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  1. Uninvited and unwanted. They must love their jobs...
  2. Thank you for that. I shall keep you informed of the outcome if any. Any idea what happened in woody's case?
  3. Attn: DonkeyB and others who had an interest in this thread - Have had a threat-o-gram from UMS headed PROPERTY VISIT. What's the protocol for dealing with this drivel?
  4. Well let's hope more reputable companies see BCW in bed with the likes of HFO. They would give them a very wide berth to avoid being tarred with the same brush. That'll teach 'em! Note the liberal use of metaphor
  5. BCW are probably mulling it all over. Did they research HFO before taking them on as bedfellows? If they did, and they still took them on, they must be hard up for business of any description.
  6. I am still lurking in the background watching the outcome of this current crop of BCW letters. I have not replied to mine at all so it will be interesting to see what moves they make. Woody and Windy are covering the SB route and emilee and myself are covering the 'ignore them' route. I am ready to go the SB route if necessary.
  7. Hi Guys Not sure if you have seen this yet but I found it most interesting http://www.nuisancecalls.org.uk/showthread.php?37310-02036000172-Read-this-if-had-calls-from-02036000172&p=114523&viewfull=1#post114523 Sorry for the length of that. Can't remember how to abbreviate it. Edit:Oh cool. It abbreviates itself....
  8. Very definitely. Our research has unearthed an alleged debt that disappeared five years ago when HFO failed to get anything out of us. It was from a credit card debt incurred in 2001/2. The debt went SB last month. So it could be HFO are having a last ditch attempt at SB debts that have past or are up and coming. And they are using BCW as the fall guys.
  9. Me and the missus are convinced that the DCA trash read these forums so we tend to be careful discussing our case openly. Better that the baddies reveal their hand than us. They have been royally shafted by CAG in the past so nothing would surprise me. Sorry for the paranoia but I don't think anyone can be too paranoid where the internet is concerned especially with DCAs.
  10. We are doing a bit more research before coming to a decision as to action.
  11. I hope this isn't a stupid question but.... most of the advice I have seen on here regarding statute barred debt always suggests that a poster checks their credit files with Experian or one of the other CRAs. The theory is that if a debt does not appear on the credit file, then it has gone past the six year limit from anniversary of default or last payment (I think that's right), and is therefore statute barred. My question is this - what if the debt was never put on the credit file in the first place? Are all debts put on credit files?
  12. Yes, it does for me. We've just received one almost identical - HFO are their 'clients'. I suspect they have sent a whole load of these out over the weekend. Subbed
  13. Mini-update I phoned the third party solicitors and they told me they have received the dosh from my insurance company and have notified the court that the money has been paid (by snail mail). I phoned the court but they have a mountain of mail to sift thru, would I telephone again next week - so that would be Monday or Tuesday. I have been assured that as long as the money is paid and they are in receipt of a letter saying so, and all this is before 20th August, then I am in the clear i.e. the CCJ is removed and it will be 'as though it had never been on there.'
  14. Spoke to the court lady. Apparently I am on the register, end of story. It was put on on the 20th July when the judgement was made. However, because it is so recent, the chances of a CRA seeing it is unlikely (in her opinion). I assume as long as I don't start applying for credit right now, no one will check. The third party solicitors notify the court that the money has been paid and the court then gets the judgement removed from the register. The lady did use the word 'remove'. The summons is still live until the money paid. So it all depends on my insurance company sticking to their word. Have to confess I ain't happy about all this but still glad it is resolved after a fashion.
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