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Miss Blitz

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  1. Im just about to go to court against The Woolwich/Barclays (despite the OFT court case) and need a copy of the woolwich terms and conditions can anyone help or point me in the right direction... Thanks Miss Blitz
  2. Thanks for help - jeez I am totally bogged down with all the info... feels like im swimming through mud... guess i'll get it sorted soon... Ill post a barclays thread... information overload
  3. Hello Consumer Crusaders! Im imminently going to court against Barclays and have almost everything ready to go as regards to the paperwork.But Im a bit confused to the "Statement of evidence"... and where to find an electronic copy of one... ( i have one printed out but...) I believe I need to go with the S.O.E. that is arguing the "pre-estimate" defence but I may be totally wrong. If anyone has a link it would be greatly appreciated... or any knowledge regarding... Especially in the light of the OFTs court case Thanks Miss Blitz
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