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  1. Hi all, I have a few banks and lenders i am about to send sar's to: HSBC - loan and credit card IG Group - loan Capital one - credit card Family Finance (Wales) - Car loan My problem is, I don't have addresses or account details anymore as all my loans etc were paid off some time ago. Where can I get the correct addresses from? Thanks Jamie
  2. Well, I have eventually sent my LBA off to Capital one.... and had a reply...!!!! They have offered me £300 which would be the difference between the £20 charges and the £12 they are supposed to charge.... Plus a little interest. As the account is closed I have decided that £300 just before Xmas will come in handy for a few prezzies for the kids!! So I have accepted and sent the letter confirming this to them last nite... So within the next week or so I should have some cash of those nice people...!!!! HSBC credit card still pending ... along with a few others lol
  3. Ok, Have got my SAR info. Looking thru and adding up the charges totals to £660.... made up of late & overlimit fees. My question is...... Where do I go from here... Which spreadsheet should I use... Or do Ijust ask for the £660 back and forget about the interest etc What normally happens with CRAPital One??? do they ever pay out when you send them a letter requesting repayment?? o is it more likely to go to court stage?? Any replies would be appreciated Many thanks Jam
  4. Hi, She's already tried that without success... Any idea what actual rights she has or protection under the sale of goods act..
  5. Hi, My sister is having a problem with a washing machine she purchased from Comet. It has broken down 3 times previously and has now broken again. It was purchased in October. 1st Fault occurred in Jan. Can she demand a replacement or has she got to accept a repair??? Thanks Jamie
  6. Well I've decided..... I've taken the £2445... My reasoning behind it was... It's money for nothing, without this website I prob would never have even tried to get it back! I have a few things I could really do with sorting out and the cash will be handy! I have a 'few' other S.A.R - (Subject Access Request)'s in the process... all of these I'll be holding out for the full amount I'm due... And the biggest decider that clinched the choice! I tossed a coin... tales was to take the money and enjoy spending it... As soon as the money comes thru I'll b donating 2 this site... and with every future claim I'll b doing the same... Many thanks Everyone Jamie Oh yeah.... until the cash is in the bank.. the court stuff is continuing just in case they don't pay out!! once I have the cash I'll let the court know
  7. Yeah that nice lump of interest is very tempting....... wot to do:confused:.... Didn't have a filing fee... so can't ask them to add that (well I could try lol) Will give them a ring c wot they say... Lmao... roll on tonights sleep coz 1st thing 2moz I'll know wot I'm doing.... and it will be the 1st decision I make and I won't change... (coz I'm stubborn) Jamie
  8. Still thinking.... lol Just been going over the offer from HSBC... Didn't mention it earlier as it seemed of little importance but after thinking about it I thought I may as well mention it... Bear in mind HSBC are the 'financial experts' we trust our monies too... On my offer letter they state that my claim was incorrect and the actual total of my charges was £2717.50 ... now I make it £2730.50... not much difference but there is a little... This 1st made me think.. fek I've screwed up here, what else have I done wrong, I should take the offer and forget about it (I don't like getting things wrong!)... But on double & triple checking my statements and charges going back through my spreadsheet (making a totally new one so I can't miss something and just copy across) I am 100% sure that I am right and that this 'trusted banking financial institution' can't add up!!!! Does the HSBC often say that a claim is incorrect?? I have a good mind to ask them to point out where exactly I have gone wrong and If they can show me then I'll accept their offer and apologise for wasting their time, but If I prove them to be incompetent then I will continue to take my claim to court and get the full amount...plus interest Jamie
  9. Hi Pete, Well as they haven't actually paid the full amount of the actual charges alone(not including any interest) Do you think I'd have a chance of getting them to stump up the remainder?? TBh I think that I'm gonna end up accepting this offer even though I know I would prob get more in court... I have thought of a few things to do with the cash already!! Also, I have a few other SAR's started and with this cash behind me I can always let those go thru the full stages without accepting any less than the full amount I am due... I think I'm gonna have to sleep on it tonight and make my mind up then... or go back to my idea of two envelopes - 1 accepting & 1 refusing and just see what fate decides!!! Decisions decisions lol
  10. Just thinking again... not used to this... Is it worth ringing HSBC in arlington or contacting DG to see if they have a better offer?? Jamie
  11. Thanks for the info Freaky... but I'm still contemplating taking the money - the way I look at it it's money for nothing that I never really knew 100% if I'd get it back. I am however still thinking a lot (trust me that hurts!), as I'm sure your right and I'll get the rest of the claim & interest from the courts. I always said that if I had an offer around £2500 I'd be happy... but now that I have I'm not to sure!!!! As for the filing fee's - I'm one of the lucky ones... I didn't pay any because of my current circumstances! I have copied and printed out a rejection letter.... along with an acceptance letter.... Think I'll put them both in separate addressed envelopes and ask someone to choose one and post whichever they pick!! Saves me making a decision then lol.... I won't open the other letter I'll just throw it in the bin and wait to see what happens!!
  12. Right then.... Just got a letter from HSBC (Not DG) about my claim... They have made me an offer of £2,445.75 - Total charges were £2730.50 so its not to bad but minus any interest.. They deny all liability whatsoever and have taken some charges off which were above the six years (though they were within the six year at time of calculation!) Now I could do with the cash tbh, but as I've already gone as far as filing in court... what should I do??? Any help and advice would be much appreciated. Thanks Jamie
  13. OK... have found a few threads that may help me... I think this is all I can claim Over limit fee Late payment fee Returned cheque fee DD returned fee If anyone knows different..please let me know!! Seems like a lot of ppl talking about cci rather than std 8% interest.... sounds a very good and sound idea to me... are there any spreadsheets around that can help with the calculations?? (have looked at a few and am not sure which to choose) Many thanks Jam
  14. Thx PD.... Jst posted a few other SAR's... am sure I got a nice pile of money coming my way....
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