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C Squared

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Everything posted by C Squared

  1. Ok - will do. I'm gonna get a credit report too I think just to make sure it hasnt been recorded as a ccj. Thanks once again - I'll keep you posted!
  2. Really? The letter i sent to them in August last yr was not as formal as the template i have seen today but i still disputed the debt (I genuinly havent a clue about it) and asked for proof that it is mine. What are my next options then as I am scared having this hang over my head. Is there any way i can finish it once & for all then? The letters they send are really not nice - and they are extremeley rude over the phone. I appreciate your advice x
  3. Hi, I had my first letter from Ruthbridge 8 months ago and despite me disputing the debt and asking for a copy of my CCAs they have now sent me another letter threatening me with bankruptcy. I too have a mortgage and as i also work in finance this puts my 9yr career in jeopardy. After following your advice I am sending one of the letter templates which refers to my right to receive a CCA and that i want all further comunication in writing. What do i do next though if they do not respond within the 12 day time scale? I feel better after reading all of your comments but am still very scared. Help!
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