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  1. update: Well santander collection called me today and said, ok we have looked into your case, as we will remove the late payments from your file , and notify the credit agencies, I said thats great but how about the default , and the guy , ho was actually very nice to be fair and he did in his own words state, yes AVIVA / Norwich Union were reportedly very bad with paying out on PPI !! he then said ok hang on I will need to go back to the dept , and check this with them first. He duly did this , then called me up and said I don't think we can remove the default as that was a result of 5 or more consecutive missed payment, I then replied well, that is of course due to AVIVA , which was out of my control given my circumstance, and given I have letters from you stating your aware my claim was in process for the PPI policy to be activated and it was AVIVA who would be paying , who can you say you will remove late payments but not the default, as one is a result directly of the other, both of which were down to AVIVA and not me or my lack of communication, he then said ok I am going to have to go back to the PPI department , and we will need to get back to you. I await their reply...
  2. Hi Guys, hopefully someone can offer me some advice regarding getting a default removed from my credit file, which has been registered against as a result of santander (who underwrote to AVIVA) not paying a PPI policy which they should have been paying. So, in Dec 08 , I had suffered an injury at work (pro lapsed disc in the l2 l3 region, trapping the sciatic nerve) this not only rendered me unable to work , and possibly requiring a very risky operation , but it happened during a probationary period of a new job, which I ultimately could not go back to as my contract was terminated . Therefore I notified abbey of my situation and asked that my PPI be activated given my circumstance so that I could service my unsecured personal loan. I was notified of abbey that I would need to deal with AVIVA as that is whom the policy is with. I duly notified AVIVA , and they requested documents pertaining to the said reason I was unable to work,. they were duly provided with documents from both the local neurosurgeon and my local GP . This covered a certain IIRC 4 week period and I was to continue sending them updates of my situation, I duly did this , and the next certificate I sent them was form the GP stating I would be unable work, this ran until August 6th, I assumed that this would be all that was required and they would continue to pay my PPI until such time . This of course did not happen. Jan, Feb , March, April, May June, July all show late payments were registered against me on my credit report (I only know this now) , and finally they ABBEY / SANTANDER sent me a letter stating that the last certificate expired on August the 9th 2009. I then started to receive various letters (all whilst living alone and in a lot of pain) from santander requesting settlement of arrears (which as mentioned previously AVIVA were running up by not paying my PPI). On the 6th of July 2009 despite me explaining that is was AVIVA that were meant to be paying SANTANDER via my PPI, they issued a default against me , and also it shows late payments on aforementioned dates. Finally PPI was paid in August of 2009 by AVIVA to SANTANDER, and a new request was sent for payment to continue or a new certificate to state my ability to work or not by SANTANDER. The next letter / certificate to be sent to AVIVA was a doctors certificate stating i would be unable to work until further notice, AVIVA choose to disregard this , and notify SANTANDER that the PPI was cancelled (I dont have the letter from AVIVA, but it is logged on their system regarding reciept of said doctors certificate being received). Finally on the 28th September 2009 SANTANDER/AVIVA sent me a letter stating as we have not recieved a further certificate , we have cancelled your PPI on your secured loan and calculated a final payment amount of 25.06 for August 2nd to August 8th 2009. So basically, as I am now trying to attain a mortgage and don't want to apply whilst this is on my credit report, I have contacted both AVIVA and SANTANDER and asked them , how when under an active PPI policy 1. did their insurers fail to pay & 2.record late payments & 3. Register a default All of the above happening during a period the insurers were accepting they would pay but did not Furthermore, how can they not accept a Doctors certificate stating until further notice. oh and btw by this point I was on pretty heavy medication for the pain, and did not bother chasing this, hence why I am now doing it , incidentally I am still paying this loan off (no record of that on credit file) to their debt agency wescott. I know thats a lot to take in , so I am happy to answer whatever questions you would like, or clarify anything I have maybe overlooked .. **note I got a letter today from SANTANDER stating that they refund my PPI , but as I had got more PPI settlements than I had paid , I was not due a refund, even though I was only asking them to get the default of my account , jeez! I look forward to any help / advice offered.
  3. Hi All, I am hoping I can receive some information as to whether it is worth my appealing against my car being up lifted from a "home zone" in edinburgh on saturday morning. I basically parked in an area of private bays (no permit required) sadly there was no bays and the surrounding region is all double yellow lined. I therefore noted another resident had parked up on a raised area, this an area which did not impede access or egress for any emergency services, or pedestrians, else I would not have done so, also as I said I noted previously on prior occasions people had parked there , incidentally when I went out at 3.55pm there was a car where mine used to be .. Upon leaving my friends home at 3.55pm I noted my car had gone, I noted it to the police and they stated it had been uplifted at 7.55 am that morning. I duly collected my car form the pound at a cost of 180 pounds, and collected an appeal form. the ticket issued stated it had been 01 : Parked in a restricted street during prescribed hours. Now there were no signs to say you could not park on this area, nor were there any other spaces around. below are the images of the area, and the specific spot where my car was. Oh one other thing is that the car colour stated on the ticket issued , was for a blue car when mine is actually green... So that is all the images I have , I did note a very disheveled notice on a lamp post which was both out of sight and ery damaged . I think I had a picture of it somewhere but cat see it, ie there was no signs saying i could not park there, and this is in an area completely out of the city ,. although the surrounding couple of miles is all double yellow lines...the most ironic thing being, another car was in my spot when I noticed mine had gone... any help or advice you guys can offer would really be appreciated,..
