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  1. Hi there,the letter says it is Judgment for claim (in default). It says that the defendent has not replied to the claim form and is now therefore ordered topay the claimant the money. Does this help? Really appreciate your help, kells
  2. Hi, thank you! I didn't file it online,I did it through my local court ! When I spoke to them today they were talking about warrants of execution,i'm not sure if that is what I need to file? Thanks for your quick reply
  3. Hi guys, Just got a letter from the court teling me Barclays didn't respond to my claim so they now have to pay,woo woo!! I would just like some advice on how I now claim the money. I contacted the court and they told me to go on Her Majesty's Courts Service - Home and go to the forms section, which I did, but really have no idea which form I need to claim my money back. Would really appreciate any advice any of you can give me. Thank you
  4. Thats what I thought, just wanted your views, I think it is unacceptable to wait 4 weeks for them to make a decision, they are treating it as a normal complaint, idiots!!! Will def stick to my own timetable, thank you very much for your advice everyone, really appreciate it, Kells
  5. Hi everyone, I am in the process of reclaiming my charges from Barclays. HAve sent them the second letter saying if I don't hear I will take them to court and haved had a letter from them saying that they can't guarantee they will work till my time frame and I should have an answer by the 17 July!!!!! When I phoned Barclays and questioned this, they told me they were following the time guidelines that the Financial Servcies Government dept have put in place to follow up complaints. When I said it wasn't a straightforward complaint she told me if I didn't like it they wouldn't investigate!!! Their time is up on friday and i think this is totally inreasonable, should i just go ahead with the court proceedings? Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks
  6. Thanks guys, thats a great help, will get on the case today. Oooooh, these banks, they'll try anything!! Thank you for your advice
  7. Hi all, I receievd my statments and wrote to Barclays giving them the 14 days notice to get back to me anad included my spreadsheet of costs, but have just recieved a letter from Barclays saying that they're sorry i'm unhappy but it will take them 4 weeks to look into it and 8 weeks for me to see the results!!!!!!! When I phoned to query this, the woman got really shirty with me on the phone and said if I wasn't happy they would investigate it!! Do you think i should ignore this message and send them the second letter? Appreciate all your help, thanks.
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