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  1. Thank you for reply did write all about my prob with your quote hit the post quick reply an gone forevev cant find see if this gets anywere then i will post again not to good at this
  2. Can anyone give me info on Marlin capital europe now marlin finaancial sevices now ("marlin") they have my loan of nram which i pay every month .think they are the same as all these credit guys thanks chris
  3. Thanks for the fast reply been in touch with nat west colections they no longer have my loan its gone to Allied International i pay 1£ a month to natwest i am in arears but do i still get my goodwill gester from R.B.S for my ppi or do i have to pay off the interest to natwest who say they no longer own the debt total confused thanks chris
  4. had a pi granted to me from the bank of Scotland but Nat west has gave it to allied international credit.Who are these credit people thanks chris:?:
  5. No prob at the moment but new to all this just reading you never know who you can trust the banks are worse but thanks for reply
  6. ANY more updates on this company thanks chris
  7. hi all need advice I am the excutor of my Mothers estate in Eire. After Three years The estate has finally been sold, and the money is held with the solicitors. 6 weeks ago a distant member of my family walked into the solicitors office and stated he wished to make a claim agaist the estate. My solicitor then informed me to protect my interests he would have to put a notice in the local newspapers. the notice went into the local newspapaer. Anyone who wishes to make a claim againts so and so should do so in writing within 28 days. After the 28 days no claim had been made in writing. I was informed that after this date any claims would be STAtutory BARRED. yesterday my relation went into the office and informed my solicitor he was makin g a claim, and had a solicitor. My solicitor informs me that because he made known his claim six weeks prior he would have to accept it. He would give him another 7 days to put his claim in. Is it me or is my solicitor correct, And what is the meaninng of Statutory barred. Can he make a claim. I am confused and woul be grate ful for any information. Please move this on if I am not in the right forum as I am new to this. Thank you Chris. vbrep_register("778965")
  8. cheers will try that chris
  9. priority one how do i move it cheers chris
  10. hi maybe i am in the wrong place on this one is it possible for admin to put me in my place cheers all chris
  11. hi all need advice I am the excutor of my Mothers estate in Eire. After Three years The estate has finally been sold, and the money is held with the solicitors. 6 weeks ago a distant member of my family walked into the solicitors office and stated he wished to make a claim agaist the estate. My solicitor then informed me to protect my interests he would have to put a notice in the local newspapers. the notice went into the local newspapaer. Anyone who wishes to make a claim againts so and so should do so in writing within 28 days. After the 28 days no claim had been made in writing. I was informed that after this date any claims would be STAtutory BARRED. yesterday my relation went into the office and informed my solicitor he was makin g a claim, and had a solicitor. My solicitor informs me that because he made known his claim six weeks prior he would have to accept it. He would give him another 7 days to put his claim in. Is it me or is my solicitor correct, And what is the meaninng of Statutory barred. Can he make a claim. I am confused and woul be grate ful for any information. Please move this on if I am not in the right forum as I am new to this. Thank you Chris.
  12. cheer once again thanks very much for your help chris
  13. hi priority one its got to be at least ten year ago not had a card since then now three companies are after same debt but the debt varies thanks for all your help chris
  14. hi all new to all this took early retiement ten years ago not had a credit card since then paid em all off then went to the far east 2006 had letter from thames credit now back in uk £1,822,66 then four letters from bcwells formal demand legal notificatin then final notice visit ivestigation officerthey want £1,861.16 ignord all letters somone told me not to get in touch they have even foned my mom a few times then today 20-4-07 got a letter notice of pending legal action from geoffreyparkerbourne in the same type envelope and address in scotland as bcw how do i stop these peaple bothering me i had a morgage 4 year ago that was no problem any help out there thanks in advance you are all doing a great job by the way took me ages to type this with one finger got to put a plaster on it now cheers all chris
  15. hi all very new to all this but reading your replys you all seem to be a good bunch off guys and gals cheers all chris
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