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Everything posted by brianwillaims

  1. Hi guys, Just this few days ago got my new Overdraft Facility from HSBC, looks like their trying to make sure they dot every i an cross every t. it's quite forceful, and intimidating, has anyone else received their 's - wots your opinon? My Local MP has said he wants to help out , even though his a bit late I've taken him up on the offer, He's going to write to HSBC for me, I've writtent to OFT.& Fincancial Ombudsman yet again. Has Anybody got any other ideas - cos I'll try the lot. My idea is that we just gotta keep wearing them down - any views welcome. cheers!
  2. Hi, No I really didn't think they had one yer know - I ain't that real stewpid - but me local MP's asked if he can help and get in touch wif HSBC's (dare I say it. ) oh wot the hell (BETTER nature) so think Ill take him up on his kind offer, let yer know wot appens. bi bi 4 now
  3. Hi folks, been in hibernation for awhile- but i'm still keeping up the pressure, have written to all an sundry. My Local MP any MP, OFT, FSA, Financial Ombudsman, MOR suggested if I had reason for complaint, ie; DG never furnmished me with their defence before my hearing in september and Judge never took this into consideration and then without either of us making our case, he insisted on a stay. I am going to lodge a complaint butI've already written to Aldershot an Farnham Court re fees i believe i shouldn't have paid, have sent two recorded delivery letters to them over the last 2 months and still no reply, so not confident I'll get anywhere. Oh! and I've also signed the petition. Anybody got any other ideas - thought I might appeal to HSBC's better nature, you never know they may have had a change of heart and give me, me money back!!! Hope things are looking up for all you out there. cheers!
  4. Thanks Johnny I'm really grateful, you've saved me alotta time, i'm gonna be offline 4 a few weeks, but i'm going to keep fighting our corner. see you soon and again thanks alot you've saved me a lot of time and I really apreciate it.
  5. Hi, there folks! I've decided to write and complain to OFT, any MP that's on the side of justice and the Newspapers just for a start. I am otherwise really pushed for time, re work etc. Has anyone got any useful names and addresses, and MOR address would help. I hope some of you out there have had a good result. I just think, that we should inform the customers out there and keep it in the media as much as possible. perhaps it'll shame them into doing the right thing. ha! ha! don't keep yer fingers crossed!! Good luck!!
  6. Hi Penfold, Well, soon as I had letter from dg saying they would be appyling for a stay, I filled in form n244 and wrote tothe court asking to lift any stay and because hsbc hadn't supplied me with their defence, by the court's allotted date, I also asked the court, seeing they were in direct breach of the court's directions to make a judgment in my favour. This was never mentioned at the hearing. Were just told as soon as we walked in that it was the Judge's decision, and he had already made up his mind to order a stay. So I wish you all the best with your case. perhaps yours will be more open to discussion, let's hope so. cheers!! and thanks Greeneyes. but I think it may come down to putting pressure on through the media?
  7. Hi Audrey, Yep it was District Judge James, not a man to be taken lightly. he made it very certain that I nor the Barrister had a chance or right to state our case. Even the Barrister looked dumb founded but obviously chuffed. I noticed the file he had with had the word 'One Essex Court' on it. During our long wait, he asked me what evidence I'd brought along that day, and I said All six years of bank statements which proved the banks cahrges were unfair, he asked of he could see them, and I replied that I'd already supplied D & G with them, he only seemed to have my schedule of bank charges with him. The Judge did inform us that we had 28 days to appeal, but he hastened to add at Winchester Court, and I'd better have really good reason for doing so!! cheers, I'd be interested in your thoughts, Brian
  8. Hi, Audrey, Duchess, Lattie, Mitch,Castlebest and all, My hearing wa s at 2pm , today, at Aldershot & Farnham CC., 3pm came and went - 4pm came, but 4.10pm. Two hours and 10 mins later, My day had come, well it came and went in a flash. Blink and it was over. Had Barrister employed by HSBC there and there were two other cases there filing against Abbey and TSB - but because we waited so long two guys gave up and left the barrister's to seek a stay and the claimant's signed a consent to do so. Undeterred I hung on in there - but I never got my day in court. went in prepared to fight, loaded up with all my documents, but Judge signalled that it was his decision, and without giving me a chance to put my case - a stay was granted, with 28 days to lift a stay, but was told I need really good reason for doing so, and that I would have to apply to Winchester County Court to lift said stay.even the Heavyweight barrister didn't have to say a word a part from good afternoon!! well by then it was almost evening. The Judge said that this would be his direction from now on, so I guess Aldershot and Farnham have made the decision of blanket stays from now on. Quite interestingly though the three heaveyweight barristers were telling the the claimant's that they were pretty sure they'd get a stay, and that it would be in the claimant's benefit to comply, but hastened to add it was their choice when all said and done, but I feel at least one claimant was so fed up and it was also so incredibly hot in there, that they caved in!! My only consolation was that barrister had to go through the same ordeal and that HSBC had to pay for him sitting there doing nothing for over two and a half hours. So guys where do we go from here, a petition as some suggested and the paper a nd politicians. I'm definitely up for it. again thanks guys, kee in touch, and let me know what's going on
  9. Hi yeh! yer right Johnny it's tommorrow but thanks for your concern Greeneyes. I'll let you know what happened tomorrow ok thanks
  10. Hi folks, well it's the day before the court hearing and although I've written to the court for any stay to be lifted on N244 form and for judgment to be made in my favour due to DG not sending their paperwork by time of court's directions, I posted letter over a week ago and I've heard ZILCH!! It seems that the banks can do exactly what they please!!! What's going on!!! Anyway I'm going to turn up at court and find out what's going on. By folks got loads of things to do. Cheers for all your help Wish me luck I think I'm going to need loads of it!
