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Everything posted by missc1974

  1. No problemo - knew it would work for ya. Happy spending
  2. reckon what they've done is worth a try, i done same as that and money was paid in about 4 hours after i sent the fax to them. PLus bailiffs back log and time scale is not quick - nothing would happen by friday anyway so i say 1 last chance then go with bailiffs.
  3. theres defo NO WAY they'll close your accout espec if you have mortgage with them - we all know how much money banks make out of mortgages dont we
  4. havent closed mine -dont seem to here of many being closed
  5. sorry to hear that Becky keep checking account in meantime though my friend who got judgment same day as me - who sent same letter as me day after checked her account this morning and her money went in think if you get on the case straight away they prob know you mean business - can only assume thats why ive been paid good luck - fingers and everything crossed
  6. GOOD LUCK BECKY - my friend who got judgment same day as me (9th may) and sent the same letter as me to solicitor just checked her account and the money is in as well
  7. im not sure - i'll ask my friend tomorrow see what she says. i cant belive it - shock shock shock
  8. just checked my account and £3393 has been deposited into it - only got judgment on 9th may just goes to show if you put pressure on and use correct legal jargon it all works cant belive it - so thankful to my friend who works in solicitors who helped me with wording and knowning what i was entitled to if anybody has judgment and wants copy of the letter i sent to them once the judgment got issued im more than willing to send it - just pm me your email address becky - get on the case they are defo filling you with b*ll
  9. Becky spoke to SC & M, gave details - women wasnt in best mood "said we have thousands of judgments we are dealing with" and i said "yes but im only interested in 1 - mine" , so she went away for 1 min and came back and said do you still have an account with us, i said yes, she said it'll be in your bank within 5 working days, i questioned this saying this has been said before and it doesnt happen, she said that is what i have been told, so took her name and faxed them a letter over stating i expect paying within 5 working days as per tel conversation with xxxx, failure to do this will result in enforcment being made blah blah blah - bascially covering all angles, saying any problems to call me by monday other wise i expect everything to go into account. judgment was dated 9th - think faxing over the letter on 15th has maybe got me nearer top of pile letting them know i know the score (even if its only from my friend and not myself) becky, i'd ring them like i said a few posts ago and argue your case there defo pullig th p*ss however we'll see if money is paid into my account - i'll wait with bated breath
  10. YEAH its the one ive got. seriously Becky ring them back and argue the point - my friend is ringing me in 10 mins to advise me on jargon on what to say when i ring asking when there paying it back into account - will advise you on her wording
  11. becky what number did you call for SC & M? normal number? just gonna ring them myself ref my claim
  12. exactly - i would call them back and say you have spoken with a solicitor (a little lie wont hurt - they feed us with them) and say you have been asked by your solicitor to ask them exactly what decision is waitin to be made? - they owe you the money and have to legally pay you it - thats end of the decision. they are really pulling the P*SS - rang my solicitor buddy after reading what they said and she said they are really taking a lend and trying to act above the law - she says to do the above and if nothing go to bailiffs and tell them you are doing that route and dont like the fact they are trying to be above the law
  13. also ring lloyds collections dept - 08709090983 ref charges they have since applied - at end of day they legally owe you the money and because of there stalling tactics etc and not paying you back whats legally yours - i would demand they take off the charges - if they'd put the money in the bank then hthis wouldnt have occured. i am £16 over drawing and just rang them saying the below i was soo sooo nice and polite - went through all my details and came he said "so your £16 overdrawn are you ringing to make a payment" i went "well actually no im not" he said "oh" i said im ringing to say that once i get the £3393.06 from LTSB i will happily pay back the £16 plus the £255 overdraft. He was lovely after that - i said my friends a solicitor so i dont wish to hear you telling me its not the case i Have judgement 9th may therefore 7 days from that it should be in in my account today and it isnt. he then took all the case details etc and was really nice - told him i know the crack and that banks are taking peee in paying it back to us when there quick to take it out of our account - he ended the call saying so just to clarify you are £16 over your over draft and i said yes thats correct and just to clarify you owe me £3393.06!!! lol I also got him to confirm any charges were not going to be applied and all charges are frozen until my money is paid back and they said thats the case the banks are getting away with too much - especially LTSB - they know we arent in the legal jargon know and take advantage.
