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  1. Hi there and thanks for this excellent forum! I'm not new to the forum, I have read with undying interest for about 3 months and followed your instructions to the letter (hopefully)! However, I'm getting increasingly worried as my court date approaches... I have received a letter from Natwest's solicitors offering £1000 (full and final settlement) of the £2000+ I am claiming. I am going to refuse this 'goodwill' payment and ask for the full amount as settlement - hopefully that's the procedure. I saw a fantastic refusal letter someone posted on the forum but however much I search now I don't I'll ever find it again! The point is I feel as though I have no idea what I am doing! I understood that the claim might actually end up in court but the reality of it is making me very nervous and doubtful of my legal knowledge or skill in conducting myself! I'm going to take the day off work to visit the small claims in action just so I feel more comfortable but please could you help direct me to some useful posts or give any more detailed advice on what documents I should be preparing to send to the defendant and court or even how to compose this letter? I haven't actually sent any documents directly to the solicitors, I thought the allocation questionnaire & enclosed spreadsheets took care of that - perhaps I was wrong? I have read your FAQs and advice on court procedure and preparations - I guess I'm hoping for a solid list... Thank you very much!
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