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Everything posted by jeneil

  1. You could phone the court the claims being transferred to, just to check that no AQ fee is payable as some still require the fee. And send an updated schedule of charges with the nudge letter to dg AND THEN WAIT....and wait some more... and nudge every 10-14 days til you hear from the local court what the judges directions are.. Good Luck..you'll get there.. it just takes a while... and in the meantime read as much as you can on this site...it helps pass the time and theres always someone to help if you're stuck..
  2. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/hsbc-bank/15457-who-has-had-managed.html?highlight=hsbc+managed+loan might be some help to you:D
  3. Hi, no money in account yet, checked today. HSBC due to be struck out tomorrow due to abuse of process. Should I phone the court & tell them settlement accepted but no money yet or just wait( they are probably bogged down and won't actually get round to looking at it tomorrow, even though that was the deadline)? Ta v much:)
  4. Date Dear Whoever Ref: Your Offer of Settlement Account: xxxxxxxx Sort Code xx-xx-xx Claim No: XXXXX in XXXX County Court I acknowledge receipt of your letter date xx/xx/xx and your settlement offer of £XXX I accept your offer as full and final settlement only for this claim of bank charges made on my account between xx/xx/xx and xx/xx/xx(dates of first and last charge) I accept this offer without prejudice and I reserve the right to make any further claims should you apply future charges that may be considered unlawful under common law or in violation of the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999 or Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977. I will be willing to withdraw my claim upon receipt of unconditional full settlement of my claim. I am also not prepared to agree to any confidentially clauses you try to impose, unless of course your client wishes to make an offer of due consideration in addition to the amount of £xxxxx, in order to be afforded this privilege by myself. I trust that you will find this arrangement acceptable. Yours sincerely, That was an acceptance letter which Lattie did for FL so it might be a help to you sorry I can't help with the rest of the questions:)
  5. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bank-templates-library/85726-wasted-costs-order.html hi sorry I can't help you with your other questions but this is the link to the wasted costs order and to change the title of your thread you need to PM( send a private message) to a moderator. The moderators always green and site helpers pink. You can find out who's logged on when you do by scrolling down on the first welcome to CAG page, before you go into anything else, everyone logged on is shown at the bottom of the screen. Hold tight, I am sure Lattie/PD?pete will be around tomorrow and they will be able to help with the rest. I have seen a link to an acceptance letter somewhere, if I can dind that then I will post it up for you. Sorry I can't help more.
  6. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/hsbc-bank/97447-court-bundles-dummies.html Courts must be trying to help us get our money sooner! The sooner DG get the bundle the sooner you'll get your offer, they get the bundle and a couple of days later you get your offer, so go for it! It won't get as far as court, but you may be on holiday when your offer letter arrives so it might be a good idea to inform the court when you're going to be away in case you don't have time to do an acceptance letter before you go.
  7. jeneil

    Anne26 V HSBC

    yep http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/hsbc-bank/97447-court-bundles-dummies.html the above is a link which Lattie wrote and is very concise it tells you everything you need to know, but anything you need help with just ask and someone will help
  8. jeneil

    jimvic v HSBC

    It usually takes at least a week for the documentation to come from MCOL, it will probably arrive middle of next week, this is completely normal. If it hasn't come by the end of the week you could chase them up:)
  9. c) A Statement of Evidence: (post 55 in the new strategy): New strategy for Allocation Questionaires note here: hsbc uses the service charge defence - so use the first letter in post 55 hope this helps its in latties bundle http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/hsbc-bank/97447-court-bundles-dummies.html
  10. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/hsbc-bank/97447-court-bundles-dummies.html hope that helps:)
  11. Its all in Latties thread court bundles for dummies -it explains everything will post you the link in aminute:)
  12. Found it! e & f is what I thought you wanted-night!Michael Browne Platinum Account Customer Join Date: Apr 2006 Posts: 9,017 Re: Myk3yB v HSBC a,b & c Send your schedule of charges d. The Claimant is aware that each charge has been debited by the Defendant from the Claimant’s account pursuant to the terms and conditions signed by the Claimant when the account was opened. The Claimant does not contend that the same should not have been charged; merely that the charge made should have represented the Defendant’s liquidated losses and not the fixed charges applied by the Defendant according to the terms and conditions in force at the time the charge was made. e & f: The Claimant cannot specifically reply to this request in that the amount that should have been charged cannot be specified because the Defendant has failed to reply to the Claimant’s request for a breakdown of costs incurred by the Defendant in applying charges to the Claimant’s account. The Defendant’s contentions that the charges are fair, reasonable and transparent are denied because of this material failure to disclose this information. Had the Claimant been made aware of the breakdown of each and every charge debited, the Claimant would have been able to reply to this particular request.
  13. Have been trawling thru Michael Brownes posts but nothing yet.. but will keep looking. It was someone who had received an order from the court and they had about 3 different thngs to comply with or their claim would be struck out. And the court had requested that the claimant submit to the court what they thought would be a reasonable amount for the charge and the response was that the claimant could not know what a reasonable amount was as they had already asked HSBC to reveal their costs in the pre court action letters and they had declined to do so. This may help trigger your memory a bit ...it was the gist anyway.. I will find it but it may not be til tomorrow night CM:)
  14. I read it too, it was the other day I will try and find it I think Michael Browne was the one that replied to the post but not 100% on that.
  15. Fingers crossed for you for an offer early next week!!
  16. Ha ha ! Wouldn't like to be in his shoes when you've had a few bevvies!!!
  17. Husbands and partners have that knack of being disapproving whilst you're having a laff, unfortunately!!! And that just makes it even more funny!!!!
  18. And me! Congratulations!!! Enjoy!!!Well Done!!!
  19. Thats impressive ladycody, when I'm drunk I have a job to pronounce anything!
  20. Think Latty's been to Llanfair PG !!
  21. Waha! I am Jenny too and we both had offers today!! Coincidence or what!!! Well done!!! Good luck ST will keep watching your thread! Won't be long now!!
  22. Thanks LADYCODY !!!!! Its a small world.... Well done you, I have been watching your thread for the last few weeks as your date coincided with the one I had and your judge was threatening the same as mine. I didn't post Congrats as you already had loads but one more never hurt... LLONGYFARCHIADAU!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! :D :D
  23. Ie, iawn 'te! Rydan ni'n lwcus iawn bod y barnwr wedi colli amynedd efo'r Banc. Rydwi'n siwr byddwch chi'n cael yr un ymateb ges i gynnon nhw! Pob lwc! Sorry Latty, was just saying good luck to Wolfie, he's luckily having his case heard yn C'fon, its always nice to know there's fellow pobl Cymraeg on here! Diolch yn fawr! Thanks v much! Oh and have PM'd the vampire with the details:D
  24. Sorry Latty thought tomcody was a man with the name tom whoops! Should just presume everyone on heres a girly unless told otherwise!! Thanks for all the advice, have tried to pm hsbcrusher but his mailbox is full , will try another one! Keep up all your good work. and A BIG THANKYOU. Good luck Wolfie, if your case is going to Caernarfon looks promising for you. Pob lwc mae bob dim yn edrych yn addawol iawn i chi!
  25. Thanks freak & Jowalshy Can't believe it!
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