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  1. Hi there, yes you can claim back PPI if you are in a debt management plan and even potentially have the entire loan written off if it is deemed unenforceable. There is a lot of information about this on the page link below.
  2. I know Hutcheon Solicitors are involved in this debate about unfair tenancy fees also. I think it is more about landlords being charged renewal fees by letting agents over the last 6 years though. Can Landlords Claim Back Renewal Fees Over Last 6 Years ?
  3. Hey Welly - thanks for the kind feedback! I posted in the wrong place I think. It was actually the link above where I meant to post. All the best!
  4. Hi there, I really do not know what point you are trying to make ? I have explained our process and it does not have any negative impact on the client anyway (ie; there is no difference cost wise to a client with an IVA administered in this way when compared with an IVA set up by a CCCS referred client to a particular firm of insolvency practitioners that they may use for example?) In fact Myvesta also has a free bill paying service that many clients take advantage of so they benefit from the conveniance of this too (again free of charge) CCCS operate debt management plans we do not ( We refer clients to CCCS for this purpose). Our clients are very happy with the fact that they do not need to pay any fees and are very complimentary about the comprehensive free service that we provide also. What are you so angry about? Not everything is a conspiracy you know?
  5. Hi Dennis-park, I think you may have your wires crossed? Myvesta is a not for profit organisation and does not charge its clients fees. Within the context of an IVA we act as the daily customer service and payment processing provider for the client over a 5 year period and we charge the insolvency practitioner organisations for this service that we provide to them. It also allows us to stay in the corner of the client for this period too. CCCS operate debt management plans and not IVAs (we refer clients to CCCS for debt management plans by the way) and they recieve a percentage (10 % I think) payment from creditors based on what they recover. CCCS refer IVA clients to a number of insolvency practitioner organisations also (predominently Debt Free Direct) They do not pass any 'fees' back to the creditors. Hope this clarify's things for you.
  6. A visit to your local CAB would be worthwhile. Also look at the educational video clips on the Myvesta site for both the bankruptcy and IVA strategies. They should help explain these options in more detail. Bankruptcy Video Clips IVA Video Clips
  7. Hi there, Yes Blair Endersby are a firm of Insolvency Practitioners owned (I think) by Baines and Ernst. A good starting point when considering the IVA strategy is to view the IVA educational video series compiled by Myvesta. I have added the link below: IVA Video Series Regards Sean
  8. Hi There, Yes I am interested in this topic too. The Students Loan Company however are treated differently to commercial lenders within the context of bankruptcy however (Student Loans can not be included in a bankruptcy petition) They are (presently) still administered the same way as other commercial lenders within an Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) though.
  9. Hi silverbird_9t9, Third party commercial organisations such as payplan have no control over credit companies unfortunately. Attempting to reclaim credit charges will have no impact on your DMP with payplan though. Just curious but how much do you pay payplan each month? Hope this helps!
  10. Hi thecornflake, Well typically an IFA will not necessarily have a good understanding of the more specialist areas of debt advice so you may find that an IFA will only be able to give more general advice about basic debt issues. No harm in talking with one for free though. I would suggest that you contact a Not For Profit debt advice organisation to gain comprehensive debt advice. Some of the main non profits are Myvesta, CCCS, National Debtline and the CAB. Hope this helps!
  11. Hi Seminole, yes it wouldn't surprise me if AMEX had instigated a creditors petition within this context as they are certainly one of the more aggressive creditors we find. Of the other major credit card providers they tend to excersise much more caution when reviewing the option of the creditors petition as they simply do not want the adverse publicity that this could create.
  12. Hi, bankruptcy may well be a real option for him to consider if he simply does not have the means to make any substantial payments towards his creditors with no real prospect of this changing in the near future. There is a really useful online video clip Q&A resource on the Not-For-Profit Myvesta site that may help him to learn more about this option. I have attached a link to the bankruptcy video clip page on the site below. http://myvesta.org.uk/media/video/bankruptcy/index.html It may also be worth him visiting his local CAB to obtain some face to face advice also. Hope this helps!
  13. Hi, you may find it useful to make them aware of their responsibilities under the Office Of Fair Trading Guidance that has been released regarding the practice of debt collecting. I have attached the link to the OFT publication below. Hope this helps. http://www.oft.gov.uk/NR/rdonlyres/9018331A-389E-487E-A1C2-2161AC53697C/0/oft611.pdf
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