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  1. Hi....... all! I think the banks will reword their T & C and call them FINES and not charges... They are looking for a loophole now to stop anyone from reclaiming the charges back...and to be able to keep money coming in on people who go over their agreed overdraft. Not sure now about the fines versus charges... I think they are the same.... BUT the banks will find the word or sentence that makes it legal etc for them to take your money... I think they make enough money from their customers when they take so long for the money to clear . It is floated on the Stock Market* and millions must made this way? I wouldn't mind them doing this if I got a percentage for letting them use my money...but that will never happen! I also feel that the banks are to blame for the demise of the Post Office... (Pensions are paid into banks now and that means that most Senior Citizens don't get out as much or see friends etc because they would need to arrange times etc...whereas when it was paid by the PO it would be a certain day,I think it was a thursday, and most would be out getting their money). I wouldn't have needed a bank account if my money was still paid by book at the PO, but you just get railroaded into these things.. Wages are the same... I hated having to have my money, that I worked hard for, put in a bank where they can take what they want from you before you even see it! It might have stopped armed robbery on wages but now the theives can take millions from accounts that are not as secure as you were led to believe.. The fact that some banks have been fined for leaving sensitive documents in unsecure areas is mind-boggling! It makes me want to go to my bank and DEMAND that they show me how they deal with the paperwork, old debit/credit cards etc...all the banks should have incineraters... not just shredders(if they have any, can't say I have ever noticed)! And I bet I know the answer they will give... "we can't show you that area because it is sensitive.." Yeah right...! Sorry.. going a bit off tangent here...having a bit of a rant... I will leave it at that. I'm getting really het up so I need to calm down a bit....lol *Please note that I am unsure about the banks using our money on the Stock Market.. I would need to do a bit of research. But it is what I have been led to believe. This message was on another thread...just thought it might need one all on it's own...lol any feed back would be nice......
  2. LOL! This made me chuckle.. hope you managed to find them and sort your EGM Pasty meet ...
  3. Hi Foo... Is there an address you can write to...? I know its an online thing but surely they have an address? Head Office..?? Anything like that... If so write to them stating that you want to close your account. Also explain that you have tried to close it online but you keep getting fobbed off.. I am not sure how money is taken from your account to pay for the online bets but could you cancel that...?? With the bank that is... This has probably not been at all helpful...if not soooorrry!
  4. Hi Ecssewarrior! Ermmm I thought the letter above is self explanatory.. Surely if THEY made the mistake it shouldn't be on your record? And the fact that you are paying it back is in your favour.. Am I reading this wrong...? By the way CONGRATULATIONS on your new job...! and everyone is allowed to get there G-string in a twist now and then...lol
  5. Thats so awful...for you that is. Did he get insurance from the wreck/crash...? If he did then that should have been used to pay for the car... That is of course IF it was insured.. Good luck with the small claims.. My heart goes out to you... he has got you over a barrel, but there's a lot of fight left in you ...I hope?? "Bluedog.... you're absolutely right.... but that's why I'll always make sure an airtight contract signed by both parties is in place before cos you never know what may happen in the future... but on the other hand if you don't want the hassle it's not a good idea to lend in the first place. Neither a borrower or a lender be!" I agree there Marcel. No matter how well you know someone ALWAYS get a legal contract drawn up...you have to let your head rule your heart... Sorry its not quoted properly..not sure how to do it for 2 quotes in the same message...LOL!
  6. There is a very big lesson here to be learnt DON'T under ANY circumstances lend /loan or borrow any money to friends etc... And what a friend this one is turning out to be....! Now this is going to sound really stupid... but....... If he owes you the money..and assuming he still has the car...(which under HP he cannot sell because it belongs to the HP company).. Can't you just take the car back...? And then sell it... OR maybe I am reading this all wrong and you will all shout at me for being a dozy moo....LOL!
