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Everything posted by WCR4-6

  1. well - 14 days further on - and no other letters have been received - been getting one phone call a day. Not sure what the next stage is - and I'm still unclear as to the paperwork posted in here that they have sent me...
  2. well - surprise, surprise - no one showed up after 48 hours
  3. It was after that date Got this in the post today as well (the "previous communications" were phone calls where we didn't even get past those dumb security questions):
  4. well - they've upped the ante today - get home and find they've called eleven times today - and one call to the mobile which got cut off as i went through a tunnel on the train. Any help or advice based on the docs above (Post 19 onwards) as to what I need to be doing next?
  5. And finally - two more 2-page documents - which I have never seen before (certainly not the "Cancellation Form") Just to say that I never got any of these to sign and send back... Doc 2: Any advice or guidance thanks
  6. Next up - two 2-page documents of what looks like a print off from their computer systems: (They have my account password as my mother's maiden name - which my password isn't ) Document 1: Document 2:
  7. Here we go then - postmarked envelope of yesterday (the 26th or 23 working days) Covering letter:
  8. ok - major piece of an update here. Got home this afternoon to find a big envelope from Berk-laycard containing all sorts of documents. Covering letter is signed by a "Maria Roy" Will scan these in and post em up now
  9. just a quick update from the past few weeks. Phone calls seemed to have dried up now - nothing on Sipgate since March 14th - and only the occasional one on the house phone Got a Barclaycard letter with "a chance to a little bit off for goodwill - but it won't mean you recognise the debt" type letter - which was immediately filed. But still no sign of a response to the CCA request either way - and we are at 22 working days since it was sent...
  10. Had a cracking one today - one of the better ones: At work - and we're discussing the movie "The Exorcist" - when the mobile rings. One of the crafty barstewards has managed to get round my blocking software and has caught me unawares... Me: Hello? Mercer Monkey: Is that Mr WCR? Me: Yes. Who may I ask is calling? Mercer Monkey: It's Linda (nice co-incidence there - which I will explain in a second) from Mercers - can I ask you a few security questions. Now - quick as a flash - I see an avenue for **** taking open up like a shining path of goodness - I wouldn't have carried on this if the berk on the other end of the phone wasn't called Linda (as in Linda Blair - who was the little girl in "The Exorcist" - the film we were discussing not 30 seconds earlier) So I move the phone away from me just a bit - so the bint on the other end can hear: Me: Dave, quick, I need an old priest, and a young priest. I can now hear the person on the other end of the phone going "what the hell?" (Phone back to my ear) Me: Sorry about that - just needed that sorted - of course I'll be happy to answer your questions. And just before she can start reading her stupid questions off the screen I give her a nice full blast of: Me: THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU! THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU! Then I hang up and laugh heartily
  11. Reminds me of this clip quite a lot YouTube - Austin Powers - Dr.evil tells Scott to zip it!
  12. Guys - anyway - need some more advice as we've entered a phase I'm not too sure about now. Tomorrow is the 12th Working Day since I sent my letters and request for the CCA to Mercers (sent them on the 23rd Feb) What should I be doing over the next couple of days as the 12th day passes?
  13. Had a letter from them today - which was interesting for one main thing. The letter was from Mercers - but it was in a Barclaycard envelope (The pretense of being separate companies slipped there somewhat lads!) It said "Please call us immediately to discuss this account." Had a quick look in the dictionary after reading it - and looked up the word "immediately". It's defined as "When hell freezes over or a Liberal Democrat Government comes to power".
  14. Had an account with these lot for many years - up until about 2004 when I'd had enough of them and closed the account. Over those prior years I got hit with all kinds of charges and such. What I need an answer / guidance to is - although I closed my account a couple of years back - can I still instigate a claim to recover some of these charges? And how long on average would such a thing take from beginning to end?
