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Everything posted by Gordielass

  1. Hi, I have been reading your post and I have a case Management Conference today at 2 pm. I have contacted the courts on 3 occasions to confirm what i needed to bring. I have not received any information sheet or had to supply any information to the court before this hearing. Is this usual? I have also been allocated 10 mins for the hearing. Thanks
  2. Hi, I have been reading through some threads and it seems that many of the Lloyds defences are 9 points long. Mine cuts off say 7. In the premises...that is where it ends. Does any one no what else it is ment to say? I messed up the first claim and put an amendment in, i called the court last week to confirm everything was ok with the amendments before my case management conference and they have said they can not find the amendments even though i handed them in to the courts myself. My case management conference is now on Wed. Anyone any ideas whether this will be a problem. I also replied the Lloyds solicitors but apparently they have a backlog and can not confirm whether they have received my letter. Is anyone else getting this line from them when they call? I am preparing my bundle but will this be necessary for a Case Management Conference? Sorry so many questions but everything seems to be going worng at once. Thanks
  3. I don't think i have ever been so confused. I did not get anything like this case mangement info sheet from my court and my hearing is now in 7 days. Also when i amended my claim the womon from the court i spoke to said fill in a N1 form with the amendments and put a covering letter in explaining why i was making the change. She advised me there would be no fee as the amount was going to be lower than the original claim and i could amend the details once free of charge. Has anyone seem any posts from South Sheilds County Court? Thanks 1 stressed geordie lass.
  4. Hi, Thanks both i'm currently in a right panic. The Case management hearing is fast approaching and i have no idea what i need to take as the court has not asked for anything and the woman i spoke to at the court seemed to think i would not need to take anthing. Has anybody else had to attend a hearing like this? I spoke to Lloyds solicitors who say they have a back log in replying to letters but as the hearing was not the court date they would be in touch at some point. (really helpful). Also i had to amend my claim and have done this with both the court and the solicitors. Does anyone know whether the court would respond once this has been done as i have not heard anything from them? Thanks
  5. I have submitted evrything to the court and received a letter stating i have to attend a case management hearing on the 23rd July which will last 5 mins. Has anybody else had to do this? My claim is being dealt with by South Tyneside County Court. I received a letter from Lloyds solicitors asking me to tell them how I work out my charges this letter was ment to have been sent out on the 2nd June I received it 19th (think they are taking the mick). I replied to them but have still heard nothing and now getting worried as the 23rd is fast approaching.
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