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chicken crazy

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  1. Youngeman I held onto the cheque (LOL) and wrote- no thanks...... I'm still about £100 short so when the second cheque arrives I may write again and say ... no thanks....but there again, they may ask for them both back or stop them or something so I will probably give in... much as I wanted to cash the first cheque I didn't as I thought it may show up of their computer screen etc... so I'm glad now I didn't cash it! Shame this approach doesn't work for RBS!
  2. So annoyed, just phoned Mint to try and 're-negotiate' their silly amount they offered me - the department involved wouldn't even speak to me speaking through a worker I was told their letter was a 'final offer'. I advised all I was trying to do was prevent cost incurring via going through the court process.. I am so angry now at the rudeness of them. The amount I am claiming back £69.50!! I advised them in my last letter I would persue in court - would this count as a LBA. Do I go to the MCOL stage now?
  3. ohhh really, I bet there is loads out there like me that didn't realise that, I thought it was for everything...... so thanks for that. Just a quick update out of the blue this morning MBNA wrote to me offering an increase in their offer,,, not sure why! its still not the full amount now I've got the dilema of 'accepting something rather than nothing'
  4. Having started the process of trying to reclaim from various banks/credit cards. Due to the 'test case' I feel it may be prudent to wait for the outcome rather than accept 'silly' goodwill offers or go to court which will also be on 'hold'. Banks have sent out letters saying if we do not hear from u within..... we will assume that is the end of the matter and will close 'the complaint'. I wonder if we will need a 'template' to say - actually we wish u not to close our case but keep it open until after the OFT test case? (or words to that effect). Guess my concern is having come so far and having to start all over again at a later date - then getting into sticky wickets with banks who think the matter has been resolved. What do site moderators think?
  5. Livelylad, tell me your not gonna say go to a new thread! LOL
  6. oooooh thats another thought anyone know if we can do this??
  7. now Livelylad I'm beginning to think your picking on me...LOL You've posted that more than once on my threads..... I struggle with when I start a thread I just continue debating issues within it, I guess your telling me each issue needs a seperate thread........
  8. oops sorry is that me doing it wrong? I thought once I started a thread I just continued with what ever happens.. sorry..
  9. Thankyou for the thread to the letters, it looks like I am not able to keep the cheque and pursue the rest, one or the other. MBNA told me how much they 'valued my custom' but maintained this is the full and final settlement. I still feel like I ought to be keeping this cheque and pursuing the rest, but given that 'the test case' is going to delay all claims for a considerable time I can only respond 'with a I'll wait until the outcome of the test case before proceeding'. Seems a bit lame........ is it me or do others feel the same???
  10. MBNA (Virgin card) offered 50% of my claim and sent me a cheque to that amount... on the basis of ' this is in full and final settlement of your complaint'. I want to put the cheque into my account as I am skint- however, can I do that and then go on the claim the rest, will this be seen as 'dishonest' in some way given their stipulations when they issued the cheque? Please can anyone advise.....
  11. Whilst we would love the banks to loose - the cynical side of me thinks that they hold a lot of power/have 'contacts'- regarding influencing court outcomes. Do u think the courts may 'uphold' some of the arguments from both sides and negotiate say 'acceptable fees'?
  12. tonycee- Thankyou for the posts, I loved the first one about the court, so funny....... would like that judge to be on the Somerset circuit!! Wonder if we should posts a request about peoples experiences in certain areas, obviously naming no-one! Guess my problem is I have really understood the process all the way up to the court bit and totally lost my way with now... I should really be slapping in about 5 court requests but don't know how to and I think that would show through on the paperwork! lessing my request. also what is even more annoying these credit cards have made offers of about £40 when they probably only owe me £90 each... why on earth do they play silly games - why don't they just return all of my money.....
  13. Wow superb reading- what humour, can we get that judge to sit on the the Somerset Courts please?
  14. Wow thanks for such an interesting perspective - I hope others get to see those responses as they are very informative. Thankyou After much debate we have decided to accept Barclays offer but push ahead with the credit cards (Barclays, nat west. mint and citi) and possibly a few others. To accept the offer I would also have to sign a form that would prevent me from claiming any more 'full settlement acceptance or something to that effect'. Thankyou all once again, I will update you as I go through the stages.... good luck to you all.
  15. Today I received a letter from Barclays offering me 'goodwill etc...' re bank charges a fraction of what they owe us. I don't wish to accept but given the headlines from Natwest today I am questioning wether to go to court. I really want to go to court but loosing the nerve/not sure how to go to court. I have several cards I also wish to go to court with, can anyone offer some words of wisdom in all this madness? Is it become 'very risky' going to court in 'certain areas' of the country and is the likely hood of success starting to dwindle? Also Barclays have intimated that I may wish to bank elsewhere in future!!! Help........
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