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Everything posted by mollyjacks16

  1. Hi does anyone know what Liverpool Court is like with regard to the cases for bank charges, Have two claims going against Barclays
  2. Thanks Remus, very helpful I have now sent message to moderator
  3. Hi I worked for a bank for 16 years, just retired. I know it costs next to nothing to the bank for returned dds and over credit limit and unautho ods. I know this because in the bank I worked for it was not a manual thing, a computer did it automatically. However, I cannot prove this, I wish I could
  4. Help I have made a silly error, my claim has been acknowledged by Barclays. However, I realise I have just claimed one lot of 8" interest and have not done it yearly. Will this be a big problem. Hope someone can help as am getting pretty scared.
  5. Thanks for that, Its so good to know that there is help and people are friendly. I feel a lot better today
  6. Hi everyone only just joined. Have had an acknowledgment from Barcs today, am scared but determined, Not looking forward to having to fill in forms and stuff, but dont want them to get away with it, Good luck to everyone;)
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