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  1. I took out a loan with log book loans and was told they charged £195 arrangement fee and 6% interest per month i borrowed £3000 over a year and was paying about £115 per week on a monthly basis the first time i fell behind they started charging me £20 a letter at least 1 a week and once a repo guy came because i was in £620 arrears and i had to pay him £1400 to retain my car i have lived like a dog and managed to pay them the final bill they sent me on saturday saying that the 12months had passed on FRIDAY 13th and £1600 was still outstanding and if i didint pay it immediatly the car would be taken and sold. I have payed about £8000 to them and recon that about £1800 of that is in charges above the agreement has anyone tried reclaiming charges back from this company like is happening with banks? I wish everyone all the luck in beating these monkeys but i thought about doing something in the past but unfortunaly they move alot faster than the law so i was continually worried about losing the car which they will take at any time . Please let me know if there is anything i can do to claim back any of the money i have paid.
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