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Posts posted by tonycee

  1. On a serious note


    England is now the most densely populated country in Europe. And the third most densely populated country in the world.


    Only Bangladesh and South Korea are more densely populated than us. And they still eat their daily bowl of rice with one hand, and wipe their butt with the other.



    Others begining to think the country is full up?

  2. And it's no different to the mentality that the immigrants in this country are reason why the Brits have no jobs or homes and go hungry - it's a ridiculous idea!


    Now you are talking Duck Waddle. Thats the very reason why this country is on its knees.


    For some, its as plain as the nose on their face. 2.5 million immigrants in 7 years.


    The third most heaverly populated country in the world. On a tiny little island.


    How the [EDIT] are we supposed to house/feed/employ them


    Gret real.

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