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  1. Thks, I may leave the nudge for now and follow up later as you say. I used the Simple-charges-Calc from the site but it did not cal the daily rate. Actually on the Claim form I stated 'the claimant is entitled to interest at 8% per annum from date they were deprived of the money(14th March 2007). This totals £224.55, accruing at the daily rate of 0.021% until judgement or payment. I worked mine out at 0.25p per day(1177.50 x 0.00022) Does this sound right? Thx again.
  2. Sorry, also, how do I work out the daily rate. Is it the original amount(without interest added), e.g. £1177.50 x8% \ 365 or is it the amount inc interest e.g. £1402.05 x8% \365 Thks
  3. Brilliant, should I add a nudge to this and if so what wording should I use. Sorry for all the silly questions but just want to ensure my wording is okay.
  4. Thks Celicaman, Any ideas on my question re: the letter to DG This is what I was going to send to the local Court but The letter I was using for the Court is below but is there a template letter to send to DG to send the schedule of charges plus perhaps a nudge. To: The Court Manager, XXXXXX XXXXXX From: XXXXXX XXXXXX 25th May 2007 Dear Sir/Madam XXXXXX v HSBC Bank Claim No: XXXXXX Date Issued: 17/04/2007 Please find enclosed a schedule of penalty charges taken from me by the defendant, along with interest claimed at the annual rate of 8% pursuant to section 69 of the County Court Act. The interest in addition to the amount in charges equates to the total amount of my claim, namely £1402.05. I respectfully request that the enclosed schedule should be attached to the particulars of my claim. Yours sincerely, Any advice appreciated
  5. Sorry forgot to mention that, yes I used the template so put the description exactly as it appeared on the statement for each of the charges. The letter I was using for the Court is below but is there a template letter to send to DG to send the schedule of charges plus perhaps a nudge. To: The Court Manager, XXXXXX XXXXXX From: XXXXXX XXXXXX 25th May 2007 Dear Sir/Madam XXXXXX v HSBC Bank Claim No: XXXXXX Date Issued: 17/04/2007 Please find enclosed a schedule of penalty charges taken from me by the defendant, along with interest claimed at the annual rate of 8% pursuant to section 69 of the County Court Act. The interest in addition to the amount in charges equates to the total amount of my claim, namely £1402.05. I respectfully request that the enclosed schedule should be attached to the particulars of my claim. Yours sincerely,
  6. Thanks Lateralus and all for you brilliant advice. Have used the ss as suggested, amending the dates on my figures. Got pretty close to the amount(within a few pence). So will send 2 copies to the Court, 1 to DG and keep one for myself. It pretty well matched up to the MSE one but not exactly even though I went through every date. The 2nd March was the closest so not sure why there is a difference at all but perhaps it is the rounding. I was being a bit dumb by adding the 8% to the total amount. I hope they won't mind the slight interest difference to the one on the Claim Form. Spreadsheet Interest = £224.55 MSE & Claim Interest = £224.64 Thanks again Rich
  7. Thks as always, really appreciate your help. This is such a great forum
  8. Thks guys for the advice will change date but cannot remember exactly what date I calculated the charges. It was early March as sent letter 2nd letter with charges on the 5th March. Will 5th March be suffice for this. Thks
  9. Thks guys. I have not set the schedule to DG or the Court yet, only HSBC have it so I though DG would also have it. I was going to send to the local court when I got the hearing date but can send it sooner as you suggest. Is there a standard letter I should send and should this also go to Northampton Bulk processing court MCOL. Not sure if the MSE uses 8% but as mentioned earlier, there is a £300 plus difference in the MSE daily Calc per charge and the 8% on whole amount.
