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out of cash

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Everything posted by out of cash

  1. i would like to remove something as well from mr carter i await his idiots to knock on my door i think this could be worrying times for debt collecting firms as who knows who is going to greet them at the other side of the door:mad:
  2. sorry for the doubled up thread. apologies to all out of cash
  3. howabout everyone signing a petition and sending it to nicky clarke of watchdog they seem to like this kinda thing in amongst my hundreds of letters to dcas etc i think i migt as well drop him al line and maybe a few others could do the same this could be good tv for the beeb
  4. hi all, have a real problem here sent cca to creditor which they supplied a copy of agreement with different dates and have copied and pasted my sig from another document cheque/application dont know which but the strange thing with this is i have a copy of cca agreement the sig and dates are different from the orig.also no terms and conditions which are on reverse side of orig copy should the copy be exactly that a true copy of original it has all prerscibed terms but the sig on the copy is not the one i signed on the original doc so although its my sig they have definitely taken it from another doc is this fraud? £20K LOAN any help would be most welcom. i havent a clue how to persue this for the best as this could get very messy for me as they can afford the best barristers in town unlike my little self. best regards out of cash
  5. i have exactly the same application sent to me with those idiots trident trying to chase the debt maybe a line about this lot to dti/companies house if they have ceased trading .
  6. i have confused these idiots with their own legal jargon even though they have supplied a copy agreement with full prescribed terms its ilegible in places and has no well other stuff they should have supplied been going on for 9mths now
  7. hi toofiegap, had a legal looking letter from these the other day told them to go ahead and take me to court now i will wait and see what happens i get a strong feeling this company are something to do with a dca named fredrikson international or fred flinstones as i like to call them:D
  8. if they have put another sig from a differnt doc into the orig copy agreement then this is fraud do you have an original copy of your agreement to prove this if you have get some legal advice from someone in town or from a cag member i personaly would consult a solicitor half hr free advice or maybe a trip to your local police staion for a chat with a fraud prevention officer.
  9. hi its my sig taken from another document completely different from my copy of orig agreement with different dates.
  10. the copy of orig is but might not be under the figures side of things had this checked on the loans agreement checker but i dont think i will put my trust in this as its a £150 fee for a true check. regards out of cash
  11. hi all, have just sent a S.A.R - (Subject Access Request) to creditor got reply within 8 days no charges to reclaim cca in dispute is for a visa card agreement its 23 years old but i am going to defend this on the grounds that their signiture is not legible the tooth fairy could of signed this there is no dates on the agreement although there is a stamp with a date which is ilegible anyway my question is what should a creditor send in a S.A.R - (Subject Access Request) apart from statements one statement says your new card is on its way to you this was 2006 so can i use section 85 of the cca 1974 to make them supply this agreement as i dont know the date of the original cca they first supplied which will be 23 years old plus would they be relying upon the 1st original agreement or the latest which should have been sent there is also no credit limit or visa account number on the supposed orig agreement.Any help most appreciated.they also say in the sar this is all the inf they hold on me on this particular account yet the cca request returns a 25 yr old cca yet they cant supply me with a 4 yr old one funny this:rolleyes: all help most welcome regards to all out of cash
  12. hi odc, many thanks for your reply its my sig ok taken from another doc and inserted into a copy of an orig which it is not as i have a copy of original agreement sent to me by them with different dates on.and my sig is completely different from orig and from copy regards out of cash
  13. hi josie, many thanks for the tech info regarding fraud it was much appreciated this could be a really nasty battle as i dont think i could afford a lawyer. best regards out of cash
  14. hi hippychick, many thanks for you reply i have re worded my statement i have a copy of original agreement .bottom line with me is cant afford to pay this back so as they liked kicking me when i was down the boot will be on my other foot for these now:D best regards out of cash
  15. hi all, have a real problem here sent cca to creditor which they supplied a copy of agreement with different dates and have copied and pasted my sig from another document cheque/application dont know which but the strange thing with this is i have a copy of cca agreement the sig and dates are different from the orig.also no terms and conditions which are on reverse side of orig copy should the copy be exactly that a true copy of original it has all prescibed terms but the sig on the copy is not the one i signed on the original doc so although its my sig they have definitely taken it from another doc is this fraud? £20K LOAN any help would be most welcom. best regards out of cash
  16. HIi nightowl, many thanks for your reply and support. regards out of cash
  17. Hi All, Have Now Got Through To Website After 5 Hrs Hope Its Going To Be Worth The Fight. Regards Out Of Cash
  18. hi nightowl, after 5 hrs it seems to be working i am the defendant can you answer this question mcol has taken me from the defence section staight to do i want to make a counter claim do i need to do this now or can i say no and counter claim later? any help much appreciated best regards out of cash
  19. hi all, can someone kindly advise me how i am to enter a defence on the moneyclaim website have been trying all day with no hope just keep getting errors no full stops/commers/& allowed seems crazy to me can someone please help i have only a few days to file so am really anxious to do this. best regards to all. out of cash
  20. hi, i think if it has all the prescibed terms in the application form it could be enforced by a judge but i am not a 100% on this someone with more experience than me will be along soon to correct me. regards out of cash
  21. RE: NOTICE TO RECTIFY DATA. i read throgh the stuff on the data protection you suggested that seems really heavy would you advise this as i am nowhere near as well up on the legal side of things as yourself tomterm
  22. hi tomterm, ive just noted a small thing when they say i have made a recent payment of £1 to the account which is the £1 for the cca request. if the information in their claim is incorrect do you know how i stand legally speaking because as i have had so much hassle with these i would really like to whack them if you understand me;)
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