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Everything posted by nicolee2931

  1. Hubby has an account with Jacamo. He was on a payment arrangement for ill health, had heart attack and other issues since. However none of the arrangements were met due to his deteriorating health. Today he gets an email stating due to a system error in calculating interest rates more interest has been added to his account. Is this even legal considering he is on a payment arrangement and ill with deteriorating health. Jacamo say it’s an internal error in their systems which caused the rate error. Any advice on this, I’ll attach the email later.
  2. He going to have a word with HR on Monday see if there is anything they are prepared to do. He has also looked at an EX160 form as he may be eligible for fee remission on the set aside as he only works part time and is a carer to his partner and gets Universal Credit for the family and 2 children, so there is every chance the £255 for the set aside may not apply. If the worst comes to the worst and he does have to complete an N244, what is the correct procedure for filling in the form, and can it be taken to his local county court?
  3. My son has spoken to his manager just as he is still at work and he in turn has just rang the training garage and spoke to one of the guys there, they said they often have to refer these things to court as a lot of people leave before the two year period expires. He doubts there is little they can do from getting it back from court as it’s gone to far even though it was a error In Sending it there, what they are willing to do is provide a letter supporting Him to help him set aside. with regards to the post he assured me he didn’t bury his head in the sand and he hasn’t received anything, he has genuinely had problems with not getting mail, there is a street with a similar name to his and they sometimes get his mail and he gets there’s. He hasn’t moved house recently either.
  4. Posting on behalf of my son. My son started a job with National Express as a bus driver several years ago, at the time his PCV training and test fees were deferred by the company for 2 years, if he remained an employee of the company for a 2 year period the training and test fees would be wiped and nothing would be due. However, he left his employment after 15 months as he was being bullied by management at the garage he was based at. He took up another bus driving job for Ring and Ride, my son had been at Ring and Ride for 7 months and he was sent a bill for around £550, which was a pro-rota amount of his training at National Express, however Ring an Ride went into administration after 9 months service. Following on from Ring and Ride, my son went back to National Express but was based at a different garage, he took the bill for his training into his new line manager and his manager said he would deal with it. However 13 months later after hearing nothing and believing the debt settled, my son got a letter from Marstons acting as HECO's dated 23rd January 2020, they intend to visit my son on the 3rd February 2020 to collect £810, the debt relates to training while at National Express. My son had no County Court papers arrive or no Judgement arrive from the court, he said he would have absolutely defended this as nothing was due, he has even spoke to his manager today and his manager said he took care of it and would provided himself as a witness to confirm this. My son wants to get the writ and the judgement set aside, and wants to be given the opportunity to defend this action as he believes he owes nothing and has a witness to confirm he owes nothing. His stumbling block is completing the N244 to get the writ and judgement set-aside as paperwork is not his strong point, and what court does he send the paperwork to, can he go to his local county / magistrates court to hand the paperwork in? The original court was Huddersfield County Court where judgement was entered. Is there anyone who can assist with completing the N244 and which court, preferably his local court he can take the paperwork to get this looked at urgently?
  5. Well an update, JDW have now sent the other 2 accounts out of the 4 which hubby had with JDW off to Lowell, even after a complaint going in prior and a promise the 2 in house accounts would not be sold. He has sent off a SAR to JDW for the 4 accounts and see what comes back, I'm guessing he puts in a claim for the charges to wipe out any amounts they have sold the amounts on cheaply to bring as much pain as possible to JDW. I'm guessing JDW owe hubby rather than passing this amount on to Lowell, as Lowell are claiming they own the debt outright, so in that sense hubby gets the money back in his pocket from JDW. Also anyone finding themselves in my hubby's position be absolutely prepared to have all your accounts sold to Lowell, even if any arrangement you have with JDW to kept up to date. They are sending up to date accounts with arrangements on them to Lowell claiming its a business decision. Its wrong and there is something definitely not above board going on.
