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Everything posted by phoebesmum

  1. I too have had dealings with Salans, (P Beswick) they agreed a settlement with me, no default just charges, I let them off with a bit agreed £371 including £30 court costs. Signed agreement. This was on 15th January 2008, told they would send off sealed to courts, can't get any answer from P Beswick on e-mail just chooses to ignore. Telephoned courts who said paper work from Salans not in order, so after initial 28 days, last Friday, now another 28 days until they respond and judge signs the order as agreed. I now don't want this, they have taken a really unreasonable legth of time with all this, well over 6 months since initial contact. Any advise, as not sure if I am getting paid, or if I am, when it will be. cheers P
  2. Oh my God, they know more about me that I do!!!!!!!!
  3. I'm with Scarletpimmpernel on this one, bullies are often promoted. The department I used to work in had an awfull manager, she decided who she liked and the one's she didn't new about it. This manager came about 1 year after I started and within 3 years it had all become too much, our department was pushed to breaking and we called the unions in, following this 16 staff, myself included left within a 3 month period, I think about 11 of us complained to HR about her behaviour, and yes you've guessed it she is now even higher in the trust. I have now returned to the trust about 2 years ago after hurting my knee whilst re-training as a paramedic, and fortunately I now have a great manager who actually fights our corner. My advise would be to speak to your union rep if you have one and then go with them to HR to find out what has gone on. I am not sure if you can redeployed without notice, but if it is within our trust it would happen as the welfare of the staff (you know the ones that actually get their hands dirty and do the real work) are always the ones who are made scapegoats and treated like c**p, no wonder the NHS is in the state it's in, and it is going to get worse. Good luck with your quest, and get some advice, do like we do on this forum, there is strength in numbers.
  4. Good luck everyone in court on the 29th, lets hope its a good result all round, give it to the banks both barrels.
  5. Thanks, donation will be on its way as soon as I get my money. It is great to know there are people like you guys out there looking after the little people. Cheers:)
  6. Good luck with lifting the stay elseg:)
  7. Thanks, just hope somenone can help. Just didn't understand what the hell was going on yesterday, spoke to the court, told to seek legal advise?? If something has already been settled and a refund made in full, surely a stay can't then be placed on it 6 days later??? talk about confusing:confused:
  8. Hi everyone, I did post this originally in the wrong place advised to move to cap one. Bit worried, yesterday after much of a battle with cap one, finally got letter of offer dated 14th August stating cheque will be with me within 14 working days, then....... Letter received from Moneyclaim courtm Northampton. Dated 20th August. Between ********* and Cap one Before District judge Murdoch sitting at Northampton County Court Without hearing it is ordered that: 1)following the filing of a defence or holding defence the claim shall be stayed pending judgment in the OFT lest case 2) liberty to apply with an explination Note: any party affected by this order may under rule 3.3 (5) apply to have it set aside, varied or stayed. Such a party must apply under rule 23.3 within 14 days of service of this order. BUT.... attached to this was a letter from Cap one stating Dated 14th August **********vs Cap one County court claim********** I write in connection with the above claim issued against cap one at money claim online for tha total amount of £000.00 Cap one has acted in accordance with the terms of ******* credit agreement. However, we have today refunded on a no admission of liablity basis, the full amount of the claim totalling to £000.00 We have written to ****** to confirm our actions and asked her to contact you to discontinue the claim based on the fact that is has been settled in full. Yours Sincerely Angelina Wilson Executive Office For and on behalf of Cap One Any advise, am I going to get my omeny or will I have to wait until after the test case. Spoke to some really hard to understand guy yesterday called (Erthi) I think that s what his name was, he did spell it, but still none the wiser. He said cheque will be with me by 5th Septemeber for the full amount, but not sure I trust someone I can't understand. Any advise greatly appreciated, as surley a stay can't be granted one refund made?????? and they are the ones who said refund made in full????? Cheers guys
  9. Sorry, but should I move this to a different thread, or start a new one, can anyone advise how to start a new thread?? Thanks:(
  10. stay reads Me & Cap One without hearing it is ordered that 1)following the filing of a defence or holding defence the claim shal be stayed pending judgement in the office fair trading test case 2)liberty to apply with an explanation Note: any party affected by this odered may under rule 3.3(5) apply to have it set aside, varied or stayed. Such a party must apply under rule 23.3 within a 14 day period. Order drawn 20th August. attached to this letter is one from cap one reading: Me v cap one claim number ******* I write in connection with the above claim issed against cap one at money claim for the total amount of £000.00 cap one has acted in accordance with the terms of me's credite agreement. However we have today refunded an a no admision of liability basis, the full amount of the claim totallying £000.00 We have written to me to confrim our actions and asked her to contact you to discontinue the claim based on the fact that is has been settled in full. date 14th August I have spoken to cap on how said the cheque has been issued and should be recieved by 5th Sept. So not sure what is going on Please help
  11. Sorry to add on, but don't know how to start new thread. I have been claiming against Capital one, I received a letter of offer dated 14th saying my refund will be with me within 14 working days from the 14th August, as yet nothing (it was a full refund) today I recieved a letter from the courts about a stay has been ordered on the 20th August, attached to the letter of stay from the courts is a letter from Cap 1 saying they have refunded me my money on 14th and want the case closed. I am very confused, will I get my money know within the 14 days or will I have to wait until after the hearing, also if they have already made me an offer, don't they have to honour that anyway??? Very, very, confused.
  12. phoebesmum

