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Mr. Weasel

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  1. OK, spoke to HSBC just a moment ago - and here's what they had to say. I didn't say too much at first, just mentioned the fact i'd received the letter and that and that there was no way i could pay pay £1400 pounds in the next week, however, they were kind enough to offer me a managed loan to cover that and my credit card at a very modest 13.9% APR. I then mentioned that there was an outstanding legal dispute regarding bank charges, and after waiting several minutes, the chap returned to inform me that they had in fact made an offer to me on 18th April for £1558.00 and then sent a chaser letter on 2 May. It's funny that i've received every statement, reminder and promotional letter for the last 6 years but not thier offer of settlement. He then said that because i had not responded to thier letters, they deemed the matter closed!! Ha!! I think not. I then informed him that i was quite far on in the legal process and that it was now in the hands of thier solicitors to which he responded that he would 're-open' my case? wtf?? It ended in that as far as they're concerned the overdraft is being removed on Monday and my account downgraded to a basic account and that the offer for a managed loan still remains if i wish to take it. Recommendations peeps?
  2. Thanks, ukaviator, I'll have a word with them tonight and see what they say, if they'll wait until the dispute is resolved then it won't be a problem, the total for the claim inc. interest and fees will easily cover the outstanding overdraft so i can just settle it and close the account. Funny you mention the NatWest account, that's just what i did yesterday. I'll keep you posted. Weasel
  3. My wages are due to be paid this Monday, is there any chance i'll be able to get an account set up tomorrow in time for the payment? Say a basic NatWest account? If not, it's not too much trouble, i think a friend should be able to accept them for me. I presume having them paid into my current account is a bad idea as i probably won't see them.
  4. Which Mod? Bankfodder and GaryH are both coming back as Mailbox Full. Who else is there?
  5. Things just get better... HSBC have now said that they're caling in my overdraft, effective in 2 weeks time, wtf am i supposed to do? Are they allowed to do that with such short notice? And where exactly do they expect me to get £1400 from?
  6. Just to say that i have filed it today. And another thing... lol ...What do you do about charges that have been levied since you initially made your claim? Do you just have to make another claim?
  7. Ace, I'll file it at lunchtime. Thanks very much.
  8. Sorry to be a pain, but i don't have a copy of the initial fob-off letter they send you either, do i need it?
  9. OK, i get what's going on, but i have small problem, and it may be just that, but when i sent my initial letter to the bank i wrote it in Decemeber (16th) but didn't get round to sending it to them until January and when i did i didn't change the date so i don't know when exactly i sent it. Now in terms of c), is that going to be a problem?
  10. Hey again Lateralus, My AQ has been filled out but i'm not entirely sure about this new stragey that you refer to, in particular the Draft Order. Part a) is the schedule of charges - that's OK - the court and DG have a copy Part b) Is a copy of the actual bank statements showing when and how much was taken Part c) Is the actual action taken by me with regards to the case, ie letters sent to HSBC, letters and papers submitted to court inc. dates etc. and then the legal spiel about how the charges are illegal under the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999 etc. Is that correct? Part d) That's the bit i don't get, where do i get examples of cases from? I've heard people refer to a libarary, do you have a link? If you had links to confirm these ( c)&d) )it would me much appreciated. Kind regards. PS. I know you might huff 'why doesn't the lazy **** just read this up himself?' but i've seriously had some ridiculous thing happen over the last 5 weeks and i'm struggling to find time to sort this out, and with time ticking away, the stress is just piling on. PSS. I'll be sure to make a handsome donation when this is all sorted
  11. LOL, i always thought beasts had claws, never-the-less, t'will be slain. Cheers.
  12. Got my AQ in the post today, seems fairly straight-forward to fill out. Should i take it the court as-soon-as or does it make no difference? I presume not though. Also, would there be any point in making contact with anyone at DG? Cheers, Weasel
  13. The 28 days have passed now, how long will it be until i receive the AQ from the court? Thanks
  14. Just sent the schedule, i addressed it to Kate Evans, i figured even if it's not her dealing with it it'll get passed on, and she'll be surprised that i know her name if it is her. The date of service was 30/04/07, 28 days after that is this Monday, how long after that will i receive my AQ?
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