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  1. good luck with your claim, i sent my subject access request back in march and i still not received my statements!!
  2. well its 20th june and still no statements, i contacted the compliance officer and i recieved a letter to apologise for the delay and i will have them by today, shall i send a non compliance letter now? i feel like giving up as it feels like they never coming!!!
  3. hi caro, thanks for the info, letter today saying i should have my statements by 20th june so fingers,toes and everything else crossed!!!
  4. hi there yes me too ive been waiting since march for my statements, i too got a letter to say i would have them by 20th june,
  5. there is actually a thread on the general forum regarding this company, it may well be worth you both having a look, are you with the ame company camdenite?
  6. i would assume that if you have not heard from them then they not anything to tell you, i cant understand why they dont get back to you, at end of the day you paying them to work for you
  7. hi GG1971, i was just wondering how you got on with bank complaints ltd? did you contact them regarding your claim? i contacted the one i was using and said thanks but no thanks! they were ok about it,
  8. hi all, ive been reading these threads for weeks now with much interest, i noticed a lot are about yb! has anyone had a successful claim from cb lately? i get the feeling they are very bad to deal with!!
  9. i was having the same problem, the company i used seemed to be dragging their feet so i cancelled and am doing it myself, i do know you can cancel your contract up until a claim is made, after that you cant,
  10. hi,, can these templatesbe used even if your claiming in scotland?
  11. hi i started my claim using a no win no fee company but i am still waiting on my account info after 60 days!! i have contacted this person running my clain on numerous occasions asking if there is nothing we can do apart from wait, i feel she just fobbing me off as i have found on here that there is things that can be done, i have told them where they can stick their contract and was wondering whats the best thing to do now? do i contact my banks compliance officer?
  12. yes the £10 fee was paid and i recieved a letter to say they had recieved it, i gave them a further 10 days after the 40 days expired but still nothing
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