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Everything posted by laylaglantz

  1. Just to let everyone know that I had a succesfull default removal after Abbey put it on my credit record after a succesfull bank charges claim. I sent them the first Data Subject Notice letter and received a letter within one month to inform me that my default would be removed as a gesture of goodwill. So it can be done, keep on it everybody and thanks for all the help and advice, I could never have done it without this forum x
  2. Hi can anyone help with defaults? Abbey have just informed me that they will not remove my default because the bank charges they refunded were a goodwill payment and therefore they were not illegal. Any suggestions on any further steps I can take? Thanks,
  3. it's just that if they did send me a default letter then I am assuming they will not take it off, but as the default was a desicion based on money that was almost all bank charges, I thought maybe I should request a default removal on different grounds. I just don't want to mess it up.
  4. Hi all, I have got all the templates for requesting the removal of the default, but i am a little worried as I think I did receive a letter and if I did then Abbey may produce it when I request it! If this happens am I in the dog house and will I ever get the default removed, i am thinking maybe it would be better to use a different approach, any ideas? layla x
  5. Yeh all the same claim, i am not very good at this keeping my threads organised thing am I! Sorry!
  6. the default was applied on the 20/11/06 because I did not pay off my overdraft of 723.90 when they requested it (as I was in the middle of my claim), I received 705.62 from my claim (will this cause a problem because of the discrepency? As soon as my bank charges were paid into my bank I paif off the remaining balance to bring my account to a zero balance.
  7. Abbey have paid me back charges but when I checked my experian record I realised that they had defaulted my account, I need to get rid of it ASAP, anybody got any advice? Thanks x:)
  8. I recently received a settlement from Abbey but when I checked my Experian record I noticed they had put on a default notice, I am trying to get them to remove it, although I would like to know the best method and also if anybody has managed to get a default removed by abbey (they seem like hard task masters!) thanks x:confused:
  9. Thanks for that Michael, although I am not sure if I should work out the interest on the amount of money they owed me before they put £260 into my bank as a goodwill payment or not. What do you think? layla
  10. Thankyou, I think I will do the N1 then I can send it all together, good luck!
  11. Just submitting my online money claim, there is nowhere to attach any charges list, is that because I don't have to? Thankyou layla
  12. Help please, I have got this far with my particulars of claim. What do I put in (and also interest at same rate up to the date of judgment or earlier payment at a daily rate of (£0.00). Is there a standard rate? Also why doesn't this template have a space for my bank charges before 8% interest, is this not needed? Thanks in advance. Claimant has account 33969768 with Defendant from 2nd July 1998 conducted on their standard terms and conditions. Claimant is claiming the return of money taken by Defendant in charges over 6 years. The Defendant's charges are a disproportionate penalty and therefore unenforceable as they are contrary to common law. They are also invalid under the Unfair Contracts Terms Act 1977 s.4 and under the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999.Para.8 and sch.2.1.e. In the event that the charges are not a penalty they are unreasonable within the meaning of the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 s.15. Defendant has declined justification of charges despite repeated requests. Claimant claims interest under Sec.69 of the County Courts Act 1984 at a rate of 8% a year from 24.04.2004 to 16.08.2006 of £75.55 and also interest at same rate up to the date of judgment or earlier payment at a daily rate of (£0.00).
  13. Thanks for your help, just one more thing, do I subtract the amount they have already paid into my account as a so called GWG in my claim? Also I have already added all the interest charges stated on my account in my initial request, what is the 8% interst all about? layla:cool:
  14. I was asking for £667.58 to be repayed so they haven't offered even half, but how do I go about starting court proceedings, i am confused as per usuall.
  15. Hi I sent my LBA and they offered me a GWG of £260 which they have payed into my account. I then sent a letter refusing and stating that I would take the next legal step if they did not pay the full amount within 14 days. They wrote back saying that they would still not pay the full amount. What is the next step, do I begin court proceedings? If so how do I go about this? Thanks Layla
  16. Abbey have cancelled £260 of my charges and put money into my account, I wrote to them refusing this amount and they wrote within 14 days saying they had investigated and considered this payment a fair gesture. What do I do next, I know nothing about legal proceedings. Do I write again refusing, if not what is the next step and where are the templates I need etc. HELP PLEASE!!!!!!! Thanks Layla:confused:
  17. I sent request letter with money owed breakdown and recieved a letter back saying - investigation done and offering me £220 pluss two further charges of £20 each to be refunded. I don't know which letter to send next? thanks layla
  18. Really confused, they have offered me a goodwill payment, no way I will accept but I dont know what to do next, is there a template letter for this? Or do I just send "leeter before consumer action" saying i want a full refund?
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