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  1. I just noticed on my paperwork it states triple room on my tickets (in the booklet) it says 1 x twin room??? are these different??
  2. Well to be fair the air/con was not what i was moaning about - its the only thing really they actually sorted out- ok it took them a day and yes 100.00 voucher for this is fine. It was the pure fact that i specifically spoke to a holiday advisor when booking the holiday and was told we would definatly have seperate rooms and ended up having 3 beds in one room and no one cared that i was given this information and they might as well of just said miss your lieing! (all because apparently its not on the computer) - and yes our flight was delayed by 16 hours or so so by the time we got there we had had already lost some of our holiday and then to find 3 single beds - and then the air con after getting unpacked etc...u can imagine our holiday justed seemed one big stress!
  3. We i complained at about 10am then when got back to apartment at night time there was towels all over the floor and so we went to reception and they said its to late no ones here to help us. So we slept in the room and about 11-12ish the next day see our rep whom told reception to move us and packed our stuff up and moved at about 2pm
  4. well they said apparently they had done there bit by moving us the next day - not the fact we stayed in there all day and night with it leaking and couldnt have it on because it sounded as thou it may blow up Oh they did offer us 100.00 voucher thou or £50.00 cash - which i have refused - hence wanting to know how to take it further
  5. Well to be honest my complaint was that i was given false information - unfortunatly there argument is because it was not put on the system that i called and asked if we would have seperate sleeping quarters then apparently i have no case. Its a case of there word against mine i assume! But to be fair i would not have paid £2500.00 for a 10day holiday to spend it in a small room with me my partner and child! I have stayed in apartments were we have different rooms for alot less The rep on holiday filled out a complaints form and said we could claim compo when we got back home as there was no where else for us to go....but after getting home unfortuantly thomsons dont want to really know or care.
  6. On my paperwork it says triple with private bathm balcony, sea view (which we paid extra for) - i think in the broucher it actually says twin rooms! I have never stayed in a hotel before always apartment as always have travelled in a group and many of us have children. Therefore when i called to enquirer about the booking i asked specifically if we would have seperate rooms etc and was told that we would, hence the reason i booked it without hesitation. The rep we had only was at our hotel 2 days a week, he was working at other hotels for the other days. Your help would be appreciated.
  7. Hello I wonder if anyone can help me on my next steps I recently went on holiday to greece for 10days with my parnter and my son (8). After a 16hr delayed flight (which my travel insurance will not compensate us for because it was not due to a technical fault with OUR aircraft or adverse weather conditions). It was due to a technical fault with an aircraft the day before and there were not enough thomsons staff to work to cover our flight so got put of til the next day. Anyway we arrived at our hotel to find 3 single beds in one room, now when i booked our holiday i asked the thomsons rep if we would have seperate rooms us and my son. I was told that we would, so i naturaly went down to reception and informed them that they had put us in the wrong room, only to find out that the hotel does not have any rooms with 2 rooms. We complained to the rep at the hotel who couldnt move us to another hotel as was fully booked and he filled out a complaint form for us to claim compensation when we got back. Further still the room we stayed in the air con leaked all over the floor, i told reception as rep only worked 2 days a week at our hotel, only to find they only tampered with unit and made it worse. We then got lefted in the room all night with no air con and 3 single beds in one room. We obviously got no sleep alnight. Oh and not to add to the fact i was 5 months pregnant!. So we obviously complained to thomsons when we got home - 28 days later they call us and offer us 100 holiday voucher... i told them i didnt want it as our holiday cost us 2500.00 and it was an insult and further more i did not want to book another holiday with them so they offered me £50.00 cheque. I am absolutly disgusted with this offer and after talking to a rep and the reps manager at the holiday helpline they both still say only 100 voucher. I would like to push this further. One thing they did say is because there was no comments on there system to state i asked the question weather us and my son would have seperate rooms, apparently they dont beleive me! i mean come on!!!. What are my next steps in making them pay?? Thank you
  8. Yes i Did. I sent to Barclays Bank PLC Leicester LE87 2BB They also replied and said they were dealing with my request and would send my statements within 28 days. Im still waiting but glad i sent to the right address.
  9. Hello, Wondered if anyone would help. I want to send a subject request letter, to get my statements for the last 6 years. I was with the Woolwich that is now Barclays. I just really dont know where to send my letter. I originally opened my acc with the Woolwich, Powis St, Woolwich. But dont think this is there anymore! Any advise? Kim
  10. Hello, I am just starting a claim for my brother and as i dont bank with the woolwich. Im alittle confussed. He was with the woolwich that is now barclays!. But closed account a year ago so hes not sure what branch to request his statements from!. Should i write to 1 churchill Place, London? will they have his statements or does it have to be his local branch? and do i address it Woolwich? or Barclays? or Woolwich c/o barclays? Help would be very much appreciated!
  11. Thanks Pete, Will post letter today and see what happens
  12. Hi All, I have recently written to HSBC requesting a refund of bank charges. In response i received a letter basically saying that because banks and OFT are in dispute they will not be looking at my complaint until this dispute is resolved. They also go on to mention that if i make a court claim. The case will be stayed and i will be basically wasting my time applying. I am not quite sure how to respond to this letter and to continue pushing for my charges. I have typed a response, and wonder if you could please have a look and amend if needed?? you time would be most appreciated. I just dont want to get the wording wrong etc etc! Thank you!! Dear Sir/Madam As mentioned in your letter, I understand that the banks along with OFT are in legal dispute in relation to bank charges at present. However as these charges have crippled me financially I am not in a position where I can wait until this issue is resolved, especially as it is unclear as to when this might be. Therefore once again I would like to express my objection to these charges and request an immediate refund of £2140.50 solely made up from unlawful bank charges. It has also been brought to my attention that whilst many courts are staying claims, some courts are seeing each case individually and making a decision. I will therefore if needed, push for my stay to be lifted as financially I am unable to wait until a decision is made between HSBC and the OFT. Therefore if these charges are not credited to my account within 14 days of the date of this letter, I will be forced to seek further Small Claims action as before , which will increase the costs you incur to settle this dispute, not failing to mention court costs and 8% under Section 69 of the County Courts Act 1984. I have attached a spreadsheet detailing costs incurred and interest that will be incurred if a response is not met within the specified time.
  13. Hello, I have already claimed back 2 lots of bank charges now on my third, but as i have left it a while im alittle out of touch as to whats been happening. I wrote to them requesting my money back etc and they have replied with a letter stating that they acknowledge my complaint and they belive there fees are fair etc etc however they say that they have become invovled with legal proceedings with OFT at the moment and that until this is resolved they will not be looking at my case basically!. They have said that they have stored my complaint and what ever the outcome of the legal issues with them and OFT are they will then contact me. HSBC also go on to say if i make a claim in court they will immediatly ask for a an order to stay my actions until resolution of the banks proceedings with the OFT. What or how should i now deal with this?? any ideas??
  14. Hello, Had a court date for 25th July 2007.Sent my Court bundle on the 9th July 2007. Received Payment in my account 17th July 2007 in full. Won - £4200.00. Well actually done it for a friend, but still my victory and his! Just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who helped me get through this. I was worrying the whole time nearing my court date and with everyones support it was not so scary. Everyone on here that takes the time out to help others are absolute diamonds. I salute you all!! A special thank you to freaky lady - who i completely drained when preparing my court bundle. THANK YOU! - You truly are remarkable people!!!! ;-)
  15. Thank you! I will let you know what happens! fingers crossed
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