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Everything posted by cockneyandy1955

  1. As of today over 5000 demands have gone out to tax payers in Lambeth alone! Basically they have changed the rules on the fly once more and it is going to cause a lot of problems, especially to those who are not so well off or versed in consumer law. Up until yesterday any amount left outstanding for previous years tax that has had a 14 day letter issued and was a pound or less over the summons and liability cost was ignored for the purposes of recovery. Now the rule is that ANY amount over £5.00p is billed, (AND REMEBER THE LIABILITY ORDER HAS ALREADY BEEN ISSUED FOR THESE DEBTS). In essence it would be entirely legal for Capita to pass these debts to Equita for recovery within 7 days of issuing the demand!!!! Worse still all call center staff have been informed that although some of these debts date back as far as 1993 and are, as such legally written off and unenforceable, they are to keep this fact from the debtor. If you are unfortunate enough to recieve such a demand, read the bugger carefully. If any part of the demand deals with an amount that predates the date of issue by six years or more DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES ACCEPT OR ENTER INTO DISCUSSION ABOUT THE DEBT!.
  2. First off simply ring the council and ask, they must by law allow you to claim, (and btw whilst the claim is being investigated all recovery should be suspended). To qualify for an SMI exemption the illness has to be of a type and intensity "to prevent the sufferer form carrying out a normal life" (my quotes, not law) but the principle is sound. In nearly all cases a letter from the patients GP will suffice so really it comes down to persuading him/her that the illness exists.
  3. Nahh Ladybird - you really want to make them uncomfortable simply be a little careless with the Ralgex:eek: And thank for the welcome.................... I think!
  4. Bloody sight worse than that Big Lash.... sound like my own bloody wife!!!
  5. Thanks for the welcome Michael and don't worry - over the years I have developed a hide like a rhino *grin*
  6. Thanks big Lash and I will contact a mod just as soon as I have worked out how!!!
  7. Just an idea hear, I doubt you will get a satisfactory resolution to this however you may be able to exact a certain revenge:rolleyes: The e-mail address will give a clear indication of the network he is operating over. That will allow you to alert the college/universty et al that their network (and their student or employee) is operating a fly-by-night operation over their facility. Not something likely to go down too well tinribs.
  8. Hi all, stumbled across this site as I have been spending a lot of time researching the company I began working for a couple of months ago and have been apalled at some of the things I have seen. A company that not only collects council tax for many towns and cities, but also administers benefits on behalf of the councils and then runs the bloody bailiffs too! I am sure I will be asked why I continue to work for them so I may as well answer that here. I can do far more good as an "insider" as I am getting an intimate knowledge of Council Tax law and the collection therof. I am also uniquely placed to spot the ways at which a liable person can ensure they get all the help/discounts/exemptions they are entitled to. So Hi to you all once more and I look forward to making my little contributions wherever I can.
  9. Geordie Aaron, A total newcomer here but over the last few months I have been finding ourt a helluva lot about council tax and bailiffs actions - particularly Equita, but more of that later. I strongly advise your friend to look at making a claim for an SMI, (severe mental impairment) exemption. A lot of people think to qualify for this they have to suffer long term mental impairment - not so! A letter from her GP will be required but I dont see that as a difficulty. As an extra bonus to being totally exempt from council tax it is also unlawful for a bailiff to go after someone with an SMI exemption. One more point, The exemption runs from when the GP states the ilness commenced, (is the baby's birth) so it will be backdated and she will get a full refund from that time. Andy
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