  6. Yes I get what you mean, there is nothing creditors could lay claim to. We don't own property, well we did at one point but the house was sold to the local authority under mortgage rescue about 3 years ago. As my husbands illness meant he had to give up work we decided keeping the mortgage going was impossible, so the local authority own the property now. But he has sent the complaint across to the Chief Executive now see await what happens, he has has also sent a SAR off to see what comes back. What is the process of claiming the fees back and can they can be claimed back legally, is there a spreadsheet what works out the interest which has been added to the accounts? There probably isn't a lot of fees as he never missed payments, only the change in his health caused a blip. Are they entitled to actually refund the fees to me or offset them on the accounts. However in a call my husband made to JDW this morning there is an awful lot of customers who have had their account off loaded to Lowell, JDW tried to assure me I wasn't the only one, the indication was there is 1000s of poorly performing accounts which have been offloaded.
  7. He even said that himself, he knows time is short, unless there is some miracle I can only hope for. I think he want's some fun with these lowlife's, he is more bothered about me and the harassment and lifetime of eternity they will hound our mailbox with once he has gone. I suppose he is at least doing some good while he is here, if not himself, but for others that these lowlifes lay on the vulnerable.
  8. He has pulled the CEO's email from CEOemail and sent a damning complaint email to the CEO of JDW, threatening to take his complaint to the FOS and passing on detailed evidence of his health condition which is a death sentence hanging over his head. He said death can't come soon enough so Lowell get nothing, but said he will fight the good fight as long as he is here. The bizarre thing was he didn't break his payment arrangement, there is a payment due in 10 days time on the Jacamo account which the Direct Debit is still active on his online account, and worse still his Fashion World account they took a Direct Debit on the day they sold his account, the Directs Debit is still setup on that account also, as is the Direct Debit's are still active on the 2 account which were not sold. As he has 4 accounts in total, 2 which were sold and 2 remain in house. So now in the mean time send JDW a SAR for all his accounts, he might as well do it now, he has 4 accounts, should he send for all 4 accounts and if so will it be £10 for each account or £10 for all 4? One interesting thing to note JDW could see his Withheld Number when he called into the call centre, they have never had our new landline number which we changed just before xmas, we have permanent 141 one the line and he tested it on his mobile before calling them and it came up Withheld on his mobile, the agent said they could see his number when he refused to confirm his number, the cheeky so and so even read it back on a call which was being recorded, he said the number was absolutely never to be recorded or passed onto Lowell. So what now, should he argue the case with Lowell over the lack of a Default Notice keeping it all in writing, he has it in a recorded call with JDW, one was never issued, is it worth transcribing the whole 29 minute call in case he has his day in court? Can a case even proceed with no Default Notice when an account has been sold, which I believe Lowell can't default him either? And in the mean time wait for the SAR to come back and then raise hell with JDW with both a fee claim and a complaint to the FOS? After seeing the post from @CC48 above this one, I bet there is a fair few more accounts JDW have just decided to sell onto Lowell. Also is it also worth having a notice added to the Credit Reference Agencies that no default notice was ever issued, and send them the transcript of the recorded call and evidence from the SAR that no default was ever issued just in case on is attempted to be registered later on. Also is it worth asking for a signed copy of the Credit Agreement, or not worth it in this case? @ericsbrother The amount for the Jacamo account is £2414 & Fashion World £1347. To be honest he is up to date on all his arrangements, even the ones that got sold on. On the £2414 he pays £40.00 per month, and the £1347 he pays £20.00 per month. He did miss Nov' 2017, but he was rushed into emergency surgery on his neck around the time the payment was due and I took my eye of the ball while he was in ICU kept in a coma to maintain his airway. But the 1st of December 2017 I paid £120.00 on his online account which was more than enough to cover the missed payment and then they went on to take payment on the 5th December by Direct Debit of £80.00 in addition to the £120.00 I paid on the 1st December 2017, no doubt the £80.00 consisted of the previous month of November 2017 which was missed and the current month of December 2017. Then they pull a trick like this after depriving me of £200 3 weeks before xmas while hubby is in a coma for 5 weeks due to complications, the consultants said if we are going to loose him its best he don't know how ill he is, hence the reason for keeping him in the coma. Honestly I am so angry with what they have done.