  14. Cant understand why they said "they are sending it to the bank for there decision" there is NO decision to be made - you have won and are legally entitled to your money :-x
  15. have judgement dated 9th May - thye never defended the case although they acknowledged. Luckily my friend works in a solicitors office so has advised me on what the rules are once you have judgement etc and ive also advised her on whats happening waiting time of people on forums who have judgements and shes told me they have to whistle to your tune not the other way around. just had a letter mocked up to email them - although gonna just fax it over as have the fax number along with a copy of my judgement - just emailed it to my friend and waiting on her ok'ing it before i send it. basically just outlining when i expect to be paid etc
  16. sechiari clark and mitchell in brighton have tel and fax number but was after an email address if possible i have judgement and want to know whats going on - will try calling them tomorrow but an email would be handy thanks
  17. moneyclaims advise was wait 7 days after the judgement has been issued if you hear nothing then ring moneyclaim and they will advise on how to go to the next step (i.e. bailiffs) also spoke to my friend who works in a solicitors who said exactly the same. so i wouldnt give them anymore time - i'd ring moneyclaim or courts who ever you went through and ask what they recommend as next step to get your money as you have heard nothing think lloyds take a lend at this stage (as well as other stages) and play on the fact that most of us (me included) dont know procedures - my friend (who works in solitictors) said once we have judgement issued WE HAVE UPPER HAND - that they cant do anything without us giving them the go ahead and she thinks banks are playing on our none legal knowledge meeting her for tea tomorrow night to get full low down on whats what and plan of action - so will post on here either tomorrow night or sat with what she said (just so you know shes worked in a legal firm for 15 years and deals with insurance claims - therefore deals with courts, issueing judgements, defences all the time so she defo knows the crack)
  18. its all double dutch to me - i thought no one had lost in court before now? or is being dismissed different? sorry im having a total blonde moment - think what im saying is i dont understand a word of it - hope someone can help you though
  19. Why has it been dismissed? honestly ltsb are the biggest pain in the ass ever. had my judgement issued yesterday online with mcol as they never defended however i can tell its gonna be all fun and games as lloyds seem to make there own rules
  20. spoke to moneyclaim at 4.45pm and was told no defence or contact from lloyds had been made therefore my judgement will stand and be issued tomorrow as system updates over night. know just have to wait for lloyds solicitors to be in touch with whatever next move is - we'll see
  21. hey ho whats done is done - stupid thing is it seems going through courts is that bit better - my friend has worked for a solicitors for 15 years (she hasnt dealt with the moneyclaim system before they file everything through the actual courts) and you dont get the leeway you seem to get on moneyclaim. She said you have until 4pm of day (as a company they get about 30mins leway) then you can file judgement without this hassle of having to give extra days etc and times. At end of day they are given 5 days plus 28 in total - if its longer than that they should state it could be 28 plus x amount. never mind its done we'll just have to see how it spans out spoke to moneyclaim and she said judgement is requested and they update there systems at 4pm today - so in thoery LTSB have today to also file defence (i.e. if they get in before 4pm then it will show as defence on my moneyclaim and judgement wont be issued) so far so good - 26 mins to go - she said after this time if i they havent filed i will get copy of judgement in post and they have to pay up either by writing to them, calling them or getting baliffs (all her words not mine) we'll see then - fingers crossed - with this whole senario thats all you can do thanks everyone for your help, replies and imput - really does help as its difficult when you really dont know what your doing (thankfully i have my friend to help me)
  22. also ive spoke to someone on moneysavingexpert where lloyds issued there defence on the very last day at 11.30pm!! i.e. very last min so surely we cant requested at the very 1st min - then again its banks and there a law into thereselves
  23. Know what your saying but at end of day they've had there time to reply within givin court time (in my case the full 28 days) so i dont think i'll be the first person to do it but do understand where your coming from. i thought thats prob plan of action for them to get a stay and like i say i know it isnt going to be a quicky and easy route to getting money. guess we just have to play lloyds game and not our own. thanks for advise though any advise is always good
  24. now very confused - where do i read up on what to do next? i only ever expected lloyds to defend didnt think for 1 min i'd be in this situation :eek: i know i am not home and dry and i'm sure ive read they can apply to cancel out my judgement? so obviously expecting a fight with them and to assume i aint won anything until cash is in my hands. only filed for judgement at 12.05am this morning so wont be issued until after 10am - if and when this happens i have no idea what to do next? i obviously clicked for monies to be paid immediatley (however i know that wont happen by previous posts) any help would as always be really appreciated cheers folks :grin:
  25. think you just reply saying you will accept the £750 as part payment without prejuduce but will continue with your claim for the rest via courts. i would also state you want the payment as a cheque as this is your money they have taken unlawfully from you and NOT for them to decide how it is spent - or words to that effect lloyds are the worst - im sitting playing waiting game now - they owe me 3200 quid - have acknowledge and have till mon/tues to file defence (which they will do)
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