  4. Hi All, Here is my situation. 1. I previously lived in a shared flat with three other people (they only had my name) , and I pad council tax on the flat , however a debt was run up whilst I still lived there from 98 - 2000, however I had a wages arrestment for 1800 pound made against me , which I had to pay , however some three years later I got a letter stating that I owed them a further two thousand pound for what, they have still to prove to me , anyway I explained to them , two other people were staying there , one on benefit , and the other working, I gave them both the names (I did not have their addresses) and as far as I was aware that was that , until again I got a letter from Scott and Co demanding the 2k again ? So I called Scott & co and explained the fact that I had previously paid 1800 pound in arrears , and that this was agreed as being my debt settled by the council on completion of said arrestment , until the further two thousand pounds claim. Scott and co rightly said I needed to contact the council. I duly did so and they said that they would need to get someone to get back to me, of course no one ever has. 2. I have also got another two accounts for my two previous flats (Listed on application of inhibition) , both of which myself and my ex partner believe we had paid in full, however they of course deny this , and even denied receiving a 600 payment we made to Scott and co, and subsequently continued to bills us for the most recent flat previous to where I am now, and to add insult to injury then billed for six months when we were not living their. Despite all our attempts to tell them otherwise, as well as trying to say we owed them money from the flat previous to the previous if that makes sense at all. None of which they have backed up or supported with any sort of proof. 3. Today I got in, and had a letter stating they were proposing an application for inhibition of sale, as we are trying to sell our flat (which I still reside in), however I have been off sick from work with disc problems / sciatica since early march , and they are trying to say we have arrears of 2.6 thousand for all combined (inc billing us for the whole year in advance) , however when we call them one person says there is nothing owed on the previous two flats , and another says there is !!!!!!!! So in an attempt to sort it all out I again called them today and stated that the letter I received was in all fairness a bit of a joke, simply because I have called the office numerous times previously (May / June / July) about the debt from the previous flats and also the summary warrants they are trying to execute despite my calling them and them never calling me back when they say they will. Also I calling them today to discuss the matter , I wanted to record my calls now, as they always deny any and all knowledge of any conversation I have had previous with them over the phone , and it is really getting me down (pop quiz, can I record my calls if they are just for my own use , and if so should I not even bother telling them., . Anyway back to the point , I am sitting with a bill for over 2.6 grand , and a mandate they want me to sign for the full amount (we don’t agree with) or they will stop me selling the flat , now the guy I spoke to (A Hanlin) stated if I don’t sign and return it , they make the inhibition happen, and we cant sell out flat end of, Basically they say we owe them X and we are sure we owe them Y , + the fact they are also trying to make me pay other peolpes tax we had previously agreed as being settled, even after I paid an agreed amount via an arrestment that should have settled it , .. I think this may be a bit vague, but my head is such a mess now with it all, that I really am becoming very stressed and don’t think I can face speaking to them again. I wanted to know what my rights are in terms of information I can legally request they give (re all accounts) and also if, as I asked previously, If I can record my calls to them regarding this matter. Any advice would be really appreciated asap. thanks in advance Eather
  5. Lo Tilly thanks again , you Rock will get onto this next week, may give them a quick call just to make me feel naughty (will be polite of course). cheers
  6. HI again Tilly, Awesome reply time, thanks very much. I thought that was the case, I did manage to get my first claim through without using the N1 or MCOL, and felt that it may be easier to try it that way once the proper and just result comes through (fingers crossed). Do you think I could chance it that way again, or do you think they may resist a bit harder unless it is done through court ? thanks again.
  7. Hi Tilly , thanks for the reply, thought that may be the case (excuse bad punnage). Are they still paying out then ?
  8. HI Guys, I have previously won a claim on a BOS account, and lodged a second for an old current account, however I stopped following it up when the stays began to be issued when the court cases began. So now I have had the letter confirming they are looking into it , and have received said claim, and I have also had the letter stating the bank position on charges post the court ruling (Pre July) I think a lot of other people got these all so (basically them saying it was going their way , but we know it is not). I have kinda left it at that , due to my personal circumstances taking my attention away for the matter, however I would now like to continue pursuit of the claim, but as there has been so much going on in courts and such since I have been away , I wondered if someone could advise me what to do now, as it is regis and sitting with the claims dept of HBOS pending the final result, ? any help would be appreciated.