  11. Hi, Audrey, feeling ready for batt;e thanks to you and all your help- Cheers
  12. Thanks folks, you've all been a great help, will soldier on tomorrow- nite nite
  13. Thanks Lattie, but, I'm abroad alot and arranging the date of my initial hearing was difficult, by the way,which is next week - thought the Courts would get fed up, as sometimes i have to work abroad at short notice. Could you clarify what I relevant paperwork I need to send along with Form N244 - I'd be sincerely greatful - as my eyesight's failing rapidly now and my determination! thanks
  14. Thanks, I'll re-consider my options/ talk to you soon, decided to make the best of wot's left of the bank holiday - wishing you a great day and thanks again
  15. cheers Audrey,for sticking up for me and you are an angel, errr.. especialy if you can help me out with wot they need with this form - I've opted for the choice 'without a hearing' or am i just a coward to do so, but time is precious and limited. thanks again, Audrey/Angeleyes
  16. hi, again need some more help I've completed form N244, and I'm just looking at the printed copy, cos as you know my eyesight failing and I see now it says send relevant fee and any draft order and other evidence sufficient for service on each respondent What? not more paperwork. Since they've all got my court bundles isn't this sufficient or do I need to send more and if so, pretty please - help me!!!!!
  17. oops!! did I say Angela, sorry Audrey - obviuosly all this stariing at the screen, has temporarliy blinded me - mind you my eyesight is failing - think I've aged alot since taking on the banks - Thanks again. PS:- If anyone else has words of encouragement or ideas I'd love to hear from you.
  18. Angela, Thanks for all your help. as you say onwards and for ever upwards. I'll be in touch
  19. Hi Angela, thought I'd clarify whereabouts i'm at, I been given a court date, I have sent my court bundles to both HSBC and Court nearly two weeks ago, after DG recieved it had letter back, saying they had received my paperwork, but on behalf of HSBC were going to apply for a stay, since then they have failed to furnish me with their defence paperwork by the date instructed by the court. So I have written to the court saying that I do not feel the bank has a right to apply for a stay, cos, of the courts and mine time and costs, etc and also that the bank has defaulted by not adherring to the court deadline. So far I have had no word from the court saying the bank has been successful in it's application for a stay and plus now I'm at a great disadvantage as haven't received banks paperwork. And as far as I know the original Court Hearing is still in 8 days time. By the way I can't seem to find the right form you were talking about. I'd be very grateful if you could let me know the form number and sorry I'm not good with abbreviations, wot's MOR? I must admit I'm getting a bit fed up with all the paperwork, but then I think No I must fight on, and then I think WHY? But,these banks seem to be using every trick in the book and getting away with it. If I had'nt bother to submit my paperwork- my claim would have been thrown out. How can the banks get away with it!!. Sorry I get off my soap box now - it's your turn
  20. Thanks guys, I thought that if they didn't send me their defence papaerworj by the allotted time, as they would be in breach of the Courts directions, I'd be in a stronger position and could get this done and dusted. Silly 'Ole me - it seems the banks can do what they like and flaunt all the rules!!! Audrey can you enlighten me who'ts a dl ? and thanks everyone for your help.
  21. Hi, Thanks for your reply, No have not heard anything from the Court, sent letter to court yesterday, informing them that I have not received Bank's paperwoork by date they instructed. There's only 8 working days now to court hearing.
  22. Hi, I'm at the stage where HSBC said they would defend my my claim, sent D&G & Court my court bundles. D&G then wrote saying HSBC were going applying for a stay. Since then not a word, but now, they have failed to send me their defence paperwork by the allotted date, instructed by the Court. So have written to the Court, informing them that HSBC is in default and that I am against any stay of the hearing, which is just under two weeks away now. and have asked the Court to rule in my favour. Has anybody got any other suggestions?
  23. hi folks, the bank decided to defend case couple of days before 14day time limit was up, giving themselves an extra 28days. I rang mcol help desk to see whats going on, they told me they were giving bank till the 30th May to file their defence, that makes it 33 days!! I think I'll probably be away when I get my notice of which court will hear my cases, so I asked mcol help desk they said if I wasn't available it could jeopardised my case- great !!- so I decided to send a list of dates when I'm unavailable, to Northampton and hope for the best. any suggestions please?
  24. cheers!! Much appreciated - i'll let you know how things go. Thanks again
  25. thanks for all your help, but one more question, last paragraph on letter to Dg . quote 'settlement at a daily rate of £0.xx per day' what should i put? brain's stopped working now!!
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