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  1. Thanks Blossom, That sounds good so I could try for even more money!!
  2. Hello everyone I have recently started a claim against MBNA, this is how far I have got: 15/08/07 - SAR sent 12/09/07 - Statements received dating back to 2001. In the letter it states that they will be sending a 'good will gesture' of £232 to me in the next 10 working days. I have calculated what I am owed and it is over £800 with interest. Can I go back further that 6 years? Does anyone have a letter to accept this as a part payment and continue to claim for the rest?? Any help will be much appreciated.
  3. Update I attended court today for an application hearing, this related to my application to amend my POC's. The judge allowed my amendment and Lloyds solicitors did not turn up. However, the judge stated that as with all the other claims, mine will now be stayed until the test case has gone through which will be at the end of January. More waiting!
  4. Thanks Gary, I appreciate everyones help as I am clueless!!
  5. I have just spoken to the court and the man I spoke to said that I should just prepare with anything that can support my change of particulars application. I am not sure what this would be as I only applied to hange the particulars as they were too vague. Do I take some evidence to support my new particulars?? So basically the same bundle as I would for a normal hearing???
  6. Can anyone help please???? I have an application hearing on 15th August this relates to my application to change my POC's. What do I need to prepare for this?? Any help is much appreciated.
  7. I am oing to court on the 15th August. Will it affect that?
  8. I have just spoken to Southend Court and they explained that this is an appication hearing for my application to amend my POC's and the bank can turn up to contest my application if they want to. Has anyone else had this?? Do I need to prepare anything??
  9. Can anyone help me please? I have been looking at other threads and no one else seens to have received this letter, Will the 15th August be my final hearing or an allocation hearing????
  10. I have been given a court date of 15th August 2007 at Southend County Court, I haven't been asked to submit a bundle. Has anyone else had this???
  11. OK thanks I will do that now.
  12. Have just been looking at some other threads. I haven't been asked to submit a bundle, should I submit one anyway, if so when should I submit it?? What needs to be submitted??
  13. Apart from starting to prepare for the court date is there anthing else I need to do??
  14. Does anyone have a number that I can call SC&M on please???
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