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30 Excellent
  1. A simple "F**K OFF" would have sufficed
  2. Hi Smudgerer, I'm just subscribing to your thread as my case (http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/lloyds-bank/92638-mciavelli-lloyds-tsb.html) was stayed until 29th February & I have the same queries. Good luck McIavelli
  3. Cheers darling, like most on here, I've got everything crossed for a positive outcome of the OFT case. Publicity has got to be a key factor in all this, we need more people to sign the Downing St petition; Dammit, I even downloaded that wretched song onto my phone (that's my musical street cred blown clean out of the water)
  4. Cheers (uncle) remus..pause for groans from the audience Seriously, I hope you good Christmas..by the look of your avatar, you did. & here's to a more prosperous 2008 to your good self & all here (despite LTSB's hideous new charging regime ) I have a feeling things are going to hot up again as the 16th Jan approaches! In the meantime, I'll start having a look at putting my bungle (oops bundle) together & keep my fingers crossed that someone can advise me on my best cause of action.
  5. Hi everyone, & a very Happy New Year to you all, After a great deal of soul searchiing I decided not to appeal against the stay, as I felt it would not stand much of a chance (the judge ordered it on his own valition independantly of the defendant) & to be honest I've already spent quite enough in court fees! Like a lot of us, I've been busy with other non related bank charge issues I'm now a grandfather My notice of issue was deemed to be served on 19th July 2007 & on 9th August my case was stayed by the judge until the 29th February 2008. I have no idea what this hearing is for. I applied for judgement (after hearing absolutely nothing from LTSB OR their solicitors) the order merely said: "IT IS ORDERED THAT" The case be stayed until 29th February 2008 pending the decision of the Commercial Court with liberty to apply, any such application specifying the reason why the stay should not apply". I understand that the OFT case begins on the 16th of January. My question is, basically what preparation do I need to do prior to my hearing?
  6. Hmmm & Many thanks for that Zoot. My financial position has somewhat improved of late (no thanks to LTSB ). More research required methinks.
  7. Succinctly put Tanz. All clear now..Even I get it
  8. Hiya Calm1, I very much appreciate your support . I'm going to need all the help I can get fighting this stay. Best Regards McIavelli (I'm definately not that devious really)
  9. GOT IT! I knew I'd read somewhere that a simple letter could do the trick! You're a star Barty..Saved me £35 too
  10. Sorry GaryH, Sound advice as always, many thanks for your help . I'll be applying for the stay to be lifted. Best Regards McIavelli
  11. Hiya PNM, Looks like we're in the same boat! The first thing I did was check next years calendar to make sure there IS a Feb 29th In the meantime, I'm going to have a read of anything & everything then I'll be making an informed decision as to challenge the stay or not, one question that has arisen is: Do we have to complete a N244 (& fork out another £35 or £65 if we want a hearing) or will a simple letter to the judge do the trick? Best Regards McIavelli (I'm not that devious really)
  12. Your posts always make interesting reading IRRO. Keep 'em up, you're a real voice in the financial wilderness (or should that be a "sea of apathy"?)
  13. Whilst doing my "homework", I stumbled upon this: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/general/108430-stays-info-guidance.html Post #2 Any news on how todays hearing went?
  14. Cheers juicyd, I gave them the extra 7 days following respected advice on another link from this forum (the much respected GaryH, I think) in the (vain) hope that they'd submit their standard defence . Thanks again. I'll have to have a think about the pro's & cons regarding having a hearing or not (& a good read through the posts on here regarding removing stays) Best Wishes McIavelli (I'm not that devious really)
  15. Good luck kitty. When (note "when" & NOT "if") you win; Are you going to do a "Lady Godiva" round Coventry on ya bike..I won't look I promise Best Wishes P. Ping Tom.
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