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  1. Sorry, I'm new to this and the jargon is unfamilar. I just saw that a lot of people had been replied to here so I figured I would too. Anyway I've taken your advice and posted my own thread now.
  2. Hi, two things.. the first has been well covered here which is that I was told I could not take out a graduate loan without the PPI when I applied to HSBC as an existing customer at the end of 1999. I had no reason to suspect otherwise but I asked if it was possible not to take it as it basically doubled the cost of my £8000 loan and was told no. The second issue is that I moved to Ireland in 2001 (to the explict knowledge of my bank - as I had to change my address with them). I continued paying the loan and payment protection off until Jan 2005 when it was cleared. It is only recently that I discovered that for the whole time I was in Ireland my Protection was completely useless because I was not resident in the UK. Should I bring this up with my bank? thanks
  3. Hi, two things.. the first has been well covered here which is that I was told I could not take out a loan without the PPI when I applied to HSBC as an existing customer in 98. I had no reason to suspect otherwise but I asked if it was possible not to take it as it basically doubled the cost of my £8000 loan and was told no. The second issue is that I moved to Ireland in 2001 (to the explict knowledge of my bank - as I had to change my address with them). I continued paying the loan and payment protection off until Jan 2005 when it was cleared. It is only recently that I discovered that for the whole time I was in Ireland my Protection was completely useless because I was not resident in the UK. Should I bring this up with my bank? thanks
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