  9. Trying to cut a long story short as much as possible. Hubby has 2 accounts with Jacamo and Fashion World (both trading as JD Williams) In September 2017, he entered into a payment arrangement due to illness which will ultimately end up killing him. Payment arrangement kept to next payment not due until February, or so we thought. This morning he gets a letter from Lowell informing him both accounts have been sold to them. He has spoken to Jacamo and raised a complaint with them and they have confirmed they have not issued him with a default notice as they are understanding of his illness, but a business decision was made to sell the accounts. Now I know I am going to get shot down on this but he made contact with Lowell to see what the hell was going on. He passed them no information which could identify him, he wanted to know why they are in possession of two sold accounts for which Default Notices were never issued. JD Williams (Jacamo and Fashion World) admitted they didn't issue Default Notices, the telephone call for both conversations was recorded. my question is what now? My husband has 2 debts which have been sold on without Default Notices. And inside the letters from Lowell, is confirmation from each company the debts have been sold. He is worried scared of what is going to happen, and while he knows these companies are powerless. It won't stop them taking him to court or trying to destroy his credit file which is in quite good health.. .. It clearly states under the T & C they will issue a notice under the Consumer Credit Act. Any advice most welcome.
  10. The Ombudsman is the best way forward especially in cases of administrative errors. I am in agreement for the time being your current address is unknown to both the council and B&S and that is the way you should keep it, you are under no obligation to divulge your address to make a complaint to the council. Simply email your complaint to them and request any response is sent back to you by return email address. Normally the complaints process with a council is a 2 tier complaints process, first you complain they respond, and if you don't agree you request them to look at the complaint again, if the 2nd response is unfavourable then you take your complaint to the LGO, some councils do require a 3rd line of complaint which is usually sent to the Chief Executive, Sandwell Council adopt this approach as I've been there and done it with them and ended up going to the LGO to get a favourable result. And remember you are under no obligation to disclose your address, communication can be done strictly via email. If they want an excuse just tell them you are of no fixed abode and are sofa surfing between friends, that way they have to communicate via email.
  11. Not a chance, I stay well clear of Continuous Payment Authority transactions. Although out of interest Barclays do now allow you to cancel CPA arrangements quite easily, my sister had an issue with Sky and they had set up a CPA on her Sky account, and Sky would not cancel the CPA without my sister agreeing to Direct Debit. However one quick call to Barclays and they sent out a form for her to sign and sent back and bang CPA stopped instantly leaving Sky very frustrated..... I believe if you go into a Barclays branch and sign the paperwork there and then they stop them right away.
  12. I've cancelled the arrangement and told PDCS if HMRC have beef with myself then the liaise with myself. In the mean time I'll send HMRC a SAR as we were only sent the alleged balance from HMRC in November 2016, its not an old debt by any means. I'll also send PDCS a letter and a copy of the SAR instructing them the account should be returned to HMRC and confirmation our arrangement is cancelled. In hind sight I should have known better to contact the PDCS, but my hubby is very wary of anything to do with the Inland Revenue, even DCA's associated with them.
  13. Hi all, I had a rather disturbing experience today and was wondering if the issue is widespread amongst DCAs. I contacted a company called PastDue, regarding a debt with the Inland Revenue. I'm not going to beat around the bush whether I owe it or not, because the fact is simple I owe it and it needs to be paid. I called to setup a payment plan and after going through income and expenditure my offer was accepted. However at the start of the call after confirming my details. I said to the agent I was recording the call which she said was fine, however she asked if she could add my mobile number which she said had flashed up on Caller ID, I replied and said what number my Called ID is blocked and she confirmed she could see it and read it back to me. I had definitely blocked my number and I tested it before I called with my landline and it came up Witheld. I asked her kindly not to make a note of it but she refused, I said if I wish for privacy then I should be entitled to it as I'm disabled and don't need harassment from DCAs. It took the efforts of a manager to remove it after complaining but still the manager could see the number on my call. I have since spoken to O2 my network operator and they have confirmed my number was blocked on the call and the only flag enabled was 1st line emergency services such as 999, 112 and 101. So guys has this been heard of before and what can be done about it as I feel my right to privacy has been invaded.
