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Everything posted by Dskelly1001

  1. yes, i am on benefits. does anyone know what is meant when it says leave will be required?
  2. i have an eviction scheduled for today and i need to know whether or not it is worth going to the court to ask for it to be stayed. this has been going on for a while now, tried SMI tried MRS everything fell through at last minute. im in arrears with mortgage company. i know now that nothing can be done to stop repossession but i still have not found somewhere else to live. i've had the warrant stayed 3 times all together now and not sure if judge will grant another. there is currently me, my 1yr old daughter and 19yr old daughter living here. my most recent order from court, which was the last time warrant was stayed was on 18/05/2011. i told the judge i had a property to move in to on the 1st of this month but the landlord has been giving me the runaround and now i cant get in touch with him so that is no longer available. My last court order said: IT IS ORDERED THAT 1. the application to suspend the warrant of possession is dismissed 2. the execution of the warrant is stayed but the execution may take place at the bailiffs earliest convenience from 1st june 011 3. any further application to suspend the warrant will be reserved to District Judge and leave will be required before any such application is considered can anyone tell me what the third one means? do i have any grounds to ask for it to be stayed again while i sort out alternative accommodation, (such as my 1yr old). i can probably get money together for private landlord but i just need more time to find a place. if so what should i put in my form for the court, do i have much chance of success. i can get to the court for it opening but the eviction is at 11.30. CAN ANYONE HELP, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!
  3. hi, i searched for a recent statement today but couldnt find 1, so i rang platform this afternoon and asked how much the charges were in total and if they were included in the arrears, the gentlemen i spoke to said "no they are a separate account" he asked why i was enquiring and i said i had spoke with Consumer Action Group who were giving me advice on tomorrows hearing and needed these details, he then asked if i had an income and expenditure form completed, i said yes but it was pointless going through it again as the figure i had now was less than the amount i offered to pay off the arrears last week, he said he would still go through it and refer the amount offered to his manager. i did this and was put on hold whilst he spoke with manager, he came back and said "ok the eviction is cancelled and we will accept your offer"!!!!! i dont know whether it was because i spoke to someone different than the rude woman i spoke to twice last week or because i told them i was recieving advice from yourselves. either way thank you,
  4. yeah i will have a recent statement, ill let you know in morning what charges are on this, thanks again for your help
  5. no, didnt quote anything like that.
  6. hi, yeah i have photocopy of N244, Q 10 he wrote..asking court to suspend warrant due to personal and financial circumstances, gave reasons for my sickness from work over last year, also that i have new baby, says which benefits i am now claiming and how much i currently pay toward the mortgage shortfall after DWP payments. attached is income and expenditure and what i propose to pay off arrears. also says based on my offer it would take 7 years to repay the arrears which is well within the remaining term of existing mortgage...... if you want it word for word i can do that if it can be sent just to yourself ell. i also attached photo copies of DWP payments that have been made and that will be paid in the future.
  7. hi, the hearing is for wed 10am, they didnt have a space at the court i took N244 to so have to travel much further to another court, i have a letter from my lender off nov last year which says total costs incurred to date are £2236.26, total arrears stand at £5890. i think i have a more recent one, i will have a look.
  8. hi, im taking N244 form to court this afternoon so will just have to wait for hearing, as for the charges on my mortgage statement... these are nearly £3,000 and are included with the arrears, i asked at CAB about this but he said it was pointless putting this across to judge as the fees will be legal., shall i still take statement with me, i,ll be leaving in about half hour.
  9. thanks for the forms, i spoke with CAB today and have an app mon morning, he told me to take n244 there and he would go through it with me, eviction date is wed not tues as i said earlier, he said i would get an emergency hearing before wed. also im a bit confused about DWP and the amount they pay for mortgage interest, ,my mortgage payments are £260 monthly and DWP pay £226 approx, im not on interest only as i enquired a while ago about switching to this and was going to have to pay a fee to have this done. the letter in have from lender says mortgage subscription is £260 so there is a shortfall of £34 that i need to pay monthly, i only received this letter last week though. it looks to me like DWP are paying more than they should be if they are only meant to be paying interest. i really should know this but dont so how will i find out? the charges you mentioned earlier are ridiculous, i never really read statements from lender ( i know i should ) it looks like more than half the arrears are made up of charges for failed dd,s admin charges and late payments. any advice welcome.
  10. hi, the mortgage is in my name only, i have a 6 week old baby an 18 yr old daughter and 22 yr old son who live with me, ill have a look at statement now im sure the charges are included with the amount of arrears.
  11. next tuesday, 10th march, i know ive left it late for advice and to try to sort things out, but it was only last week that the lender told me how much i would have to pay extra ( which is £36 ) that wil make up the full mortgage payment, when i spoke to them today they said i did not send back the income and expenditure form they sent me before xmas, i did send it back but they must not have recieved it.
  12. the lender is platform, tomorrow morning is fine, im grateful for your help.
  13. i really dont want to lose my home especially as i now have a 6 week old baby, i will be returning to work as soon as i can and hopefully get my financial problems sorted, but at the minute only have the benefits i mentioned earlier.
