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Everything posted by Aphrodite18

  1. Hi there and thogh it may not help you I would like to relate another DVLA quirk! In August 2005 we informed them that the vehicle was going to be taken off the road as it was being shipped abroad in September and therefore no longer taxable in the uk... sure enough some months later we get a later saying it needs taxing. I telephoned them to say we had already written to explain it was going abroad and I was told we would have to write again to confirm it... with hindisight I and on the basis of current lala situation I thinkit is fair to say their records handling and data division must have gone down the tubes or is awol!! Go 4 the small claim if you don't mind the hassle factor they (Govt) get away with far too much!! We couldn't!
  2. Just re read your post and would suggest that the biggie for them is to get you to waive/sign... why would you.. what do they know that you don't? Something that is for sure!! And I am sure it is not going to cost them more than it might you!
  3. Dunno - but look up info on how standard life played/paid the game? It was a nightmare and a lot of what was done was done was to the disadvantage of all those who jumped as instructed/advised. Then the "heavy mob moved in to try and sort those who wanted to stay put... Never say never and assume the worst and that would be that you sign and agree to stuff without reading every inch of anything you get changing terms.. what you have needs reading and checking against what is on offer and if there are no definitive figures ask for them and if they don't get given beware as you will probably lose out.. remember the pensions and opt outs from what were good pension plans for all sorts of stuff eg NHS. But hey who am I - just joe public...
  4. Hi again and yes Rob, the biggest larf > is the fact they are chasing me for something I bought some two months before ie purchased in July and they start chasing re September and we are going to court the following June which is some 11 months after I bought the ruddy disc!! Have a nice weekend everyone...
  5. I just want to say I am sorry Hulsavictoria as i have ridden on the back of your issue - but as a newby I didn't (and still dont) know how to actually start a new topic/thread so I piggy backed yours as it seemed to be related ish!
  6. Thank you I agree a formal complaint after the event is probably the way to go - what's the betting that gets glitched up and buried.. hahaha boo hooooo!
  7. The Court Clerk did not tell me I couldn't attend. Just said I didn't have to attend as the evidence could be sent in. Which is not possible as i am here and the Court is a plane ride away!! Post from here is not the most reliable either - even if I had the docs here - which I haven't. Ho Hum happy days eh... still it is:) sunny today
  8. The DVLA told her that was the fee to avoid getting a CCJ slapped on me and so she did it. I am sorry I cannot provide the specific wording of anything as I haven't seen it as it is in ngland so I will see it all the day before I go to Court!! I honestly don't see how I can lose as I paid for my tax disc and I have the disc which was issued and paid for in teh July and they claim I didn't have it in the Septemeber - yet it was a 12 month disc!! Mad or wot mate?
  9. I have just been relaying all this to my partner who was sold insurance with Norwich Union by his bank (Nationwide) and it was honoured once so he took it again and waddya Know they turned him down and left him with a huge mess as a result. He had medical notes etc but still no good.. have taken the liberty of emailing our new found friend Darren directly and will update as to how this goes forward - or not!
  10. Well... sort of I was told about the court thing and the date by my daughter as the summonses had arrived and I just assumed I had to attend as it was a summonse so I booked the flight! Later I did phone the court and they said no chance (more politely..) and that I could send the stuff in but that is all very well but the stuff is in the UK and I am here...so really to check on what my daughter has done in her efforts to help I still need to go there as it is all in my name ... hence the horrible costs and if I had known I would have avoided going...
  11. Whoops sorry Mr Moderator Sir.. just read what you said... Can we start a thread for War & Peace as well?
  12. I have just a further thought.. I truly hope you are that rare creature who has kept every bit of paper, letters and statements you have received because then you have your proof re the carry on you have experienced. Stating the obvious I know but whatever you do also get copies made of everything and keep them separate and never ever trust anyone who wants to borrow or keep the originals - show them yes but out of your tiny mitt? Never!! Well you can always look forward to ripping them up and throwing them at teh bank AFTER this is sorted out.. I do know by the way that it really is policy to try to put you on a merry go round in the hope that you will go away.. because it works most of the time... seriously I was inadvertantly told that by someone high up in a national bank. He didn't retract it either he just said he couldn't actually say it but I could interpret it as I would.