  14. Its early morning, small over sight, will get those requests sent off.
  15. The noodle .PDF files my son created state this account was opened on 29th June 2012, exactly as claim form.
  16. Looking at both .PDF files supplied by my son his Jacamo account was opened on the 3rd September 2012, exactly as it says on the claim form.
  17. Name of the Claimant ? CABOT Date of issue – 14th December 2015 What is the claim for – By an agreement between JD WILLIAMS T/A Marisota & the Defendant dated 29/06/2012 ("the Agreement") JD WILLIAMS T/A Marisota agreed to issue the Defendant with a credit account. The Defendant failed to make the minimum payments due & the Agreement was terminated. The Agreement was assigned to the Claimant. The Claimant therefore claims £1445. What is the value of the claim? £1445, including costs £1595. Is the claim for a current account (Overdraft) or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? Cat When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? After Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. Debt Purchaser (CABOT) Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? No Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? Not sure Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? No Why did you cease payments? Son fell ill, time missed from work. What was the date of your last payment? 2014? Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? No Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt managementicon plan? Yes, original creditor advised of time missed from work.
  18. Name of the Claimant - CABOT Date of issue – 14th December 2015 What is the claim for – By an agreement between JD WILLIAMS T/A Jacamo & the Defendant dated 03/09/2012 ("the Agreement") JD WILLIAMS T/A Jacamo agreed to is sue the Defendant with a credit account. The Defendant failed to make the minimum payments Due & the agreement was terminated. The agreement was assigned to the Claimant. The Claimant therefore claims £1530. What is the value of the claim? £1715. Is the claim for a current account (Overdraft) or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? Cat When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? After Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. Debt Purchaser (CABOT) Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? No Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? Not sure Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? No Why did you cease payments? Son fell ill, time missed from work. What was the date of your last payment? 2014? Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? No Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt managementicon plan? Original creditor knew of absence from work.
  19. I'm posting on behalf of my son and his partner, and are in need of some assistance. On the 14th December 2015 my son and his partner were served with separate MCOL claims, one for Jacamo and the other for Marisota. I'm familiar these two accounts belong to the JD Williams group of companies. A little background. My son and his partner did have separate accounts for those mentioned above while they were living at home with me and my partner. I know for a fact my son and his partner sent both Jacamo and Marisota a letter stating they had moved home. However over many months both started to receive letters, I was instructed by my son just to write the forwarding address on the envelope and to place it back in the letterbox. Several months passed where every week I was sending mail back and then suddenly it stopped, fast forward around 2-3 months later, just shortly after the 14th December 2015 two MCOL claim packs arrived at my sons new address one for my son and the other for his partner. The DCAicon responsible for this is CABOT and the solicitors Mortimer Clarke. while it appears CABOT are happy to send correspondence to my son and partners previous address, they then go on to issue the MCOL forms at their new address, it seems to me CABOT knew what they were doing to cause confusion. I have today with the assistance of my son and his partner completed the Acknowledgement of Service on the MCOL portal, so we don't have to get a defence in right away but at least we have a little more breathing space of around 14 days. The particular problem for my son is I have been looking through his contract of employment and should he get a CCJ his employer will dismiss him, I'm not sure if they can dismiss him should his partner get a CCJ, but for him and his family it would be devastating considering he is the single earner in the household with a two year old child and another on the way. My concern is how to approach this, I know what CABOT have done is utterly despicable but for my son there has to be a way of dealing with this either by defending or by a Consent Order. I know there will be the judgemental few out there who will try and say well they should have paid their accounts, but when your youngest child has been seriously ill and you are losing 3-4 days a month from work for hospital appointments then these matters have to take a back seat. Although these threads may be the same they relate to separate claims. The other thread is here.. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?457714-MCOL-claim-received.(33-Viewing)-nbsp
  20. They have each received a Claim Form for separate debts, one of the debts is with Jacamo, the other is Marisota. My sons claim was in relation to Jacamo, his partners was in relation to Marisota.