  7. Hi ALL! I have been perusing/reading loads of threads on the the forum and noticed a lot of people refer to "taping the call" or telling them that it is being recorded... MMMM....my question is. How can you record a call...?? (say that you have been being harrased and you need to tape it)? Is there a cheap way to do it.. (I have an answering machine...no idea if I can tape a call live so to speak)... Would a dictaphone do it? Any thoughts suggestions welcome... I would just like to point out that at the moment I am not having any problems with phone call harrassment... But I feel it may be helpful to others on this Forum.. I have noticed that quite a few threaders have said that they've been having problems with intimidating calls etc and I just thought someone may be able to help... Or I am just waffling and no one thinks that it is worthy of time etc to see if it's possible...
  8. Hi everyone...! I have got my bank statements back and I have done a spreadsheet of my charges...(only the Overdraft Interest/Excess Fees, Unpaid Cheques/Direct Debits... I am now stuck... can't remember how to go about getting the fees etc back... Its all the calculations so that you have "£XXXXX plus £XXX which you have charged me in overdraft interest for the sum which you have taken. Total £XXXXX ." I found the spreadsheet on the forum confusing...(I had already started mine and was just waiting for the Statements to come because I thought there was more charges to come from before October 02... but it was a complete waste of time... (Except that they are still charging me and I have included the new charges). Really, really confused and frustrated... Could someone please help me make sense of the charges that I have to calculate etc...? Would be grateful if Bankfodder could give me some pointers... Look forward to any help!
  9. Hi....everyone! Just something I saw on a bbc website...has anyone else heard anything about this...? BBC NEWS | Have Your Say | Would you pay monthly bank charges? Its a Have Your Say forum... Here an extract to give you a gist of it... ======================================================= Would you pay monthly bank charges? Bank customers do not want to pay monthly charges, even if it would mean overdraft fees are dropped, says a report. A YouGov survey of more than 2000 people found that just 8% wanted a regular fee with 1% wanting a charge for each transaction. If the High Court rules that the level of penalty charges is unlawful then banks may try to recoup their losses by bringing in monthly fees, or charging for each transaction. Some experts suggest that penalty fees, which can be as high as £35, effectively subsidise the accounts of those who do not incur them. Would you prefer to keep penalty fees or be charged monthly or per transaction? What would extra bank charges mean for you? ============================================= Not sure what I think of this.... I don't want to be paying anything on my bank account. It seems that banks are trying to get their money in a different way...and we will be paying through the nose for it...
  10. Hi.. 1stlifeline I am so sorry to hear about the problems you are having with your ex. I wanted (and my daughter too) to change her name to my new one after divorcing her Father. I changed my name by Deed Poll but decided to wait until she was 16 and if she still wanted to change it we would. You haven't said how old your son is...?? I have put a link on for you to look at which should give more details on ages and consent etc. Name Change by Deed Poll - Can I change my children's name by Deed Poll? Did you sign any papers ? And check/read through them...? Maybe you signed an agreement amongst a lot of paperwork??? As far as I know she is not allowed to change his name without your consent. Change of name I do hope this helps... It seems there isn't a lot you can do unless maybe you want to take this to court... and as you stated in your letter you can no longer afford to pay Solicitors fees etc... bluedog.. Sorry I couldnt be of more help
  11. I paid the £500 out the money I got for the house...so nothing is outstanding on it.
  12. Hi Bookworm...! Just a question on editing posts/subscriptions... got a great reply from freakyleaky but not sure about the "edit folders" what is it for and how do I use it...? Also.. more to the point of this thread..can't remember what film I saw this on but... "You(a man) and your friend(a man) are in your car and going by a bus stop when you spot a gorgeous girl... you both(as in you and the girl at bus stop) have eye contact and seem to hit it off straight away. An old lady who is also at the bus stop collapses and needs to go to the hospital.. you haven't got time to phone the ambulance... Do you A: Stay with the girl... and have great time B: Take the lady to hospital C: Neither or something else..?? I got it right as soon as it was asked....lol! (Hope that is a little clearer) and no moaning about being sexist...LOL!
  13. Hi.. Not sure whether I will pursue this but I had a credit card with The Associates (Capital Corporation plc). I am sure that it was taken over by Citicards... I have statements dating from 2002...(in my married name and at the old address).. Am I still able to claim? I can remember that when I sold the house I had over £500 to pay to the credit card company... How can I find out how to claim if I cannot find statements with the company that took them over on them?
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