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  1. i would also like to know how they got my work number is there any advice on what i should ask for? Could i ask for all the details they hold on me ? Thanks Matt P.s. The DCA is "Advantis Credit"
  2. Ok i have a debt collector collecting money for Singlepoint. They don't have my current address and for some reason have my parents address (i have never lived at that address with them) anyways so i ring them and ask them why i owe this money and they say its for singlepoint. I then tell them i avn't had an account with them for about 5 years and it was all paid off. To which they diasgreed so i asked for proof i owed the money to which they told me i had to find out. My questions are, if a debt collection agency says i owe them money surely it is their responsibility to prove it and not mine? Secondly, i have NEVER given them my work number and in any case can a debt collector persue you at work? Isn't there any laws that prevent them persuing you at work and in which case what can i tell them? Surely i can just request they remove my work number from their records? Any advice is welcome. Thanks Matt
  3. Yeah i rang the council and told them the situation and they refused to do anything. Do you know the actual title of the head person? so i know who to ask for. Thanks Matt
  4. Hey here's my interesting story Bristow & Sutor I had letters regarding 3 old council tax bills and yes i hold my hands up, it was entirely my fault and i accept that. 2 of the letters were from the council totalling £500 so i arranged payment with the council at £75 a month DD and thats that sorted. The last letter was from B & S totalling £433 i had asked them to match the council's offer of £75 as that would really be pushing my monthly budget especially with a baby on the way. They replied that it was not acceptable and they wanted £220 this month and similar the next. I told them this was not possible and eventually they sent a bailiff round. I was out when he came but told him that i could not afford that and he asked me to call tomorrow and he would talk to the council. I called but couldn't get hold of him and thought i would try again the next day as i had the day off. Anyways, i called today and got hold of him and he told me he could accept £20 a week. Fantastic, i could manage that. However, he said as i hadn't called him yesterday, he is no longer dealing with the case. Well i just rang B & S and they went through my details and told me i have to pay £144 a month which is just not possible and whats more they want it by 11th. What i would like to know is a. Can B & S issue laibility orders as the council told me thats what they would do if i did not make an arrangement with them. I was under the impression that if they did not get in contact with me the bill would go back to the council. b. What should i do? c. If i avoid the bailiffs and pay the debt online (council tax online thing) is there anything the bailiffs can do about it. I definatly want to pay this and get it over and done with but they are making it very difficult, i have looked at what i can sell to get the money but i don't have anything of any value that could get me out of this problem. I can pay the debt back but just not on the terms they have offered Please help!! Thanks Matt
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