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Everything posted by babybear39

  1. Brum sounds good for me as long as my pins aren't too bad...x
  2. Thanks everyone for the welcome back... Just spent two hours recording a bit for Sunday Politics on BBC Re: Universal Credit and the affect changing benefits can have on Council Tax benefit... Hope it airs, will let you all know Have a little listen to this:
  3. Well, I'm back Been keeping a low profile due to icky illness, writing loads for disability groups and filming a video for a parliamentary session that's going to chaired by Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson... Slept Thursday, Friday and yesterday mostly round the clock and been having a 'delightful' number of f'ing petit mal seizures! Not to worry though not too much damage done apart from loads of bruises and a few bangs on the head which is ok as I already have brain damage lol...xxx
  4. Is anyone up for a meet this summer?
  5. My DD taking time out of her revision to take me to the doctors in the morning
  6. Hope your cousin is ok SOD'EM... Some nasty git has reported me to DWP and the council saying that my daughter is living with me so I've had all my benefits stopped, am in danger of a notice of eviction even though she's never lived at this address... In fact she hasn't lived with me since summer 2007. Luckily she has bank statements and my ex hubby has child benefit and child tax credit notifications to cover the period. It's way overdue for the government to do as they promised and to prosecute malicious reports due to the high cost to the tax payer let alone the DPA issues... On top of all that I've had another diagnosis from my neurologist: Dejerine–Roussy syndrome/thalamic pain syndrome, in conjunction with the Rhabdomyolysis which is excruciatingly painful 24/7 and incurable. It's only manageable with a tailored pain relief regime which is difficult to reach quickly as each patient is different... Got an appointment with my GP in the morning because the out of hours doctor advised that I need an urgent pain relief review and faxed my doctor's surgery... Got an appointment with one consultant at the end of June and trying to get the other one sooner...
  7. SB comes in to play in most debt situations if you haven't acknowledged the alleged debt in writing, or paid anything off the alleged debt for six years... CAG does not advocate debt avoidance but we can, where possible, give you the information to help and/or seek help from appropriate organisations such as national debtline or CAB. If the debt collection agency, in this case 1st credit, breach your rights under the OFT guidlines, CPUTR 2008 or UCPD 2005/29/EC please report them to Trading Standards and the OFT via consumer direct because they are/were under OFT sanctions for unfair debt collection processes including issuing Statutory Demands and using the insolvency services as a method of debt collection that the OFT are very concerned with.
  8. I won the first one but din't get nothin'... Nos da...xxx
  9. Finally social services have got my care package right...xxx
  10. Yes, but if you can't get out to get photos done, fill in the form etc. it's bloomin' hard...
  11. Each local authority has discretion to award BBs. I only recently found out that I should have had one for over 10 years! Been on DLA for mental health issues since 2002 but massive change of circs. from Jan 2010... Am trying to get mine sorted but it's awful trying to get help with it even though I'm on high mobility DLA and middle care...
  12. Ooh! Almost forgot... I changed everything to Sky two months ago (already had TV and was offered a VERY good deal to change phone and internet... Internet was only off for an hour) and, fingers crossed, it all seems to be working
  13. Forgot the update this folks... Myself and BT have reached a very amicable agreement under undisclosed terms last month... But I can say it was favourable to me
  14. Sales texts spamming my phone and the cats having one of their funny half hours lol...
  15. My thread, my thread!!! Crusher aint gonna like me 'cos me is watching you know Who
  16. The stoopid BBC reporters in the rain describing the jubilee thingywhatsit...lol...xxx
  17. Bloomin' eck... There's hope for us yet then 'cos most of us would look better on telly, 'specially with Aunti Annie...x
  18. Thanks for reminding me that I've been lurking here for FIVE years lol...
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