  21. I'm posting on behalf of my son and his partner, and are in need of some assistance. On the 14th December 2015 my son and his partner were served with separate MCOL claims, one for Jacamo and the other for Marisota. I'm familiar these two accounts belong to the JD Williams group of companies. A little background. My son and his partner did have separate accounts for those mentioned above while they were living at home with me and my partner. I know for a fact my son and his partner sent both Jacamo and Marisota a letter stating they had moved home. However over many months both started to receive letters, I was instructed by my son just to write the forwarding address on the envelope and to place it back in the letterbox. Several months passed where every week I was sending mail back and then suddenly it stopped, fast forward around 2-3 months later, just shortly after the 14th December 2015 two MCOL claim packs arrived at my sons new address one for my son and the other for his partner. The DCA responsible for this is CABOT and the solicitors Mortimer Clarke. while it appears CABOT are happy to send correspondence to my son and partners previous address, they then go on to issue the MCOL forms at their new address, it seems to me CABOT knew what they were doing to cause confusion. I have today with the assistance of my son and his partner completed the Acknowledgement of Service on the MCOL portal, so we don't have to get a defence in right away but at least we have a little more breathing space of around 14 days. The particular problem for my son is I have been looking through his contract of employment and should he get a CCJ his employer will dismiss him, I'm not sure if they can dismiss him should his partner get a CCJ, but for him and his family it would be devastating considering he is the single earner in the household with a two year old child and another on the way. My concern is how to approach this, I know what CABOT have done is utterly despicable but for my son there has to be a way of dealing with this either by defending or by a Consent Order. I know there will be the judgemental few out there who will try and say well they should have paid their accounts, but when your youngest child has been seriously ill and you are losing 3-4 days a month from work for hospital appointments then these matters have to take a back seat.
  22. The problem is who's to say the 2nd and 3rd clutches were poor quality aftermarket parts and not genuine parts. In my experience some aftermarket parts are very poor quality especially in relation to clutches, I've noticed the friction surface on some cheap parts to be much thinner which can only mean although it will work it may not last as long, but it's also been the case where some aftermarket parts have been as good as genuine parts. I would get some investigative work done on the clutch assembly as previously advised and look into obtaining a genuine replacement and see how that goes.
  23. I would in future lock your phone away in the boot of your car, this way it removes any temptation to respond to a ringing phone or text a reply. If you feel you need to respond to a text or call at least you have to then stop in a safe and convenient place to retrieve your phone.
  24. My husband had his PIP assessment carried out at home and we covertly video recorded his assessment with a webcam, we just used a blob of black nail varnish to cover the LED on the camera which was easily removed later with a pair of sharp tweezers. However there are devices as described by Antone on eBay.... I won't provide a link but if you put this number 311439255345 in an eBay search something of interest may pop up, I can't say I've used it so its a case of buyer beware. But I would certainly encourage anyone to record their PIP assessment and transcribe it to text along with keeping the original audio recording...... ATOS and CAPITA are wolves in sheep's clothing don't trust them, they are known for entering information which isn't 100% correct. We've previously and quite sucessfully used a transcript at a tribunal when there was a discrepancy in an ATOS report, lets just say the tribunal judge wasn't happy with the presenting officer who turned up at my husbands hearing.
  25. They seem to have covered themselves in 13.2, but I think it could be argued 3 data breaches in 12 months is excessive and also the contract is reasonably unfair. But there is a term in the contract that TalkTalk will make every effort to secure your data in accordance with their Privacy Policy.
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