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  1. Eveing everyone, Hope we are all well and biting back. Sucess stories: Marbles (after a FIGHT) - WON Capital One - WON Mint - WON :grin: :grin: :grin: These total only a little amount, but I do feel that benefit of the £500 is better in my pocket, rather than theirs. I see that Martin has published the Court date for the Bank Charges, but this still leaves us all waiting a further year or more. Is there anyone out there who has been sucessful with turning a court 'stay'?? Keep at them, they will fall. The Sarge
  2. Mold, North Wales has stayed my claim against Nat West. The Sarge
  3. Afternoon, Just to bring my local area and the list up to date, Mold County have placed a stay on my case against Nasty Westy. Regards The Serge
  4. It appears that the Mold (North Wales) courts are applying stays, mine arrived this week. Serge
  5. Evening everyone,I've been keeping a quiet eye on everyone sucess and it is really heartwarming to see so many getting results, unfortunately only thing we have received is another letter from Cobbetts pleading with the local court, Nasty have play the 'stay' on our (anyone else's?) claim and we won't be seen until after the test case in 2008.There is one thing in the letter that I noticed, it says that '...either party may apply on notice to lift the stay'? does this mean that we can apply to the court to have our case seen seperately from the test case?It is not that we are worried, having followed all the links from Martins and this site and I feel confident, especialy as Capital One and Mint credit cards have folded this week and paid out (do I fill in a sucess story for these?) although GE Money are playing dunmb and have until Monday coming to be within the 40 days notice period.Hope everyone is ok and bearing up.Good luck.The Serge
  6. Evening, It has been a while since I last wrote, and Hedgey06 was so helpful, I now have to come back. Got the tatty brown envelopes, and curious looks from the wife...sorted all the charges I had been advised on. Applied to the NWB for the claim, and now (in the mean time, seeing there is to be a test case) I have a letter from Na(s)t(y's) solicitors asking for (I think) more info on the charges so they can make a defence!!?? Help!! I have looked at the Sol's letters and they are claiming that the bank 'know nothing' o what I am claiming and want me to proviede the info on each and every one. Now Martin says that this is posturing etc, but I have no idea about legal etc and am concerned that I might now have to pay for my own Sol, someohting which we can ill afford at the mo. Can I aks the wealth of knowledge that is out there... 1. Do I have to provide the info, surely the bank can print off something themselves, or are they making if difficult? 2. The case is due to be in Northampton, will I have to attend (hopefully it won't get that far). 3. Is it best to get a Sol 'just in case it goes that far? You have all been great in the past. Take care and good hunting!!
  7. Good Evening everyone, I am new to this game, including the PC, so please excuse spelling and typo's.:-| I have read a lot about the claiming of charges and fighting back against the bank (Nat West). But after looking tonight for the last two hours...I still don't know what exactly I can claim against.:idea: I have done the first stage, asked for the statements for the last 6 years, and got them this morning.....now I'm stuck. I've looked through and come up with 5 items that I hope you all can help me with. Can I claim against: Personal Loan Interest; Interest Due (that's al it says on the statement); Unarranged Borrowing Fee;Debit Interest and Paid Referral Fee. There are also monthly 'Interest' and 'Charges', do these count as well? Sorry if the first introductory message is a long and boring one, but thanks for reading. Regards The Serge.
  8. Good Evening everyone, I am new to this game, including the PC, so please excuse spelling and typo's. I have read a lot about the claiming of charges and fighting back against the bank (Nat West). But after looking tonight for the last two hours...I still don't know what exactly I can claim against. I have done the first stage, asked for the statements for the last 6 years, and got them this morning.....now I'm stuck. I've looked through and come up with 5 items that I hope you all can help me with. Can I claim against: Personal Loan Interest; Interest Due (that's al it says on the statement); Unarranged Borrowing Fee;Debit Interest and Paid Referral Fee. There are also monthly 'Interest' and 'Charges', do these count as well? Sorry if the first introductory message is a long and boring one, but thanks for reading. Regards The Serge.
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