    Act of God

    Thanks for the replies, the one from Scarletpimpernel I might give it a try, you never know, I am in work at the minute and my knee is killing me cheers
  13. phoebesmum

    Act of God

    Changed from RCN to Unison when training, at time of injury not within Unision for long enough to offer any help
  14. phoebesmum

    Act of God

    Can anyone offer any advise, I left nursing a while ago to train as a paramedic whilst in the field (an actual field) I jumped over a fence to get to people who had rolled cars off a motorway. On landing I pulled my knee, the follwoing day I ended up in aed, off work for 9 weeks (no pay - new trust, so sick pay not transferred) then had to leave paramedics as unable to carry out duties. I then returned to nursing. I have found out (over the last 2 years lots of pain and dislocating knee) that I snapped my anterior crutiate ligament and damaged the cartalidge, 1st op just done (lots of pain know) 2nd op due end of year to reconstruct my ligaments. I have tried to make claim through no win no fee, and told my accidnet was an act of God an no claim to be made, how is it people can fall over thin air in shops and claim thousands, I damamge myself in work, doing my job and nada?? Any advise greatly appreciated cheers
  15. Hi everyone, I too have recieved the letter this morning, would love some advise on how to proceed, courts?? they say they will automatically ask for a stay in the courts until the test case is completed, looks like the bank thinks they are going to come out on top.
  16. I posted the same letter today, not sure where I will stand, but does seem a bit unfair. The woman basically spoke to me like I was an idiot, telling me it is the banks money and as there is an amount outstanding to the bank that they would be stupid to just GIVE ME MONEY, when I owe them????? It's like you said though, if they hadn't given me charges I wouldn't owe them a bean.
  17. Same thing happend to me today, just spoke to mcs, some silly woman on the telephone arguing so just told her, I had an arrangment with them, and that the cheque from HSBC has to come to me, they took my money over 4 years so I should be able to pay them back over the same amount of time???? Not sure where I stand but hey ho!!! Phoebesmum8)
  18. All is clear. I think I should take it as 12 days from receipt of the letter, 30th of April, which is the 12th of May. The the month on top of that will take it to mid June. The only thing is what does OC stand for (something obvious no doubt). Thanks for all the info ....gratefully received.
  19. So as I have given the 12 days does this also include the month... (letter dated 25th received 30th april) after which the debt is no longer enforcable ? Also if they have bought the debt does that mean citicard have no longer any interest in the debt (as in if they have been paid by Capquest do they no longer have a right to the debt)
  20. I originally sent the cca letter to Scotcall..... should they as outsourced workers for Capquest relayed the letter to them (it was a month ago). When I spoke to scotcall today they refused to give the address of capquest (which I now have) but give a phone number instead. Do I have to start the clock again regarding the CCA (the one to Scotcall was recorded delivery).
  21. Can anybody clear up a few puzzles for me please. The debt started with citicard then capquest. Now I have scotcall. I asked scotcall for a CCA and they failed to reply. They say they are just debt collectors working for Capquest (they never forwarded the letter to them though!?). So their letter says the creditor is "Capquest frmer Citicard" !! (yes without the letter o in former). Does this mean they used to be Citicard ( I think it is a ploy to hide the fact they have bought the debt but look like it has mearly changed the company name from Citicard to Capquest). They say even though I sent the letter a month ago they have had no correspondence from Scotcall (who they say they "outsourced" the work to). Anyway Capquest now say they have 28 days to get the CCA and they need to get it from Citicard. This means they do not have it I presume. What now sit and wait ?? Do I deal with Scotcall, Capquest or Citicard. Anyone....... Oh and they both want to know why I need a CCA as I must have got one when I first sign the agreement with Citicard. I did say why I needed it was irrelevent... it is my right to ask for a copy. At one point I asked for Capquests address but they refused until I answered questions about my debt and wether I was willing to arrange payment.
  22. Can I ask, I did have an account with co-op closed now for 5 years, but in the last year opened had loads of charges. Only problem I can't find my account number, was with them for 7 years, any ideas??? Thanks guys T
  23. I know how you feel, I work in a hospital and am due to have surgery on my knee, I am incontact with MRSA everday, and at the min I am scared ****less of catching something.
  24. Glad there is a thread for this, as I am just thinking about trying to get my charges back, I have an original card for £200, but with interest and charges ended up paying back £441 to debitas. So would love to get the difference back, also a default which I would love removing. I also had a citi card £400, now with interest and charges I am paying back £1200 to Capquest, I would love to stop paying this @ £50 a month until I get my money back, can I do this, or should I just continue to pay, I have already cleared £350 from the £1200. Thanks by the way I am new today and this is my first post, so Hi!
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