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  1. As far as im aware from the A&L website, the banks are gonna put all cases on hold until the test case is over. They also state that the OFT support this action and that they will ask the courts to hold any cases pending. Don't quite know what this means for the claiments tho, I am pursuing A&L for a small amout (sub £300) part of which is an error by them so I think I am gonna write and ask them to hold the account (which I stopped using) and not to add anymore charges or intrest until the case has been heard and hopefully if the OFT win they will have no way of getting out of paying lol. Link to news on A&L site is : https://www.mybank.alliance-leicester.co.uk/index.asp# and click on the latest news link. Just seen boston 3603's post so im gonna do this to lol
  2. he he he just 141'ed em and rang em again, id'ed themselves as a company called "Direct Debt Solution's" any more info on them? gonna google em now lol
  3. Hmmmm Think Im gonna start a thread to list these unknown numbers and try to link them with the companies responsible lol
  4. Nice advice, scarlet you seem to know your stuff
  5. Not gonna ring back an 0870 number and i am fairly certain i will gaet a recorded msge saying " thanks for calling one of our representatives have been trying to get in touch with yoiu and will try again soon". saying that though i just checked it and it just goes dead, spose it is after 23.00hrs (lol)
  6. Also, i havent had any thing to do with YES loans as i know my credit rating is in the toilet (lol)
  7. Yeah tried that, got an article on another website also had 08703302521 as another number possibly used by YES, checked my phone and that no had rung me last week as well lol. I just don't get why (if it is YES loans) did'nt they tell me and said all that rubbish about a letter?
  8. Had a very strange telephone call today, well 3 actually but I missed the first two lol. I happened to miss a call to my mobile at 12.00 from 08703302522 and then again at 1500, so I decided to do a little detective work cos I know all the DCA's n stuff use em to catch u out (been reading up on here lol) and the only thing I could find on them was a article on another website about em being Yes Loans and that I must have filled in an application online. Having not filled one out I decided to answer the next time they called, which they did at 1948. The conversation went something like this - "Me Hello (nothing for 15-20 seconds then) THEM Yes can I speak to ****** ******* Me Can I ask who's calling please Them It's ****** (first name only) and Im calling about a letter, are you ****** ******* Me I think you have the wrong number" (hang up) Who on earth are they??? Does anybody know? Im assuming it's a DCA and I will admit that I have been buring my head in the sand for about 6 years (very bad time, very long story) and Im only just starting to sort myself out after joining this site and getting the courage to face up to it all, but surly this cant be legal, they did'nt identify which company they worked for and it's obviously not a private number (lots of office noise in the background) and besides which they were calling my mobile and no-one has the number. Think I might have to change it, can anyone tell me who uses this number I tried saynoto0870 but had no luck. Any info or advice is greatly appreciated.
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