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  1. Bingo! God bless Katy. Cheque arrived this morning, paid in full plus some. Thanks for the help with the final push and good luck everyone else. Don't give up!
  2. well blow me. Katy just called and said she has a cheque in her hand for £1950 (I think that's slightly more than I was claiming for) which she is sending special delivery in tomorrow's post. The fat lady hasn't sung yet but what a palava over something that was always going to be settled. I have no idea why they bother. In addition, my card was refused at Sainsburys yesterday for the first time in about 15 years because I only had £30 available and the bill was £40 something, does this mean they have started exercising common sense at last and are refusing to honour rather than letting it go through and then screwing me?
  3. Good thinking. Just phoned them and spoke to a very nice 'Katy' who told me a cheque had been requested back in May. She said the case was with her colleague and they would call me back within the hour. Holding my breath I am not!
  4. The final hurdle. I have a court date of 6th August 5 mins with Judge Rowe in Bristol @ 10.30am. I rang the court last week to check they had all the right docs (they hadn't got them all so re-sent) and the court told me the bank/Cobbetts have told them they are settling with me. Cobbetts have told me nothing, I have had no communication from them since their CPR18 attempt.They have all the relevant docs from me plus all the nudge letters etc. What do I do to wind this matter up without having to go to court, I have a great many other things I could be doing that morning? Can I get the case struck out? Thanks people.
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