  9. Hi again sharkie, thanks for the advice. And the role is in the entertainment sector (I was running a very large live music / multi purpose venue)
  10. I dont think so , the fact he has not returned my calls, makes me not even want to talk to them as I feel a real sense of being *ostricised ( *may be incorrectly spelled). No reply to email, or calls, and when they do call me , it is only about getting some document or other , I guess that is there sense of due care ..
  11. Hi Sharkie Thanks for your reply... in answer to the questions you raised... Indeed. thanks anyway for your help sharkie,
  12. Hi All, I would of course appreciate any help and or advice yuo can give me on the following situation. OK so , I recently moved employers and started a new position after 10 years in my prevoius post . I had began to experience a sore leg at my previous job , however i did visit the doctor in Nov, Dec regarding this and the doc reckoned it would sort itself out , which it did not . Fast forward to Jan 28th and myself starting my new job (General Manager position)I had been called up by this company, note I never applied for the job with them, and I was asked to attend an interview in (Dec twice / final one Jan) , and subsequently got the job , recieved all documentation (Minus handbook, this is important i think?) and probationary contract , signed and returned Now during early Feb (started on 28th jan)I was under a bit of mental stress due to the breakdown of my relationship between my previous long term (7 years) partner, I had requested two days of work, and duly this was granted this by my operations director in the london office (guy who employed me) . I had the days off, came back to work, and continued on as normal. However on the night of March 12th , I had been sleeping (well as well as I could as leg had been causing me sleeping issues for some time previously as mentioned above) and turned over, and had the most horrific pain possible, I could barely move int he morning , and so began the problem of my actual illness.... I could barely move as I said, so contacted work and told them my back and leg had given in and I coulo not come in, they said thats fine , however if you are off fro more then 5 days you will need to get signed off, and I said I knew this , and would do so if this was required, this indeed was required .. I have been off since that time, and had been providing them with regular email updates, and phone calls. The doctor continues to sign me off, as after finally getting an mri scan it turns out to be a prolapsed disc in L3/L4 which is trapping root nerve , causing me pain and sicomfort to sit, drive , stand , you knwo the whole thing, although I am getting better it has taken long time. However the problem lies in the following. During the time I have been off, the only time they have ever contacted me has been to request medical certificates, and updates, which I had given them as and when I felt like I was up to it, although I was signed off all this time by the doctor and had posted (at great discomfort to myself) all sick notes recieved they still wanted updates. I did try to call them every week as they requested , but due to painkillers for the first 6 to 8 weeks, there was a lot of time that just flew by , and I certainly did not feel like calling them some of the time, althougI did , and also emailed them I still got a very cold reply from them , and when I stated recently I felt like I could get back to work they stated they did not want me back without first getting thier bupa specialist to clear me, which i said so you sare syaing I cannot come back even though I am requesting to , they confirmed. I have still not heard from thier specialist , and have not had reply to my phone calls , txts , or emails to my operation director / line manager. I feel this is them simply trying to play out as much time as possible , due to the fact I am on a 6 month probationary contract , Furhter to this , i was paid my full wage 2k for the month of March , however april I only recieved statuatory sick pay , whicfh they only notified me about 3 days before I due to be paid . So my questions are .... Shoudl I leave , and if so how do I do it so I still get support (benifits, as I have amortgage to pay) Do you htink they have trated me fairly, as I feel the lack of reply from the guy who is my line manager / employer does not reply to my calls or my emails , and if no , what shoudl I do , rights do I have ? Also some of the things the HR person said to me regarding me emailing them updates during the wort part of the illness was quite surprising ? Oh and one final thing, I recently emailed my Line manager , and stated I was concerned at the lack of response from him regarding my employment / situation and the fact I felt they woudl not want me to come back, and houir later my email account was deactivated , and no one told me why or conmtacted me? basically I am at a loss, I will go and see CAB , but wonered if you can disseminate all the above what you feel I shoudl do next , I have never been treated like this, and never had this length of sick from work in over 10 years ? . Side note: Just to set the seen, the employer employed me from a previous position similar but not a GM position knowing I would need an induction regarding the running of the business , this was given in the form of another GM from a another regional venue , whos training consited of turning up and saying right what do you want to know, and I am quite busy today , basically no real induction given at any point. Though this is not related , i felt it prudent to mention it , as it may play some part on why they are the way they are now?
  13. ok thanks for the post also Al. is there no scheme with banks (abbey is mine for mortgage) where by the put some sort of hold on for an agreed period ? I will eb able to pay half of it for a few months only? then i will hopefully be able to go back to work.
  14. wicked, so you work your ass for the uk govt paying all these taxes (as does everyone) then when you actually need some help (after 12 years solid work, i am sure others have suffered the same fate after longer working periods) only to get next to nothing back. well it is all good news then, basically no help from anywhere in this situation, end result could be i loose everything for getting ill? and not wanting to pay interest on PP over 25 years for an actual cover period of 5 years !!!! GO Labour , you are truly for the working men women of the country ! thanks for the posts guys ,l allbeit as sad to read as they are for me just now.
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