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ziggy zoomer

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  1. Hello again, seems like only six weeks ago LTSB & [problem] capitulated and paid back what was rightfully ours. Whilst all this was going on they have sneaked in another £150 of charges, and we aint having it! I am absolutely amazed at how much has changed on the CAG website since then. It appears that all MCOL claims are being stayed as are many County Court cases. My question is - do we carry on regardless or wait for the outcome of the banks vs OFT legal proceedings ? ? ? ? (or is this just the latest from LTSB to try and deter people ?) Regards, Ziggy Zoomer.
  2. Nice one red rebel - another one bites the dust! Only the football season to look forward to now!!!! Ziggy Zoomer & Mrs Zoomer
  3. Almost forgot to mention - last but not least that before they paid up I took another SAR into the branch asking for a copy of my original account contract, terms and conditions - and also any other updated contracts & T & C's applicable since the account was opened. They havent cashed the cheque, nor replied - but if they do I will send it on....ZZ
  4. OH NO - I dont believe it - there may be another episode of Ziggy Zoomer - We've had a letter stating that some items were unpaid unless money went into our account on the 12th - the same day that [problem] PAID up...unusually it doesnt say how much the charges are, or what for - just that they will appear on next months statement ? ? ? ? ? Whatever the charges are for, they cant possibly be in the same league as the last 6 years worth......but beware, the wrath of Ziggy Zoomer will come back to haunt them! Happy Days are here again!!!!!!!
  5. Its such a good feeling - for the first time in 20 years, during which we have both always worked - our mortgage was about to go unpaid......Luckily [problem] came to the rescue with a fortnight to spare - along with the LTSB bank charges (8% pa!!!!!!!) savings account which we didnt even realise we had! Im sure that so many thousands of people have been caught in this trap - we like to think that we arent reckless with our money and weren't born yesterday - but now we have breathing space and options to get back on track. I dont know any more than anybody else on here - and probably a damn sight less than most. So to those who are worried (like I was) just go with it and see what happens. When the money landed in our account, I couldnt believe it was the end - I preparing for the big court fight which was yet to happen. Thanks MILLIONS to all those who have helped, supported, encouraged and motivated others via CAG - and to all those who read / draw strength and acknowledge the threads of others. YOU ARE FANTASTIC AND WILL PREVAIL.
  6. Hi once again, Sent a letter back recorded delivery (arrived Monday) - accepted MY money but rejected the T&C's apart from full settlement and sending them a letter acknowledging court cancellation - which is only fair.....Tonight the money is in the bank, myself and Mrs Zoomer are out of the red and in the black for the first time in a long long time. THANKS to CAG and moneysavingexpert.com!!!! The smile on Mrs Zoomers face was worth more than ANY amount of money and almost made me cry!!! I cant explain what this means to our family - so David beats Goliath again........To anyone who hasn't got this far - Keep the faith and persevere - read carefully and follow the guidance on here - your confidence will grow as you go, if you dot the T's and cross the I's !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PS - If a moderator wants to add me to the total - it was between £2750-2850 but I dont want to say any more. Apart from THANKS AGAIN XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (if I can help anybody else - I will....) :) ;)
  7. Hi, keep your chin up - In my early threads I said that I felt like the little kid sent to hit the school bully back. Now Ive received an offer of settlement (but dont agree to the terms) I feel like Ive given the bully a back hander! Theres an awful lot of 'goodwill' coming out of LLoyds at the moment - your perseverance and determination will pay off! Ziggy Zoomer.
  8. Dont want to count my chickens just yet......Seeing is believing if or when the cash hits my account.....(and clears the overdraft which I keep getting charged for!) I will post an update as soon as I hear anything... Ziggy Zoomer
  9. Have edited the letter - just accepting the amount as full / final & unconditional settlement. Posted it back with their letter (signed but with most conditions deleted) - not gonna ask for any more for confidentiality as I think they are more likely to go to court and make an issue of greed. Fingers crossed as I head for the Post Office.
  10. Im doing it as we speak - hopefully the same will happen......fingers crossed.
  11. Didnt have a court date - it had been referred to my local court - I had a letter from the Judge to detail all the charges and interest, which I deposited at court yesterday - so was waiting to hear further.....
  12. Help, I have received two letters today from [problem] - one basically says see you in court. The other is a conditional offer of the full amount claimed - they have even worked out the interest to date.......NICE.....However I disagree with the conditions ...... How do I accept my money but refuse the conditions ? Also what do I tell the Court at this stage ? Thanks ZZ
  13. Decided to get started with my draft bundle today - in order to avoid a panic rush when a date comes through. Did the statement (as per pg 1 of the Moderators thread) and I must say it looks very professional. Thanks to the person who took the time do it originally. Also phoned my local court who told me that if I havent been asked for any more money (£100 in lieu of AQ) then no more is due - and here was I ready to go and pay! I feel like I'm starting to get my teeth into this now. Like a dog with a bone.....GRRRRRRRRRR.........
  14. Hi, Today I received notice of transfer to my local court and order that AQ is dispensed with, plus a copy of 9 point defence submitted by [problem]. They have not mentioned that I haven't included my bank account details in my particulars of claim, so I am now wondering if my POC's do need changing or whether I should just make it clear by correspondence. (My court is close to work so its easy to call in) Any advice please?
  15. Thanks for your prompt response - It says defence on MCOL - all I have had is notice that acknowledgement of service has been filed dated 30/5/07 and copy of AOS dated 25/5/07 (ticked that they intend to defend all of the claim.) I have phoned MCOL and the person said 'it looks like they have submitted a defence.' That was a couple of weeks ago...... If they 'file a defence' does that means with the court ? and do I just wait for a copy in due course ? I feel I should be pro-actively doing something rather than playing a waiting game.....especially as its almost 28 days since the AOS.
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