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  1. This topic was closed on 10 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. This topic was closed on 10 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  3. Hi Bank Fodder Thanks for your reply. I have spoken to a more helpful person today (DAVE) He gave me the following information: Dates of Booked flights 12th June & 19th July Told me that no log of my call was made yesterday by Nick, I asked him to get someone with Authority to return my call.I would still be waiting. I asked for details of how many people where booked onto each of the flights, he could not dilvulge such information. They own the Balloons and employ the pilots for each flight. He did state that i could request in writing for an extension of the validity period stating why we did not rebook within 6 months of last cancelled flight, however it does not state this in the contract. (I will tommorrow attatch a copy of the Virgin T&C's in a post). I asked why they needed to put an expiry date on the tickets, Answer "to make it easier to manage". I stated that when we rang regarding our last booking we where told the tickets have an expiry dates but they are quite flexible regarding flight dates. we had got concerns regarding being able to rebook and arrange time of work and child care at that time. He said that their sales agent would not say that and the call would have been logged. I then reminded him that yesterdays call had not been logged by Nick. He would not comment further and advised me to write in easking for an extention of the ticket dates. Weather from Met office However national not regional. 12th to 15th June 2008 A brisk north to north-westerly air flow brought cool and showery weather. The showers were locally heavy during the afternoons, especially on the 15th where thunderstorms cropped up locally across in the south-west and the north-east. Funnel clouds were reported near the Humber estuary on the 15th. Despite a fair amount of sunshine between the showers, temperatures were below the seasonal average, with a brisk breeze making it feel cooler. Unseasonably chilly at night, with rural ground frost occurring in places across central and northern areas, with Shap (Cumbria) recording a minimum temperature of -0.1 °C overnight on the 15th/16th. 19th to 21st July 2008 A cool north-westerly air flow gave bright and breezy conditions, with a mix of sunshine and scattered showers. The showers most prevalent and quite heavy across eastern England, but few and far between towards the sunnier and slightly warmer south-west. ( I definitely remember it being a very bright morning with no raid, I made comment on how nice it would have been) that is what prompted the wife to ring and ask why the flight was cancelled. Will post Virgins T&C's Tommorow.
  4. Thanks for taking time to read this I will post more detailed info tommorrow, can I scan the t& C 's and post them as an attachment. there are some on their website but not the same as on the tickets. we have booked the morning flights so we only know the flight is cancelled when we have to ring the flight line after 11:00pm night before to confirm flight is still on. By this time both have already booked time of work which for cannot be cancelled at short notice because cover is arrranged. We purchased the tickets on 9/05/08 booked first flight for on or around 6th june. cancelled at 11:00pm Night Before. Not even bad weather nice clear day. Booked another flight in Aug/ Sept.cancelled 11:00pm night before. wife rang to book another flight and was told it was coming up to the end of the season so cancellation would be more frequent. they then suggested that the expiry date would not apply. we could not continue to book with the chance of cancelling due to childcare and work committments. waited till now because less chance of cancellation and was under impression the tickets would be valid. Sorry not sure if link should be posted please remove if not allowed. Thanks Wayne
  5. Hi I wondering if any one had any ideas, last year we booked a balloon flight for 2 with virgin @ £130.00 Each, it does state that the ticket has an expiry date, we have booked 2 flights which where cancelled due to bad weather, not their fault or ours. on our last booking we where told that the expiry date would not come into effect as it was getting close to the end of the season. The tickets expired on 5/5/09, we have not been able to make extra booking due to work commitments and also child care provisions are a problem. I tried to book again today only to be told they would not extend the period of validity on the ticket. is there anything I can do to get them to extend the validity period. Quote from Terms & Conditions CANCEELLATION OR POSTONMENT BY US OR THE PILOT 18. We or your pilot may at our discretion cancel your flight for any booked date or alter its time without notice because of matters beyond our control, for example adverse weather conditions, or for safety or legal reasons. However you will be given as much notice of any cancellationor lateration is possible. 20. If your flight on any booked date is cancelled under paragraph 18 you must re-book for a date and time within your voucher's validity period. if it is not possible to take your flight during that period, we will extend if for such further period as we in our discretion decide. We took it from the last booking we made that they had, at their discretion extended the validity period for the ticket. Is there anything we can do to make them honour the tickets, I feel that it is unfair that we have to lose £260.00. How can they justify putting a voucher expiriy when it is a service that will not go out of date. I would not mind paying an increase if the ticket prices had gone up however they are actually cheaper this year. Any Comments would be appreciated Thank Wayne
  6. Hi My Cousin has recently booked a limousine for her daughters 16th Birthday on wednesday however she was taken in hospital today and has undergone major surgery so will not be able to make it on thursday. She rang the company to re-arrange the day or cancel it. however the company will not let her do either. Is there anything she can do to insist that this company [commercial link removed] let her re-arrange or get her money back. She has paid the full amount up front and they say it is non returnable. The company has said that they required 14 days notice to re-arrange. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks Wayne
  7. Its All Over Now she got Cheque today YB Have Repaid All Charges (6years) Interest Court Cost Plus some more because they cannot use a calculator8) Thanks the every one. Should anyone have doubts about claiming from YB forget your doubts and CLAIM. with the help from this site you will get through it. once again THANKs Caro would you please edit Title to say WON ! Like i said earlier i will be around for a while yet. Not going to claim wasted cost because the judge wanted us to appear in court to discuss this and Aunty was not prepared to do that, she was going to give up at the court stage so she is happy with the result.
  8. Not got the second cheque. They promised it within 7 days that expires tommorrow I have got a fax ready to send on monday if the cheque does not arrive.
  9. Just writing SAR to GE capital Will update all progress as it happens.
  10. Donation on it's way and thanks every one for your help. I will be sticking around because capital one will be having a new penpal soon, Thanks Lillboy (Wayne).
  11. Nice One Moss You deserve it looks like there are few members winning against YB at the moment, i hope this will encourage more to claim from them i cannot believe their attitude. Congratulation Simon Lillboy
  12. Got Cheque today for nearly full amount but covering letter saying balance to follow do to cheque being raised for wrong amount (a clerical Error). So really it is partial good News. Will post more later once i get home from work
  13. Thanks Moss your a real star However she has had a letter today recorded delivery. she has got to pick it up monday morning. I hope this one gets sorted soon as i want to start some of my own. i will keep you all updated on monday.
  14. No I have not got them yet i was hoping to get some off some kind person on the site.
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