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Everything posted by bingolass68

  1. hi i came across this web site while searching hospital bugs as my father has just died and although he had had a massive stroke,i think the bugs he caught did not help c-diff being one. I cannot fault the staff that cared for him and us as a family and i wont go on as still feeling raw, as this was only a week ago there were times when we went to visit and there was rubbish left on floor from various sealed tube feeders etc. The other thing we saw when he was on wards was other relatives going round other beds not just the ones they were visiting, dad was in a ward of 4 that had infections there were the odd staff that didnt wear aprons or do hands which we did ask about/mention. But the thing that got me is seeing staff and visitors going through main doors without doing gel for hands and going out in their uniforms (i now this is standered now not the nurses fault) when there were clear notices up to say there was an infection control in force!!!! Sorry for any typos and for saying what i saw but as i said this iks still raw for me
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