that I will have to wait for the final decision after the OFT case, obviously I expect on three years time:mad: Don't you think that this is a complete utter waste of my time and the Judges, as its not his fault is it? as like all of you many many hours of work has gone into this. My claim is for £3000.00 so I will keep fighting. But what are your views on the fact that I still have to go to court:confused: Bi for now Jay
  4. How do I find out whether Barclays have complied to the 14 days, when they should have sent their copies to the court????????????
  5. Could you please clarify for me your line about getting a chance to get the defence thrown out as soon as possible don't give them a chance toapply for a stay. Court date 31/8/07. Sorry I am really thich and dumb at this Jay Gneilikins@aol.com
  6. could you please clarify for me your line about getting a chance to get the defence thrown out as soon as possible don't give them a chance to apply for a stay, Sorry I am really thick and dumb at this Jay Gneilikins@aol.com
  7. Thanks very much for your advice. Will continue to start photo copying tomorrow only about 360 pages for the 1st stage for the court and Bank so that should keep me out of trouble. Thanks again
  8. Thanks lovey, got a little bit worried as to what to do, will continue as you state. Thanks again
  9. Cheers everyone. Off tomorrow to buy new printer. I won't let the buggers get me down. Ta again
  10. Thanks blazingbadger, I agree with your comments and I am prepared for the wait, I didn't have the money before so whats another few months, but my confusion is do I just carry on as if nothing has happened i.e. Prepare all copies of paper work and send to Court and Bank 14 days prior to Court date 31st August 2007 or do I find out about the courts intentions, surely if they are being put on hold, the Judge would not oversee the cases or am I just thick? They do most book for dummies but not one for this (ha ha) Jay Gneilikins@aol.com
  11. I am really confused now, how unusual for me(Ha Ha)? On one hand advice is to carry on regardless and not panic, and then pinkbazez has been told that all claims have been put on hold. Please can someone help me I do not know what to do, I thought my thoughts were logical but obviously not. Shall I continueto prepare my court bundle and send copies to Bank or phone court to ask what the hell is going on???? Jay Gneilikins@aol.com
  12. TO ALL CONCERNED INCLUDNG ME:mad: From what I have read and heard from Martin Lewis and the news it looks as if we are in a sticky situation for the moment. I have a court date for the 31st August. But what should I do????????????????????? Well it seems that all court cases will be cancelled until the final of the High Court hearing, I assume, I hope the courts have the decency to inform us. Now if this is not the case, which I will look into at the end of the week. I feel that if the case is heard it will just be thrown out because of the High Court proceedings. I can only assume that the date and court hearing will be suspended until the completion of their trial. Now! If the court case is actually cancelled the Courts will have to give us back the £100.00 fee as they have not pursued what we were paying for but i'm afraid that I think that they will suspend the case until a further date thus keeping our money. A case apparently was heard today and was thrown out due to the High Court case. I would seriously think that everyone should get in contact with their Courts if they are due a court date around now as it seems unfair to us to have gone through all this hard work and then be blown out by the courts, don't you agree????????????????? I have spent £220.00 so far on retrieving my £3,000 and was just about to alter my claim on form N224 which was going to cost me another £35.00 and I was going to buy a new printer because of all the photocopying that I was going to have to do within the next two weeks and that was going to cost me another £140.00. I hope that we all soon hear something and hopefully Martin Lewis who usually sends his Emails to subscribers on Tuesday's will have some more info for us. Lets keep our fingers crossed mates and perhaps we might get what is rightfully ours. My advice and this is only my advice, if you have not got the Court Stage yet, hang fire as this could cost you up to £120.00 just to get in the Court system and this could be lost, we are all in the dark, but if I can help anybody from losing any more money to the Treasury then perhaps my experiences will make me feel better, but please this is only my opinion whatever you choose to do is entirely your decision of course. Please get back to me if I can help in anyway. My name is Jay EMail: Gneilikins@aol.com
  13. Thanks Trucker No I did not calculate this £800.00 in my figures as I believed that the debt had been sold on to a debt company. This guy calls round once a month and collects £10.00 from me. However when I got my letter from the bank offering me £850.00 as a gesture of goodwill, they let it slip in the letter that this collector was acting on behalf of them and I now owe £499.00, so once they have settled that they would stop the collector calling and send me a cheque for the balance, so obviously pay themselves back the £499.00 and give me approx £350.00. My claim is for £2900.00 I shall of course very politely via recorded delivery letter refuse their most generous offer . ;) Jay:grin:
  14. Hi Trucker No I have not made any telephone contact with Barclays at all, I have only sent them the letters up to and including Court process. I am in a real fight now with them so I send everything via post recorded delivery so that I have proof that they received it. Still not written the letter to them yet as per my previous post, reading most of the morning on this site for info. Sorry to keep harping on about my £800.00 which must be getting on everyones nerves at the moment, but I am stuck and do not know what to do. Can anyone help????????????????????? Thanks Jay:)
  15. Thanks to everyone who has replied to me. Today I am going to write to Barclays Bank declining their measly offer of £850.00 and putting them straight regarding telling me when the case is closed. Also will start putting all the paperwork in order and get photocopying, what do you think if I send the copy bundle to the bank at the same time as the letter but not letting on when the Court date is as the papers don't have to be with them until two weeks prior to the case. Do you think that they might think she means business, or is this a bad idea, as it may give them more time to retaliate, and find other ways to make me give in. Also anymore advice appreciated with regards to the £800.00 which the debt collector is retrieving from me on behalf of Barclays. Should I just wait and bring it up at the court hearing:confused: Many Thanks Jay
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