  10. Hi guys, sorry am new to this so bare with me. This is my situation. I used the Template letters from MSE and the MSE Calculator for the charges plus interest. History of Claim. 9th Feb 2007 - Sent letter requesting 6yrs worth of charges from HSBC giving them 40days to respond. 22nd Feb 2007 - Received response stating they will be sending the whole statements in batches over the coming days. Returned £10 cheque I had sent with initial letter. Received all Statements and noted charges. 5th March 2007 - Sent letter to HSBC requesting they repay my charges £1177.50 plus £224.64 interest using MSE calculator totalling £1402.14. Enclosed copy of charges schedule with letter. 23rd March 2007 - Send a LBA to ask them to respond and gave the 14days to do so. I attached the schedule again. 17th April 2007 - Filed Court Claim on MCOL as 14days expired. 19th April 2007 - Acknowledgement of Service filed 1st May 2007 - Received letter from HSBC in response to my letter on 23rd March. Normal standard response denying responsibility but stating 'mindful of management time and unrecoverable legal costs they agreed to pay sum of £1010.25(no idea where this came from as no breakdown from them. They said they are not prepared to refund interest and also said claim went back further than 6yrs. This is rubbish as they sent me the statements in the first place from 2001 to 2007. Of-course it is over 6yrs now since the initial request. 7th May 2007 - Sent a rejection letter to decline their offer and request full amt. Stated I had already stated court proceedings but would postpone the court proceeding if settled in full. Wishful thinking. Court cost also added(£120) so now claiming £1522.14 15th May 2007 - HSBC Defence started 23rd May 2007 - Just received the Notice of Transfer of Proceedings with a copy of the N9B form HSBC's solicitors had completed. They are disputing the full amount with a pretty standard Defense I would think quoting Terms & conditions, and that the charges are reasonable. What tosh. It has now been handled by my local court. I have a couple of questions to start with Question 1. What should I expect next and what should I be doing now? Is it just wait for the date? Obviously I do not want to go to court at all so how long have HSBC got to perhaps payup and avoid the court? Question 2. I had calculated the interest for all the individual charges from 2001-2007 using the daily interest calculator on MSE. This was £224.64. However, I put this on the Claim form on MCOL but it wasn't the 8% that the form states. Should I have used the 8% instead of the £224.64 total as infact I am worse off this way. Don't wish to upset the applecart at this stage and will be happy with the claimed amount but worried this may have confused matters. Should I have taken the original figure of £1177.50 and done the 8% calc which would have given me £1854 with court costs instead ofg 1522 using the daily rate calculator on MSE. As you can see it is £300 plus more. Sorry for the long post but am worried now as in court process and concerned I have missed something. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Rich
  11. CM, thks for the response, will find out how to create my own thread and do that. The spreadsheet I used was the one from MSE. When you enter the details and cal the interest, you have the chart with the totals. I printed this off and sent to HSBC.
  12. Hi guys, sorry am new to this so bare with me. This is my situation. Use Template letters from MSE. 9th Feb 2007 - Sent letter requesting 6yrs work of charges from HSBC giving them 40days to respond. 22nd Feb 2007 - Received responce staing they will be sending the whole statements in batches over the coming days. Returned £10 cheque I had sent with initial letter. Received all Statements and noted charges. 5th March 2007 - Sent letter to HSBC requesting they repay my charges £1177.50 plus £224.64 interest using MSE calculator totalling £1402.14. Enclosed copy of charges schedule with letter. 23rd March 2007 - Send a LBA to ask them to respond and gave the 14days to do so. I attached the schedule again. 17th April 2007 - Filed Court Claim on MCOL as 14days expired. 19th April 2007 - Acknowledgement of Service filed 1st May 2007 - Received letter from HSBC in response to my letter on 23rd March. Normal standard response denying responsibilty but stating 'mindful of management time and unrecoverable legal costs they agreed to pay sume of £1010.25(no idea where this came from as no breakdown from them. They said they are not prepared to refund interest and also said claim went back further than 6yrs. This is rubbish as they sent me the statements in the first place from 2001 to 2007. Of-course it is over 6yrs now since the initial request. 7th May 2007 - Sent a rejection letter to decline their offer and request full amt. Stated I had already stated court proceedings but would postpone the court proceeding if settled in full. Wishful thinking. Court cost also added(£120) so now claiming £1522.14 15th May 2007 - HSBC Defence started 23rd May 2007 - Just received the Notice of Transfer of Proceedings with a copy of the N9B form HSBC's solicitors had completed. They are disputing the full amount with a pretty standard Defence I would think quoting Terms & conditions, and that the charges are resonable. What tosh. It has now been handles by my local court. Question 1. What should I expect next and what should I be doing now. Is it just wait for the date. Obviously I do not want to go to court at all so how long have HSBC got to perhaps payup and avoind the court. Question 2. I had calculated the interest for all the individual charges from 2001-2007 using the daily interest calculator on MSE. This was £224.64. However, I put this on the Claim form on MCOL but it wasn't the 8% that the form states. Should I have used the 8% instead of the £224.64 total as infact I am worse off this way. Don't wish to upset the applecart at this stage and will be happy with the claimed amount but worried this may have confused. Should I have taken the original figure of £1177.50 and done the 8% calc which would have given me £1854 with court costs instead og £1522 using the daily rate calculator on MSE. As you can see it is £300 plus more. Sorry for the long post but am worried now as in court process and concerned I have missed something. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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