  14. due to financial difficulties i fell behind with mortgage payments over a year ago, i have arrears of 5000, due to loss of emoloyment and now having an new baby the DWP is paying mortgage interest which is £220 per month, my mortgage is £258 a month and the lender informed me last week i need to pay the extra to make up full mortgage payment. however i recieved eviction notice for 10th march, i have spoke to lender who have said that because i already have reposession suspended from last year, and i have not made payments that court ordered i need to either pay half off the arrears or arrange payments to monthly to reduce the arrears, i offered to pay £100 monthly extra but they will not accept this and are continuing with eviction. when i attended court last year to have repossession suspended i agreed to pay extra off arrears as i was hoping to return to work, however due to pregnancy i could not return to work and now claim income support £64 weekly and child tax credits £61 weekly plus child benefit of £20 a week, i would struggle to pay £100 off arrears each month but need to keep my home for myself and children. when i spoke to lender today they said i could apply to the court again but its unlikely they will suspend it again as this is the 4th eviction notice i have had. i cant find money to pay off half the arrears and dont know what else i can do. any help would be appreciated.
  15. hi, i have hearing tomorrow morning at 10am, if anyone has advice on what to say and what will happen i would be very grateful.
  16. Due to long term sickness myself and my partner being made redundant i have fallen into arrears with my mortgage, i now have eviction notice for wed 24th, i know i have left this late but have tried to raise enough money to pay some of arrears, however i have been unable to do this. i spoke with a very unsympathic lady from mortgage company earlier today explaining situation, basically the arrears on mortgage total £5,000 and she told me that only a substantial offer would stop eviction, i asked if £300 would stop this but she said no (even though i dont have this sort of money) is there any way i can have the eviction suspended by court to try to raise money to stop me losing my home. Ps, i have had eviction notice earlier in year but managed to pay an amount which was my normal monthly payment which stopped the eviction. any advice welcome.
  17. hi vixsta. The line of work that i'm in is factory/production and i'm a production op. I do still have a copy of my original contract. I was given my clockings records before the hearing. I was only informed about the hearing on friday morning and the hearing took place on friday afternoon. However, i was absent from work on the thursday (unauthorised absence). Other people were given their disciplinary hearings on the thursday, including 1 person who was dismissed for his attendance and timekeeping but he already had warnings issued on previous occasions and 1 other person who was given a final warning for his attendance, he already had warnings for a different reason.
  18. On 20/06/08 i was told to attend a disciplinary hearing at work which was for my bad timekeeping, (20 occasions of lateness, all within 5 minutes of the start of my shift), 1 occasion of sickness and 1 occasion of unauthorised absence. the main reason was for my bad timekeeping. All of these were due to problems at home which are now solved, finally. I started this job in december 07 so i'm still in my 1st year of employment. At the hearing i was told that the company had decided to terminate my employment. I have never had a review during my probationary period and therefore have never been told that my timekeeping was a cause for concern. had i been given this opportunity i would have made every effort to improve. i was dismissed on friday and received my dismissal letter on saturday morning. I have never had any warnings from my employer but i still skipped all warning stages and was dismissed immediately, even though i know of employees that have been through all warning stages up to their final warning, only to have their final warnings extended when they have comitted an act of gross misconduct again, (i.e. coming to work under the influence of alcohol). At the present moment in time the company is facing financial difficulties and i feel they have used my attendance/timekeeping as an excuse to dismiss me. Have the company done anything illegal or in breach of contract. Also, in my appeal, should i explain the reasons for my bad timekeeping and go for the sympathetic vote or should i have a good read through my contract and try to find a way where they have broken 1 of their own rules to dismiss me? Can anyone give me any advice as i only get 5 days to appeal this decision. thanks
  19. Can anyone give me a link to the page that contains the "relevant case law to penalty charges". I need a copy for my court bundle and i cant find one anywhere.
  20. Im putting together all documents and will be submitting allocation q tomorrow but ive noticed some charges that i have not put on original claim, do i leave these off or put them onto the list of charges i will be sending to court and bank,
  21. I am busy getting my cout bundle ready but when i listed my charges i didnt use a spreadsheet i just typed out my charges in a list and sent these to the bank. I asked for interest but only up to the date of my claim and when i filled in the mcol claim form i said i didnt want to reserve the right to claim interest up to the date of judgement. Would i be able to just use the list that i typed out and what could i use as proof of the interest up to the date of my claim? Also, 2 of the charges i originally asked for have gone beyond 6 years, do i just remove these from my list and ask for the new amount?
  22. received allocation questionaire, i have until 5th july to return, 10 minute hearing scheduled for aug 28th, has anyone else been this far, if so what are the chances of A&L turning up for the hearing, any advice welcome please.
  23. I have started the process of reclaiming my bank charges from barclays, however today is the 40th day since i requested my statements and still nothing. I sent my first letter with a cheque for £10 which was returned with a letter saying my statements would be sent free of charge within the 40 day time scale. I waited 30 days and still nothing so i sent a reminder letter and today, still no statements. What do i do next? please help? :confused:
  24. I have started the process of reclaiming my bank charges from barclays, however today is the 40th day since i requested my statements and still nothing. I sent my first letter with a cheque for £10 which was returned with a letter saying my statements would be sent free of charge within the 40 day time scale. I waited 30 days and still nothing so i sent a reminder letter and today, still no statements. What do i do next? please help? :confused:
  25. I have started the process of reclaiming my bank charges from barclays, however today is the 40th day since i requested my statements and still nothing. I sent my first letter with a cheque for £10 which was returned with a letter saying my statements would be sent free of charge within the 40 day time scale. I waited 30 days and still nothing so i sent a reminder letter and today, still no statements. What do i do next? please help?:-?
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