  15. He'll give you all a lift on the back of Shergar It's all in the price - fun for all the family
  16. Well the grilled Unicorn on the gold platter at the Seaview Restaurant in Riga is to die for. Lord Lucan runs it - and is a good friend of mine Been to Estonia once in 2003 for 4 days - nice little place
  17. many many years ago - when I had a loan out with Lloyds TSB (who used to be a decent bank before TSB came on board) - I was off sick from work one day - so was lounging around the house in a dressing gown and slippers. There's a knock at the door - I answer it - to find a "bloke" - fresh out of University - hope in his eyes of making a difference in his chosen career, a nice new iron pressed white shirt and a suit which looked like it had just come off the peg in a fine Saville Row establishment - and in his hand was one of those big leather folder things with the zip on it. I had a pretty good idea who we was working for... Conversation went something like this: Kid: (Enthusiastically) Is Mr X there? Me: (Being civil - and feigning ignorance of the fact University Kid's actually speaking to Mr X) I'm afraid he's not here at the moment. Can I help? Kid: Not really - I'm here from Pound of Flesh Ltd (can't remember the actual name of them - could have been someone like Moorcroft or something) - we just need to speak to him about this loan that's outstanding. When would he be back? Me: I'm not too sure to be honest. I think he's abroad with work at the moment up in the Baltic. I think he said he'll be back in a few days. Kid: OK - thanks for your help. Can you make sure he gets this when he gets back and gives us a call please. (With that - hands me a card with my name on it and a request to ring them to be intimidated) Me: No problem bud - I'll make sure he gets it. Kid: Thanks - and have a good day Sir. Kid walks off, I shut the front door, card goes in the shredder
  18. Cheers P1 From dealings with them in phone and postal form so far - I bet a 3 year old would have no trouble running rings round them - and whilst watching the big shiny box in the corner at the same time The phone calls don't bother me - I'm at work during the day so I only field those on the odd occassion that I'm in (and the other people here know not to answer the 0151 area-codes or "withheld" calls) - and any time they try the mobile it goes straight to my sipgate account on the PC here without my mobile giving me any indication of that happening
  19. Letters all delivered and signed for on the Monday. Not had a response in writing on any of them to date. Been getting a phone call a day on the house phone from them - always just tell them "In Writing" and put the phone down. Had 3 calls so far on the Sipgate account. If anyone wants an application to load onto their Windows Mobile Device or Nokia that lets you block certain numbers or redirect them elsewhere - I've been using something called "MagiCall" - works a treat Any advice on what I should be looking to be doing over the next week or so with this?
  20. just back from the Post Office - have sent them three letters via First Class Recorded Delivery: The request for the CCA The telephone harassment letter The home visit letter linked above
  21. Let's have another crack at this shall we? Will keep it brief as some people didn't like the first attempt. Been getting the usual phone calls - several a day from these lot since the start of February. Got two letters through over the past couple of days from these lot on behalf of Barclaycard - whom I got a card through via their Website application process. One was a "Default Notice" - exactly the same as shown below Other letter was one of these "we might be sending some lads round for a chat" - with no date or time on when that might be on it Phoned these lot tonight to find out what the merry hell was going on - got into an argument/exchange of views with the woman who answered the phone (I cannot repeat the contents as it cause the first thread on here to be deleted) who basically said that they would be calling this weekend to my home address. I won't be there this weekend as I'm on other duties - and am a bit fearful of them calling and being "entertained" into the house by one of the other people who lives there - (What would be the course of action they would take if they did gain entry?) I haven't had a card or anything else regarding a time or date when this visit "might" happen. I have set up a Sipgate number to which the calls that would have gone to my mobile now go and will be recorded and logged. Also installed a neat little gadget on the mobile which filters and diverts certain numbers as well - meaning I don't have to put up with their calls etc. Anyway - how to proceed here?
  22. Latest developments in this - and it's taken a strange turn. Never received the email from EOS in the end - all went quiet. Got a letter this morning from Wescot stating that this has been passed to their "Process and Compliance Team" to investigate what I highlighted in the email I sent above - resulting in what they say will be either a "full response or a further update of the investigation." The last paragraph states: Any ideas or views on this at all?
  23. Well - I sent the standard email ( http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/debt-collectors-debt-collection/88795-anyone-know-who-number.html#post818486 )to them last night and a CCA Request this morning - and got a phone call at home this afternoon (I wasn't in - so one of the family answered it). Apparently they're going to send me an email with some information in within the next couple of days.
  24. OK - got back from a day out yesterday - and found a letter from this Golds crowd. Basically it's a "7 days or else court" letter - it states that a Claim is to be issued in the Northamptonshire County Court - but I'm living in Worcestershire - some 80-odd miles and 6 counties away - which I can't really understand. Anyway - what can I do about this if anything?
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