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  1. Just a thought but why don't we try to head xxxx them in the same way they do to us. So they have a new Solicitor. If we all write - 1 letter - reply thanking them for their notification that they are the new Solicitor for A&L 1 week later 1 letter - asking if they have our details 1 week later 1 letter - asking if they are prepared to negotiate (asking for full amount of course) There must be a couple of thousand people just dealing with A&L. That will cost us 3 x 2nd class stamps. (which we can reclaim) It will cost them a horrendous amount of time and they will obviously bill A&L for this. Now that A&L are owned by a private concern rather than being one of the main players might play into our hands. Maybe they will realise that we are all pxxxxx off with their endless stalling and decide to pay out....... S'pose not but at least we will keep their costs running up and have a bit of fun at their expence for a change.
  2. Personally no mortgage - but I am claiming £4G from them about 4 months before they closed down for the test case. You MUST read the FAQ on all sites, they will help you understand you are not alone. They will also help you to put your personal bits into perspective - never mind what the Bank says, you always have an option. Start a spreadsheet or an HTML .DOC file (with Links) if you are up to it. You will have so much information hitting you that you will feel overwhelmed but remember we (some) of us are always here to help you along. Put this into perspective - even if I lose - I have gained 3 years and made them wait 2 and not default against me - and even if they win - I pay them £5 a month. Geoff PS Even if you were my worst enemy, I would still help you when you are up against the big boys - and so would everyone else on this site.
  3. 1 DON'T PANIC 2 read the FAQ section 3 remember there are lots of people here who have been in the same situation. It's a bit quiet at the moment due to the test case but people still pop in and check the posts. Geoff
  4. I think it is about time we started talking to the other Protest Groups in the country about a Public show of feelings ( Poll Tax comes to mind. ) Bank Charges, Petrol, Beer Tax, even taxes on what we have saved, over a lifetime. We can't afford to work, earn or spend money, travel to work or relax afterwards. Or for that matter stay with our wives - cheaper to live separately. (no offence intended to those of us who are not married) Come on Guys let's get it together and give this Govt something to pay attention to.
  5. No hearing date just a transfer - that's why I am thinking about the contempt argument.....
  6. Update Case now transferred to Bristol County Court. Either, 1 Judge playing for time because he knows something or 2 Judge passed it to his boss because of possible Contempt ruling against A&L or 3 my argument (about time involved for case to come to fruition being unacceptable) is seen as vaild. Either way it isn't a final decision on the stay.
  7. Thanks Jan, I hadn't sent my reply to the Court so I pulled it and used a lot of what you have mentioned. Also said to the Judge :- With due respect to the Court, it is suggested that a 5 year delay in any decision is not beyond reasonable question and I fail to see why my case should be held up on delay, on one point of Law, which will more likely than not be decided out of Court before a Legal decision can be made. I try to keep up with the fresh posts every day or so otherwise it gets too much.
  8. bonus..... just had an email from Wragges, Recoveries and Finance Team - Complex apparently a real person..... " I am in receipt of the e-mail sent regarding your bank account. I would appreciate it if you would give me a call to discuss this matter as I would like to understand further the current situation so I can attempt to resolve it. " so I sent her an email with brief details on my complaint and the response (not) that I had received (and also that I had complained to the Judge about their attempt to gain a Pecuniary Advantage). I await yet another response in avid anticipation..........
  9. Just received the second and FINAL demand for payment. Phoned the Court (Taunton) asking about my stay being lifted and was told that they were running about a fortnight behind. Explained to the girl behind the phone what was happening and met a brick wall with, "I can't comment on Legal issues" written all over it - why employ them in a Court if they can't answer simple questions ??? Phoned SIDRS (A&L) and was told that all I had to do was pay £1 a week against the amount owed to keep the account with A&L rather than it being sold off to an outside DC agency. With the following added on :- Court Costs £108 Solicitor Coast £80 Interest 8% I politely told her that the A&L owed me 5 times more than they were trying to get from me, starting in January 07 when they ignored my request to stop my DD's and that I would rather go to Devils Island than give them a penny. She told me that she would hold the account for another week until I could give her a Court date. - nice Lady, why is she working there ??? Just emailed Steptoe (rags) and told them to tell their client to get their act together or it would cost them approx another £4-500 in wasted costs and FO penalty. This is going to look good in Court as they issued the first demand the day after the block Stay was ordered and are clearly trying to intimidate people (I can't be the only one). Bring on the Judge.........
  10. one step nearer to celebrating. ps I might be running a pub in westbury very soon........ I EXPECT some serious custom.......... good luck G
  11. Hi, just received a letter from the above demanding payment for £1xxx.xx. Phoned them up expecting to talk to a PI / Bailiff type person and was pleasantly suprised to find my call answered by an A&L employee. When I told her that I was in the middle of a Court case, I was told that there were 'no more Court cases' and that they had been instructed to close and collect. I politely informed her that my case had been stayed and that I had applied for it to be lifted because it not only referred to 'charges' but the fact that A&L had ignored my request to stop my DD from January. She again tried to tell me that there were no cases now and that she had to arrange collection. I politely told her to speak to her Solicitors and check the facts before sending me any more threatening letters. She told me she had all those details in front of her........... I await their next move in avid anticipation. OMG this is going to fuel my FO complaint by at least another £££'s. I imagine a lot of others are going to be hearing from this Division in the near future...... On the bright side it shows a complete lack of professionalism and a degree of contempt towards the Court as they haven't bothered to wait to see if the Stay holds before threatening me Any others get this type of letter ??? G
  12. I think that refers to LLoyds. Go to the Litigation section above this forum and do the A&L printout - count them and you'll get your relevant info.
  13. BBC NEWS | Business | Monthly bank charges 'not wanted' See the above link for the story. Looks like the banks/gov are starting to build a defence of sorts. I suppose we'll never know but it would be interesting to find out the demographic makeup of the 2k people - all under 18 and/or millionaires I suppose. Would be a good idea to start building a demographic profile of all the people registered on this site who are claiming or have won - and amounts. You can bet that surveys like these will form part of any defence the banks enter.
  14. Don't give up - see #2 2. Liberty to either party to remove the stay Apply for a removal using the templates available and I'm sure the Court will make a decision in your favour. You'll probably find that they just issued a blanket notice to see what response they get - don't forget to mention that A&L are not participating in the Test Case.
  15. I spoke to TAUNTON County Court this morning and they told me that each and every application for a stay was being decided on it's merits, and that my AQ was in the post.
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