  13. Definitely!!! I had a situation some years ago when i had purchased a car (2nd hand) for my daugher and used Ford Finance. I paid it iff early and forgot about it. Some years later I went to the bank for a loan and was politely turned down and couldn't be told why but they did tell me the figure and the approx date. As like you I don't do huge debt apart from mortgages I was able to say immediately it was wrong and it could only relate to the car... had to go home and phone Ford which I did - they took ages to find the records and then said it was an error as I didn't owe anything.. I said I knew all that but they were the only ones who could remove it from the records and I also asked for a written apology - partly for pride's sake but also just in case I needed proof that I hadn't done anything wrong - it was sorted out but it does cause problems and if I hadn't gone for that finance - which I dumped anyway. that could have lain dormant for years and I would never even have known. That Must be wrong!! I am not an expert in these matters but one thing I would suggest that i have learned is that if you haven't got any of these apologies in writing then get them if you can... please get the names (FULL if possible) of anyone and everyone you speak to re this and times and dates.. otherwise everyone can and will duck and dive. They are also much more likely to do what they should do and do it more responsibly! I hope someone else with more insight comes in to help you...
  14. I have just had a very nasty thought!! What if this is a new excuse to avoid providing the information to people that they need in order to pursue their claims in future? Government and Police do it from time to time ...
  15. Hey hey hey... it is NOT boring and for you I don't doubt that apart from huge distress it is also causing practical problems so talk away - if you want to or need to - it is important or you wouldn't be here.. come to think of it that is why we are all here.. it is time to stop allowing all this robbery dressed up as whatever..
  16. I just thought - I don't know if you read the chap Dave's story about how and why this all started but it is an excellent insight into what is driving this movement and it is great!
  17. Hi there.. I wish I could - I am still a novice and all I did was wander adn drop on stuff by virtual accident! I think if you want something specific like you do someone more expert than me will pop up and show you how and where.. just keep on peeping! Good Luck and welcome again!
  18. This is good to read as it shows that PEOPLE care about getting things right - as they should. Fair play to Darren for holding his hands up re Norwich Union and his connections.. don't know if this was on his own time but either way great to read. As for BUDGET we had some horrendous experiences with them and their premiums are frighteningly high when you shop around. Added to which I never checked their ownership links but I would not be surprised to find that HIGHWAY insurance is owned by them as well as well as sold by them. On a lighter note is there a good story out there about an insurance company that is fair reasonable and helpful - long term!!
  19. Well I made it Guys and Gals... still here and just to not waste other people's time _ I think I have found the drafts I need to work from re Banks. onderful place - pity Governments cannot seemingly see the advantage and cost effectiveness of an inclusive way forward eh? Mind you it would cost less and waste would be noticed and dealt with faster if that were the case... sorry to harp on but these days I am increasingly aware and consequently more cross - aha that is why the older generation are such a nuisance and kept down with 50p pension increases etal!! Best of it is we pay these bods!! Whoops here I go again... hope everyone has a fantastic day!
  20. Thank you very much - what is the likelihood of getting what are now going to be hefty expenses..ie airfares etc? an I claim for victimisation and stress??? That's how it feels and noone ever seems to cost that into equations.. I still cope but often wonder how many deaths thru stress this sort of stuff causes.. seriously.
  21. I bought it at a post office and paid for it by cheque. I telephoned the bank to make sure the cheque went thru and it did about 4 days after I wrote it. so I know it is not my fault - all I can think is there was a glitch between teh post office and the DVLA over which I would have no control let alone knowledge of it...
  22. Hi, I have to go to court sooon re DVLA claiming I had no road tax in Sept 06. This is untrue. I renewed my road tax for 12 months in July 06. I was away and my daughter telephoned them and wrote to them also. They demanded £65 as well to avoid a CCJ which she sent to them. I now have to go to court which means I have spent more money on air fares to attend. Can I claim and more important will I get my expenses given that I haven't done anything wrong? I spoke to a solicitor and the court and they all say very unlikely which seems very wrong to ordinary mortal me. My daughter has submitted a statement submission to the courts as I am not there and she was dealing with it on my behalf. Court date is 12th June. Any info or tips would be welcome please
  23. Thank you for that... whew.. money and the associated hassles are so complicated... I need threads for the Nationwide and the Royal Bank of Scotland. Can you please tell me how I get the draft letter re asking for info re charges on my account in line with the freedom of info act
  24. Thank you for the opportunity to access such a mine of information re banks and no doubt other interesting stuff.. I have been wandering around the site like a complete klutz trying to work out what to do to pop up a post.. if you never here from me again it is because I lost my way and not because I can't read! Certainly not a place for a deadhead!! Anyway I have done what I intended to do and will now bury myself in reading up on the process so I too can try and get back some of the largesse the banks have enjoyed at our expense. bit like Politicians really... x
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