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  1. Thank you sooooo much you are a star8-)
  2. I have sent letters claimed on line Corbetts have sent form that they intend to defend I received a letter Saturday with an offer of £152.00 on a claim for nearly £400 I intend to refuse the offer but I cannot find the letters of refusal. I thought I had copied and posted the to my e-mail address ( as I was looking through the threads at work naughty naughty) but now I cannot find the threads. Please help going square eyed looking Thank you
  3. Thank you I thought so just wanted to make sure, once again thanks:)
  4. Thank you for your reply I am actually dealing with the Natwest and this is my second letter claiming my charges, I was just wondering if I had written to the correct people and if I do have to take it to small claims would it be their registered office, If I have to make a claim through small claims for work it is always the registered office we sue I assume it will be the same
  5. I hope someone can help, do you write to your own branch to claim and do you sue your own branch or the registered office address:-?
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